messages to anniebella:
(click here to add new message):

from for-you-only :
Hey, I noticed you cleaned up your review-sites diaryring. :) ~Phoenix
from lils88 :
Hey, do u make layouts, im new n i wanna noe how 2 make it or get it.
from for-you-only :
Your diaryring, review-sites, it has a lot of members that no longer exsist, for example; childreviews, reviewcorp, curiosity-r, spoon-reviews, rockd
from candoor :
I used to read here (funda, candora)... hope you are well :)
from icedmilk :
Yeah, I'm in your Reviews Diaryring..I think you should go in there and check it out, A lot of the sites on the ring are closed. You should remove them. Just thought I'd say something. Kelsey
from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from pharie :
hey! im so glad you wrote =) and i hope you take this is the best way, you have some great lips =) i adore angelina jolie
from velvet-heart :
Password is in my profile
from baritonebaby :
um..i was trying to get my review site into the review site diaryring and i accidently put my personal diary on there...i can't figure out how to get it off...could you help me out please? Thanks!
from guderian :
Aloha annibella, I just want to say how much I enjoy your diary and I love your pictures of spooner! I also have pictures of my dog Guderian on some of my diary entries. I think I will add you to my fav diary List. Ciao Bambina, Guderian aka Marty
from lovealways- :
hey..where in connecticut do you live? oh..and i was looking at all of the Spooner pics...he's so cute. when he was a puppy he looks exactly like one of my dogs, Mandy..anyway..nice diary.
from everoboto :
Hey there! I just got here through one of your banners, and I must say I was immediately impressed by your site. I dig your writing style as well as your photos. I can also appreciate a lot of what you say. You're going up on my favs right now, girl! \m/
from funda :
Beautiful diary and fun to read.
from cutiebabe10 :
Hey I think that puppy named Spooner is adorable! Is he yours? luv always- emily
from orgasmicrevu :
Hi! We tried to join your review-sites ring, however there's something wrong in your html code. I believe you're missing an end code somewhere, because adding your link causes our layout tables to go nuts. Could you please look into it? We'd love to join!
from myshka :
from xxiii :
why, thanks. and as for you, that is indeed one adorable puppy.
from myshka :
ok. so there i am just lookin at my screen when alluva sudden this too cute puppy shows up. i'm thinkin ok why not? how cute is THAT puppy!!!! it looks like my room mates dog when he was little. love your page, adden it to my list of faves.
from tinkybell- :
RAWR That Sucks...Try adding me to ur list then maybe it will work??? Ash
from tinkybell- :
Hey on the rite hand side if u go to archieves all of my entrys r in there arite hun hehe Love ash
from orangeshake :
your right, thanks for adding that note to my diary, it was just what i needed. *i can't wait to be older.* WOOHOO! lol, well actually the sooner im out of school the better.
from tinkybell- :
Hey anniebella well than u for reading my diary. and i cant get the police involved becuz u see we already had a peace bond on him but my mom broke it :'( so the police wont do n e thing!N e ways how did u find my journal :-p If u dont mind id like to add u to my buddy list. And i will be putting that short story i sed in my journal in a couple days....check it out if u like... Peace Ashley
from rhyme :
not usually, but i was on fire! POW, BANG, KA-BOOOOM!!!
from darkfairy13 :
thank you my dear
from darkfairy13 :
thank you my dear
from darkfairy13 :
from darkfairy13 :
from hiccup588 :
thanks for the note! still wishing you a happy birthday! your guestbook wouldn't let me sign again this fast, so I left a note. ooh! another person to add to the list likes my diary layouts! I have two diaries, for the record. you can get to both no matter which diary you are in, go to the other diary thing on the choices of navagation thing, you know, if you wanna get there. Well thanks again and your welcome, just trying to make people happier, or TRY. Living on earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. Catch ya later, Carolyn aka Carrie*
from colorbars :
hi, thanks for the compliment and advice. Your dog is adorable, by the way.
from indie-starr :
Thanks for the note. I really appreciate it. I intend to fight it all the way. I just can't believe she would think that I would do that when everyone has practically the same paper. :)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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