messages to bandofbros:
(click here to add new message):

from chikbeatnik :
okay... um... i realized that i'm on another writing thing with some of the people in your ring... so i was contemplating whether or not i had a desire to join your ring. problem is... i can't get info on your ring because the diary's locked. my feelings were quite hurt. -xoxo- kristen
from holdasecret :
wow. i came in here a while ago to say this. but i will say it again. WE FLIPPING ROCK. Commence with the cheering and whooping.
from unamerican :
dearest bandofbros, thanks for adding me to your favorites list. one problem. i'm a she, not a he. thank you and goodnight.
from holdasecret :
sara, you dirty girl! anyway, i came in here to say, we totally rock! that is all.
from olei :
[[flashes bob]]
from bandofbros :
im naked right now.
from thefields :
from bandofbros :
i havent had real food in a long long time.
from bandofbros :
from bandofbros :
heart you grabbed me and told me how it was and what am i doing here crying only on the inside.
from thefields :
everyone has stuff and i'm "can't think of something witty" ?? poo.
from bandofbros :
oh no. london bridge is falling down. my fair lady.
from bandofbros :
hello everyone. i am john. i like to eat peanuts. i hate porn. i hate mice. and i hate girls that are evil. and i am hungry. its 10:12pm 2-24. i am invading this space whilst i am here. sometimes i pretend im smoking a cigarette. sometimes it makes me cough. sometimes i hold my pillows and pretend its her. sometimes i do the dishes and enjoy it. i need to eat. or something. bye.
from sprung :
Mmm, broads...and a guy.

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