messages to adumbration:
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from idleboy22 :
from halee :
Top secret transmission: 29 JAN 2004, the subject formerly in question has been located. (wink, wink)
from no-yes-maybe :
I really like your diary.
from mentalblank :
Ain't love grand??? Half the time I can't decide if I want to kiss him or bop him in the makes for a very interesting sex life!!
from tinywings :
hey! yours is certainly one of the best diaries lying around in this little corner of the web. it cheers me up to go read your your stuff, you just sound so positive and full of energy! i especially liked the episode when your toilet flooded your house ;-) i know that's a bit mean to say but i do. so rock on, and i wanna read new entries soon!
from accentor :
I read a few of your entries... your profile... and I find you entirely amusing and entertaining. :)
from ashes2beauty :
just stumbled accross your are hilarious! looking forward to more entries
from dcalien :
You are too funny, Andrea.
from z0tl :
adumbration fact #74: "i like people who have a bit of an edge and who are quirky." no need to take any action, you must like me then.
from weeme :
ack, ack and argh... that was s'pose to read SEVEN (not "seen") children from five different fathers strewn across the country, but it appears that my "v" key is really, really, really scared of me too.
from hemopoetic :
i signed your guestbook but submitted before i was finished by accident. it won't let me post again so i came here. i just wanted to say that i hope you feel better soon because the fainting thing sounds scary. i'm sure you'll come though as strong as ever. *smile* you have your wonderful friends there to help you get through it too. you'll be fine. i just hope you get fine soon. hehe, okay no more rambling repetition. mwah.
from weeme :
how un-kewl is it that I forced you to open your notes and then I just ignore them? It's UBER-UN-KEWl.. but I trust that you will forgive me. Hey, guess what... I've been gleefully harassing Dom, the wise-ass in your gbook. In fact, I'm making a run at your title of "Chief Diary-Owning Canadian Guestbook Signer." That's how he refers to you, ya know. I am currently second in command, but won't stop until I've conquered it completely. Anyway, I think he's pretty smart and funny and stuff, but I've gotta ask: What's the deal with him and the llamas?!!
from i--feel :
Cool diary. I like it, and 1984 and Donnie Darko are awesome.
from dcalien :
Panties sold separately. hehe hoho haha
from raven72d :
My own vocational slot seems to be Over-Educated Ne'er-Do-Well. But I like the idea of writing utterly fabricated entries for encyclopedias. Perhaps North Korea could hire me to write their encyclopedias...
from dcalien :
I am surprised your vocation recommendation didn't say writer. Sorry bout all the notes.I just wanted to say you write well. For some reason I can't put my finger on, I feel like I may annoy you. It is never my intention. I must be losin' it.
from dcalien :
I feel so dumb. I can't find your gb. I am trying to figure out how I found dland right now. I am tracking it down. hehe You are so funny in your entries. I am pretty sure that you intro'ed me to wee. I looked at some of your pics, and can't wait to look at them all. It's nice to have a face to go with a name. After looking a loo fotolog, it made me want to make one myself. I think I overdid it, I don't think I can read all my favs all the time now. I know I always read you. Take that to the bank, and... oh yeah you probably can't get much for that. hehe cya
from cindie-loo : made a, morocco and ireland are so lovely, next time jam me into your carry on bag.
from dcalien :
I wasn't writing about you. hehe Or maybe I was, and just didn't know it at the time. I was very glad to hear from you. As my memory goes between functional, and non-existent sometimes, I can't remember, though it was either you, or weeme that were the first diaries I ever found. One of you led me to the other. That makes you both special to me. I always look forward to your updates, and read them faithfully. Not you were first. Because you are witty, and entertaining. I think you are strong.
from dcalien :
Sorry to hear about the break up. Especially at this time of year. Merry Christmas anyway.
from autum84 :
Hey adumbration... i'm one of your hundred's of readers...hehe.. i just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas..and a happy New Year !! byes autum84
from weeme :
O Andy! I would. I would 27 fling the cookie thing and get the elves to rub my feet, but i haven't been able to find any elves that can rub my feet through my lace-up shoes. All the elves in my employ are weak as kittens and unable to wend their magical fingers through the thick crepe soles of my uber-frumpy lace up shoes. Damn!
from weeme :
A character on Coronation Street just said "You know, I'm so hungry i could eat a scabby-headed horse." Just so you know, I've never been that hungry.
from dcalien :
Glad to see your entry....Maybe I should just ....shut up....Tomorrow is another day.:)
from weeme :
O look... a great big blank canvas for me to fill with painterly love for you! I all aflutter! And I am now a flybaby, thanks to you. Still trying to decide whether to kiss you or kill you. Maybe both. And i don't care what they do to me or how they berate me, I AM NOT WEARING ANY SHOES. especially the lace-up kind. Just thought you should know.

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