messages to takenbytrees:
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from jarofporter : same here...
from xnamehere :
i'm sorry about your gram. *hugs* my family has never been very supportive of me and i totally get the whole being disconnected from them . in any case, i'm sorry you're feeling so alone. <33
from integrating :
I enjoyed reading your diary, and i love the movie Winter Passing. :)
from jaysthoughts :
Your username reminds me of a scene from Evil Dead. o_o
from reckon-this :
One, I love your dland handle. It makes me think of evil kidnapping trees. Two, next time you're dealing with arrogant starbucks kids, you should try asking them to DEFINE 'fascist'. The answers are always hilarious. ;)
from goodluckgold :
lol! that's good and that;s okay if you messed up i do that all the time!
from goodluckgold :
No, I didn't say how old are you, but I am still very flattered that you told me, but I said how are you. lol
from goodluckgold :
hello, how are you?
from clapclapclap :
who needs signigcant others when you've got a cat?
from mmmfactor :
I can definitely relate to what you wrote yesterday [6/17]. I am going through the same series of feelings and perhaps even the same situation,from the looks of it. My only advice is that you don't blame yourself or apologise for things you didn't do or did do. I hope it gets better and he opens up to you and finally communicates. g'luck w/ everything.

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