messages to amberfalls:
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from bikernurse :
Hi, you don't know me, but I lived in Korea for a year, 86-87. I have had depression for a while. Reading old notes to someone else, I disagree with you. Not everyone can go running and not everyone is cured by it. SOME people truly need medication. I know.
from icedaughter :
you are wonderfully philosophical aren't you. =)
from skywriter :
Hey, if you decide to warm up down in Florida, let me know. I'll give you your own room.
from rue25 :
I didn't end up with the boots for halloween but I damn well might just buy them. They're hot. Telluride huh? I might just be a little jealous of the drug addict old men action and the skiing. but... just maybe. ;)
from mineirinha :
It's always hard to get back into "home" life and reverse culture shock! In a couple of weeks it should get better. Shitty to hear about that guy blowing you off like that though. Men. Hmpf :p :)
from tithonus :
Enjoy your holiday. :)
from hamiltonian :
I feel like its been raining on me for a year
from raven72d :
do stay in touch...
from tithonus :
Well, I'm starting out in Seoul and taking it from there. I've got ten weeks; I sort of hope to get some kind of teaching work in that time, although I guess it's not completely realistic since it's not a long time. How long have you been over there now? I know you're leaving soon because you didn't have a great time, but I hope it hasn't all been bad experiences...
from dominguez :
'better yet, put down the book and say hello instead' what a crazy idea!
from hamiltonian :
As ALWAYS I love to read your views...
from anorexic90 :
hey, how's korea?
from raven72d :
My own goal is Hokkaido, which I've visualized as a kind of mythical island... And I must see Mongolia. My own experiences have been in Eastern Europe and Turkey... What brought you to Korea? I'd like to know more about the backstory to your journal and your travels...
from raven72d :
I do hope life in Korea improves...
from tithonus :
You know, between The Ladies Man and The Sex Tourist you manage to make the foreigners in Korea sound like, uh... well, it just makes me think I'm going to stand out to the Koreans as a good sort of foreigner. ;)
from rue25 :
That is horrible! Having had my car broken into numerous times and my cameras stolen along with speakers and stereos... I feel ya. It's a really sick feeling. I'm so sorry!
from hamiltonian :
your cool
from rue25 :
Welcome back... belatedly. It's kind of odd. Last time I was reading you and you were 4 hours away and now you're way the hell over there. Sounds like you're having an interesting time.
from turtlemomma :
Oh my gosh, but be careful because if you put off a stalker too much they sometimes get worse! Me, I'm rarely nice to people I just meet :o)~ I clicked on your banner in case you cared to know. Have a nice day! ~K
from shefoofights :
I know how you feel. There was one boy in my class who had a list of Top 10 girls. Womanizers suck. Not only that, but he practically stalked one of my friends too. Doubly annoying. I love you site
from angelofhavoc :
I know how you feel! I was a sophomore in high school last year and I decided to be nice to one of the freshman. He turned out to be a psycho and followed me around for seven months. I'm a purple belt in Taekwondo, and I beat the crap out of him once, but it didn't stop him! He even followed my boyfriend and I around the mall, which is when my boyfriend had a "talk" with him and my stalker finally left me alone. Worst case scenario you could always Taekwondo his ass! You can't show kindness anymore. It's a dangerous business. I love your diary. Ciao!
from uzbekistan :
Hey! Good to have you back. We're on the same continent now. Did you ever get that poster I sent? I lost your email so I couldn't send a proper thanks for the excellent package. Take care!
from hamiltonian :
Your journal is thought provoking and you use humor well when writing.
from snow666white :
greetings and salutations...great are my newest addition to my faves list :)
from theyknew :
Thanks for signing my guestbook... ~nEo
from imaphatpig :
Clicked on a banner of yours. You're in Seoul? Flippin' RAD!!! I am originally from there (so I hear - I was adopted) but I have no memories of it so until I get there, I am just going to live vicariously through you. Hope you don't mind being used like that. By the way, about templates, you oughta try I got my template from her and she has pretty decent ones (with images or without).
from themoodswing :
You should set up a little Buddhist alter and endure that little talk. I bet it would be a good laugh ;) I'm all for people having their beliefs, but I resent the mindset that Buddhism is evil. The Vatican annouced last month that it was having discussions about how to quell 'alternative' religions, and one of those listed was Buddhism. *laughs loudly* Buddhism has been around for some 1500 years longer than Christianity, and they honestly think they can get rid of it? I suppose you have to give them points for trying ;))
from silentspring :
welcome back .. again .. :)share away ..

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