messages to arkham13:
(click here to add new message):

from pink-circle :
I've noticed your interest in poetry. (and art?) and I'm sending you this *circle invite* because I think you would be a great member for this group. To join, visit here: ---- for more information, visit here: ----- thanks for your time. ~Pink
from m-antoinette :
hi! uh i joined your writers diaryring. i don't really know how they work... but i was hoping (since you were the coordinator) i could ask you a favour? at this link ( i have a story i'm entering in a short story competition... the deadline being december 31st :O ... if you have time to read it i would really really appreicate it! thank you :) and if not it's ok :)
from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite}: Hello. I'm speaking on the behalf of "the circle," a writers group. This is an invite to our group. I have noticed your displayed interest in writing &/or poetry. We are doing a reform, to re-form and rebuild our group. Please visit the website, and if you are interested, leave a note to this account. Thank you for your time. -Circle Council
from sanslaide :
hey, would you mind deleting all of the locked diaries from your ring? its rather annoying. good ring though.
from mandypandy83 :
You've been nominated: !
from paper-sack :
you have an interesting perspective here; I admire that. ::Lola::
from jonathan :
I thought you might appreciate this: �It was revealed to me that I could say what I wanted to say - if I thought of nothing else. If I concentrated upon that exclusively - and if I were willing to bear the consequences which a pure act always involves.� (Henry Miller, Sexus. Love the dairy. I'm a nut for Anais Nin too, have all the Journals (except the one she started when she was 11!) ditto Henry Miller.
from luccia :
Hello, arkham. I just started a new diary, and linked to your writers ring, that being the one I wanted. Just wanted to tell you that. Luccia P.S. You listed neil stephenson as one of your favorite authors.... did you read the diamond age? if so, did you get it at all? And if so to that, can you explain it to me? *grins*
from jello-chick :
heya i found your diary really seductive and intriguing for some reason...not simply what you right, but how you write. sexy. something about your style... Maria
from sublimation :
i miss you.
from arkham13 :
This is my notes page. Um. I like my guestbook better because I can manipulate the html, but.. hey.. if you find this drop me a sexy letter.

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