messages to aprylart:
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from ugottafriend :
I don't know if you remember me or not. I'm not on diaryland anymore, but I came by to check on you. I am so happy for you in the birth and placement of baby C!!! Many blessings to you and your family! If you'd like to connect sometime, you can find me on Facebook, MySpace, or Blogger via Take care!!! ~Kelli
from missbabybump :
I am so happy for you, what an amazing entry! Hope things continue to go so well for you xXx
from mymemry :
April - I will pray for you and your family and J about the Thursday visit.
from missbabybump :
Hey, just a quick note, I've been wondering how you're all getting along?? I've been thinking about you all =O) Hannah xXx
from missbabybump :
Oh my gosh, what absolutely amazing wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you and I really really hope things go well for you and baby Claire. She's a beauty, and I really am praying that things continue to go your way...Hannah xXx
from tequilamonky :
Aw Congratulations! She's just beautiful! Keeping everything crossed here for you that it all goes through quickly and you are soon officially a mother of two. What wonderful news!!!
from missbabybump :
I know this is not going to take away the pain of what you're going through right now, but maybe your midwife is right in her thinking...maybe this baby was sent to you and also sent to heaven for a reason, to help you to concieve giving that there is higher fertility after misscarriage. I know it's a strange way of looking at things but it's nice to think that this baby's short life was not in vain...all thoughts and prayers are with you xXx
from missbabybump :
Oh gosh, massive hugs & thoughts & wishes are *really* with you right now xXx
from boogiebeep :
Wow... Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys! I've been following your story since before you adopted, wow.....!

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