messages to balynar:
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from quoted :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from courtney-d-h :
Congratulations on impending fatherhood! Our son was born December 8... so it looks like you two are on the same track we were. It can be a wild and enjoyable ride!
from gutterfly :
Have you read The Runes of the Earth. I've been waiting years for this book.
from carealmk :
Holy Crap! You're married!! That's it then, hell is frozen.. ;-)
from kdanjou :
Just wanted to say hello, and hey we are back, cant wait to see you, YOU NUT! lol Katherine
from rosine :
"You're not my father!" "I know - but I can't help loving you anyway." It doesn't work every time, but it does very often.
from enjorli :
Hey hey, I'm happy that you like Les Miserables too!! We're the only two people that actually do!
from havorc :
Glad your trip to the big P was so cool... take a look at mine.... havorc of course.... Me.
from shetgawab :
Hey...thanks for adding me to your favorites list. *jumps up and down a la cheerleader* OMG! This is soooo kewl! *flips hair back and forth* *slaps self* Ow...
from invariably :
I'm going to add you to my list, and, if you don't object, I may just read you regularly. Good luck with that whole Bionic Man thing.
from colin-g :
What's with the diary lock? Is this permanent?
from ladyrhi :
I was really bummed to see your diary locked. It was always such a good read. You'll be missed.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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