messages to adwhore:
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from bbbrett :
You can just chalk me up to one of those random, annoying fools that finds your site by providence alone. A little too much bourbon has the strange side effect of me leaving notes for people that list Eartha Kitt as a favorite singer. Doctors are still working on just why that is. Whatever the reason may be, good job on liking Catwoman. She sang like a mofo. A mofo that could carry a tune.
from katehackett :
My boyfriend's ( brother had the same drug stuff as your sister. He's been to rehab twice; once because he had to and once because he wanted to....hopefully he's clean now. It's rough, it really is. Good for you for not giving into her, though. Stay strong, yo.
from newfoundsoul :
i'll take that as a compliment, yours isn't so bad either...dizzy
from plaguegirl :
Hey, girlie. I put your poster up on my site. Muy bien and muchos gracias.
from curiosity-r :
Youve been invited to get reviewed at Curiosity-Reviews all you have to do is go to the website and follow the instructions!!
from mollyx :
Dude. Slugs eat CAT FOOD? Or are they just exploring? Wait. What the fuck do slugs eat, anyway? That picture is very perplexing. And I hate maggots.
from ciaramyst :
from andross :
Nabokov, the Coen Bros, Cash and Waits all make me smile huge. I'm just hopping around to all of the San Franciscan diaries and saying hello to all of the folks & reading what they have written as I will be moving out to the city in a week to see what all of the hype is about. Another damn import. Thanks for letting me peek. Andross
from unshockable :
uh...uh uh......uh
from adman :
Hi there....everyone asks me what an ADMAN my question to you is Whats an adwhore?
from swellsiren :
Didn't hear back from you, hope I didn't freak you out...not like, well the chick in my "action" entry...
from softly :
i like. of course. also, caitlin, did you see ani on a wednesday in Oct?
from swellsiren :
I have this weird feeling I have met you...maybe at Kate's Kitchen? You look/sound familiar...possibly/ probably through a past girlfriend. I lived in the city 1998/1999...Don't worry, I'm not in CA now...and I treasure Diaryland anonimity, so...anyway, kisses for both of your arms...
from funkytrash :
you linked me!! oooh joyous day!!
from funkytrash :
hey girl your pretty sexy yourself...
from abortedfetus :
where do you live, little lower haight dweller? i live on buchanan!
from mangledoll :
you make me go yum. again. damn it. that's a good thing.
from cheeseburger :
hey again. good luck with the no smoking, i wish my boyfriend had your will power...
from surly :
sassy! witty! you are rawkin' my clock, mary! xo surly
from sicko :
when i saw that you had linked me, i almost wet my pants with glee!
from confruzzled :
i love you! and i love your hampster taxidermy site! what a world full of love, eh? just wanted to tell you how much i like your diary and that i read you every day. and that i love you! love, ali
from cheeseburger :
i luv ani!!!!!!!!! :)Have you ever seen her shows? I saw one this Oct, and one November a year ago...GOOD STUFF!
from boyshaped :
ani rocks, and you're really hot,lol.
from boymonkey :
i'm going to stab you. hard. in the heart. deal with it, bitchbot whorebomb. explosions, etc.
from returnsender :
dead man, shawshank redemption, & six degrees of separation totally make my top 50 movie list!
from fret :
you are cressant fresh.

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