messages to atlantisgirl:
(click here to add new message):

from anglewings :
Hi, was out and about, stop by to see how you are doing. Latezz
from vacantlegend :
i wish i was cool enough to hang out with you on your birthday ... i would, if i knew when/where ...
from anglewings :
Elaine, cool diary, like how it looks and how easy it is to read. Have time check out my weblog, if you like. Remember to keep up your way of writing.
from dont-stop :
Sometimes you just have to say "Fuck it" and escape to a place where it's easier to breathe.
from barefootsage :
I like your username.Did you see the Disney movie? Did you ever hear the song "Atlantis" by Donovan? I think that Rowling and Rice are creating modern myths.
from ajlee :
hey, it's me again, lol! :) anyway, jus' wanted to say, whoa, you're also called lainie? lol! anyway, i've only met three so far, n they're all tough gals (n sweet besides) ; i'm sure you are, too, so hang in there. take care!
from ajlee :
hey, girl, i read some of your entries, sounds like you've got a lot goin on. just wanna say hang on, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel (i'm gettin cheesy here, lol). but anyway, 4 words that've always helped me thru crappy times are: This too will pass. Take care!
from jeia :
Hey, I just stopped by your diary for a quick look, but I wanted to know if you came up with this yourself: "Its tough as hell- and I hate it but if it means being me- I'm all for it." Because I love - and relate to - those words, they're really well-chosen, and I might want to quote you on them someday. ;)
from princesskeo :
Dude, I'm so damn tired, you have no idea. Today I had to sit through a three hour sexual harassment prevention training (like I haven't gone through all that a million times in high school) ... so that was a good waste of time. Then had to do all this stuff, send out letters, and had a huge headache, so I went to Walgreens and got some Bayer. (the only medicine that helps me) Ugh... life is... crappy. -Keo
from princesskeo :
Hey, sis! How art thou? Just thought to leave you a little message. Hee hee... this diary stuff is fun, it lets me vent my feelings out. Okay, you know what? I tried to add the "guestbook" feature on it, and every time I add the guestbook, the template changes. I change the template-the guestbook feature goes away. URGH!!! Maybe I'll try it again at home. Go read my new diary entry. I will probably post another one today. I have stuff to vent about. -Kitty

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