messages to arixis:
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from misfliktry :
*attacks random person* hi im lost i keep telling lots of people im lost but it doesnt make any difference maybe i scare them? so hi im lost la schnarf.x
from capn-apathy :
from peth :
I found your diary in a rather random fashion. I am enjoying it in a similarly random fashion, but nevertheless, enjoying it.
from thunduh :
*sheepish gryn* Heylo..I'ma Trewio from the guild (long time lurker, few time poster.) I basically fell/was brought under the wing of ole Jy-byrd herself, Jyiis, and kinda lurked frem there. *another gryn* Yeh...thanks for the comments on the diary, but these parts are not the most commonly expressed parts of me. 'Suppose thats why its a diary/journal! =) I must agree with you though, on the whole love comment/scenarios.. you may remember my post about "marks". While in the truest sense of the word, I'm not really a mark, for orther sports and love...I'm a full fledged mark (and thats not always a negative thing). If you're wondering why I brought this up...join the herd. =P. Ok, I'mma dun now (btw: mah SN='s LilOnyO .. look me up if'n ye want!) And I fade off...*fades off* =}
from octopi :
Well if the monkey wants me to leave a note, I'd better listen. ..."One day I hired a monkey to take notes for me in class, and this is what he wrote: 'Hi, my name's Binky, I like to climb on things. Can I have a banana? Eek eek!'" Oh, and by the way, notes are fun!
from ayrn :
Rixie worries too much! Life is beautiful, full of colors beyond the spectra of sight, captured only in the imagination and the paints of the artist who dared to differ from the others and paint the sky purple and the sea bright yellow. Colors, all sort adorn the fruit of the Tree of Life!
from arixis :
Testing, 1-2-3? I like this idea, and I want you to leave me notes, despite having a guestbook already. Look how easy it is. Come on. The monkey wants you to leave a note.

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