messages to ak28:
(click here to add new message):

from pro-keds :
no CASH? :(
from lemonaide :
oh my, thankyou.
from lemonaide :
WHO is lisa carver! who are YOU! WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?
from pro-keds :
yeah what's up kid?
from arajane :
jealous? publicity? just what are you talking about? xoxoxo
from pro-keds :
jonny's greasin' yer wheels, kid.
from nyquilgirl :
i ♥ your diary. the short entries are fantastic. fun and endearing. thank you for sharing.
from pro-keds :
jealous. of mandy.
from pro-keds :
bitch I've been trying to recruit you for years.
from paleophelia :
Do you know that we are the only to d-land members that display cloudead as a favorite in their profile? Is that RIGHT? Probably not!
from arajane :
do you hate me for posting that picture of you? because it couldn't be helped!
from keryanna :
LOL. If I were only single, I would answer that ad in a heartbeat.
from arajane :
what? no! if you do, you owe me frequent lunches at fuji.
from kittybukkake :
I want to edit stories about clotted cum! That is so rad.
from arajane :
sharp-sighted!? i thought it was a synonym for beer goggles.
from pro-keds :
does F sharp mean G flat?
from kittybukkake :
Does Milk! Milk! refer to the Sesame Street thing about milk?
from fishmael :
I had the opposite reaction to the new Warhol stamps.
from fishmael :
AK29, mi amorcito & amigo~ I wince in empathy as the stinging vibration circumscribes history into your very flesh. feliz cumpleanos, mi hermano. a sloppy x and a feelie o
from pro-keds :
If I stretch my neck I can see you from here.
from ikahana :
homie, what with the new work free friday, we have to meet for salumi some afternoon. it is a treasure indeed.
from mocoso :
i looked under your utilikilt to view your source.
from arajane :
here's a haiku for you... outside is a sea: khakis and corporate art. did you say swirkle?
from madde :
as in wow
from madde :
from ikahana :
look for ikahana my son.
from arajane :
i'm totally giving you that i-know-you're-gay look.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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