messages to bellatriling:
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from betholindo :
That was hysterically funny. Wish I were there.
from gigilovesyou :
i'm in love with this place...thank you for seducing me into the diaryland fold...
from betholindo :
Who's Gigi?
from betholindo :
Okay, so that must make me the only person who hasn't given you advice. But I want to now because I'm your big sister: People who write mean notes to you don't have lives, so don't worry about it. You're still funnier and a better writer than any of them anyway. And just look at what they're wearing! They're so unfashionable it hurts to look at them!
from coldandgray :
Yea! Notes! I worked in a downtown Seattle hotel for 7 years, so I can relate to a lot of your dumbass stories. We had an employee that was a University Professor in his country, Ethiopia, but worked as a bellman for us.
from betholindo :
Is everything alright? You haven't written much lately.
from betholindo :
Me cutting out caffeine: Didn't my head spin around like in The Exorcist? You were so good, though, just sitting there quietly in the passenger seat, hoping I wouldn't wreck the car.

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