messages to ashes2ashes5:
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from loudersilent :
hey...i sorta know you feel i think. i dunno exactly but i think i might be feeling kinda the same. we should have etheopian food soon.
from loudersilent :
pirates of the caribbean? what sort of class is that? do they teach you about pirates...of the caribbean? or how to be a pirate of the caribbean? oh man that would be so awesome...
from absinthesigh :
I stumbled upon your diary in these desperate late hours of Election Day. My heart is breaking. I am ashamed to say that I too live in a state where people have voted bigotry and hatred into the state's constitution, where people are not ashamed to put bumper stickers on their cars proudly bragging their... discrimination. What kind of Christianity is this are they practicing? with love, ophelia
from loudersilent :
why thank you. was there a reason for that or were you just restating the obvious? ;-)
from loudersilent :
yay you wrote me a note! anywho, i'm sorry you're not having a good time in that place that you are in. i hope it gets better. you're online now. :)
from letmestay :
Not at all sweetie! Just arguing mine back. :-)
from i-heart-alk3 :
i likea to say �holy crap!
from warmleftover :
My diary is odd? Really? Oh, wait... I remember now. Carry on.
from number42 :
helllooo. i'm leaving you a note cuz i'm bored. i hope you enjoy reading it even though it doesn't say anything that exciting.
from letmestay :
I love you too ::also pokes:: ~Lauren
from imarat :
I love you ashley! ::poke::
from number42 :
i care!

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