messages to adancingfool:
(click here to add new message):

from critterwil :
Where the hell are you? I hope you've found a job. Anyway...I was reading this article on you'll never believe the terminology used in the article! Well...just check it out... Christa (critterwil) (Lauren's Friend) (your wife met me at Lauren's baby shower)
from moxie-pixie :
Oh my god! You are soooo funny! I would have never have thought that when I first met you ;)
from nakedembrace :
hahahahah, you're fucking hilarious.
from allthatsleft :
Holy shit, you are fucking hilarious. Good one with the pink m&ms turning people into homosexuals. Keep doing what you're doing, whatever that may be. -Some random guy you don't know named Seb
from uberfrau :
You're so funny. Lauren told me to read your diary., and you're now a favorite.
from ringoffire :
I had no idea that you'd turned gay way back in February! Why don't people ever tell me these things? I'm always the last to know...Christ.

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