messages to bfatt:
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from defystars :
hey there stranger. i feel like i haven't talked to you in ages. that's very very sad. you should email me sometime, you know. --mary (from philly. which you should remember. and if you don't.. that is tragic.)
from rangrfan9 :
I really liked your survey, so it led me to your diary. Turns out you are my neighbor (in a way, I live in Tempe) Thought that was kind of interesting, I always try to search for people who have journals and live here in AZ. I love the idea of peaking into people's heads, and it could be someone I know, and not even know it! Not trying to be creepy, I just think its fun. Anyway, I like your journal, I read a few entries. You seem like a nice guy with interesting things to say, hope you don't mind if I keep reading....
from rainbow19 :
hello, thank you very much for sending me a note! it was very exciting i also learned how to spell a new word. kind of. your diary is interesting you are funny. in a weird serious scary funny way! music is good im glad you listen to good music its good for you. yes boxing is a good sport very physically demanding, it also is an excellent way to releve stress and anger trust me! you should try it out anyways thanks your the first person to send me a note, other than myself. have a superiffic monday
from panzer-kitty :
Jerk :P You're on my list (Friends refrence.. sorry, couldn't resist).
from roxymarie02 :
I think your survey was awesome and I read your answers and you are very intrigueing. So I thought you should know that I think you are an excellent writer and well, I liked your diary too...
from panzer-kitty :
You want me to *gasp* see a WESTERN? What's next, are you going to invite me to see Garth Brooks live? hehehe it actaully doesn't sound too bad so sure I'll go, just give me a time, etc etc. <3
from panzer-kitty :
Grrr.. you're the second person to point that out to me. I got an email from the guy who runs the if project saying the same thing.. anyway it's fixed now. :) Why didn't you do it? Come on, join the group, everyone else is doing it. ;)
from panzer-kitty :
silly boy, I was just teasing you. :p
from asteroidbelt :
yay! that is such a sweet entry.
from panzer-kitty :
Sex in the bathroom of a place you were managing during business hours with one of your employees? Oh my... * laughs *
from panzer-kitty :
Thanxs! Oh, and you never e-mailed me back. I feel so unloved :(
from panzer-kitty :
You should update your profile and add my new diary to your favorites list... I need the attention and acknowledgment! BTW, what you said about my other diary is very flattering. Thank you. ;)
from importfan :
Hey read your diary. I'm from Tucson. Well not really, I'm from St. Louis but I live in Tucson for right now. I like to be mad at corporations too. Cox sucks. If I ever lose a day of connection I demand a pro-rate which means jack shit but hey at least I won a small battle. I also liked your comment about arguing with your girl friend who has the kid about it's like beating a dead horse. I could publish a bible sized book with the small ass print and everything with all the conversations like that, that I've had. Hey so did you ever make it to see Harry Potter? I read the book and saw the movie. I give it a big middle finger. I wasn't a fan. ok later.
from littlefkr : your diary is pretty cool. reads like a conversation rather than a written out-let. your reviews ain't too shabby either. i am new to Tempe...maybe you could show me around.

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