messages to becksaidyes:
(click here to add new message):

from thedrink :
I do!!
from lasvegasliz :
Come on now!
from xjxofxax :
No, no, I had the song "I Want To Be On TV" stuck in my head. I think it's by some old school punk band and Green Day covered it, because I've heard the Green Day version quite a few times. And saxaphones kick ass!
from final137 :
pulse check. howdy.
from iooi :
interesting question. and if you're standing in front of a big mirror talking to someone, do you look at their eyes in the mirror, or do you turn to them?
from xjxofxax :
I don't think there is a thing like that for the Livestrong bracelets. Although oddly enough, when I wore mine (before it broke), I always wore it on the right side. Heh.
from xjxofxax :
Heh, I still don't have a life. 'Tis quite fun not having a life, though.
from gumphood :
adam! Much better. So sorrY!
from gumphood :
You are into the Adrion Brody? Thats strange to me. But this coming from someone who is into Hacksaw Jim Duggians.
from camera-girl :
Thx for the comment in my diary :-) The house wasn't so far away. I zoomed in a lot too. The house was big. Yeah, it would be hard to drive yourself and take pictures. I've done that myself. Got some pics of that in my diary too. (taken 15.7.05 - see archive page)
from adamss :
from lightmytorch :
de nada!
from lightmytorch :
Email me for my password, [email protected]
from lightmytorch :
Here it is.
from lightmytorch :
Well .. I don't know what happened to the greenish/bluish bags. We switched to white cause the whole valley ran out of green bags. We had to use those jumbo ones for everything, for about 8 hours. Chaos ensued. Now it's all white. I think I like that better :) Chow!
from lightmytorch :
Tonight, Dave Mordal will win Last Comic Standing!!!!!
from lightmytorch :
It's fairly secret.. I just wanted to make sure I knew who was reading it. "regulated" is a better word. My layout was made custom for me, but was adapted from one the girl had already made. The banner at the top was new, the lyrics from "45" by Shinedown. Very wonderfully done song.
from exit43 :
That is quite an angry face ;| maybe they stopped selling iced mochas, or whatever angry people drink.
from exit43 :
But I don't know your email address. So there. :P
from exit43 :
Oh, I love Dave Mordal too, didn't mean to leave him underrated there :)
from bob-dole :
One of these days I'm going to say to you "Hey, you smell bad" and you'll reply "I have STDs in my eyeball!" or I'll say "There's not enough room in my pants!" and you'll reply "Get in mine!". The future holds... well... it holds futuristic events, yup yup
from bob-dole :
Enticing tongue flappings
from bob-dole :
Erotic Toe Fungus
from bob-dole :
Becksaidno, etf?
from puppetgirl :
I find mine outside the high school. They're a bit young, but if you want a good one, you have to train them.
from x-apostate-x :
=) wow man..i didn't expect anyone to actually leave me a message! didn't think anyone really gave a fuck, you know? thank you! at least someone cares enough to write me something. and yes! of course you can sing some beck for meh.
from ihatetowelie :
not that weird when you think about it. it's not like it was a love note to myself, that would just be a little weird. just a little....
from x-apostate-x :
my god, beck must have been to college using words like THAT!
from xtoxiclovex :
from freeebird :
yea we are twins, hehe. i read your diary, not like it was hard it was two words haha...thnx readin mine. you seem like a cool person. (audioslave rocks) leave me a note anytime ;) ~ali
from chucktheyak :
I'll go put a joke in my diary right now for you.
from xemowhorex :
happy birthday... if it really is your birthday at all...
from x1968x :
how come it wont let me go to your older entries? ahhh!! i wanna read MORE! *cries*
from becksaidyes :
Why is my buddy list all highlighted? I don't have buddies, no one even reads my diary.
from shutupmom :
but i gotta rock! i'd rather be a lady, man!
from becksaidyes :
Hey I just received a note. It was from myself.
from becksaidyes :
I'm leaving a note for myself. Yep, a note for myself. I wrote this note for myself.

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