messages to aydira:
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from testify :
If cats always land on their feet, and toast always lands butter-side down, what happens when you strap toast to the back of a cat? WHAT HAPPENS?
from junkboxx :
Hmm.. about Low I think you should go for either Long Division or Things We Lost in the Fire to start out. That is if you can find them in your area.
from guthrie :
Yes, I could've told you that cable modems can be fickle sometimes, but overall I actually find it more reliable, for the most part anyway. I think it's good that you're trying to go for the hair style YOU want, being that I've had experience with wanting to do things with my hair and people looking at me funny or suggesting something else I didn't want to do. A lot of times I think my hair looks good and Mom says I need to wash it. What, she's never heard of grunge? Grunge is BACK, man. Grunge. Isn't grunge that stuff you see in the grout of your shower? Shit, it really IS back.
from junkboxx :
Thanks :)
from guthrie :
What the heck?? Why haven't more people written you notes? This is blasphemous, and it's also blasphemous that I've never left you one. By the way, as far as your latest Guthrie picture, I would say it looks a little more like he's LOOKING for wood than finding it. At least it looks like that to me. By the way, I think that Junkboxx guy has sort of a crush on you.
from guysmilie :
thanks for the compliment. :D
from pixelpixie :
from j-socko :
Actualy, i have to diagree. art is not created for the creator, but created for the public. and once the art has been given over to the public, it is thiers to interperate.

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