messages to bippymaye:
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from magikalmom :
Awwwww, K! I just read your latest entry!!! For what it's worth, *I'm* excited for you!!!!! I think that it's GREAT that you are having another baby. You are a FANTASTIC Mother!!!!!! It's a no wonder that God would see fit to Bless YOU and this CHILD w/ each other!!!!!! Don't let others try to rob you of your joy. Rejoice in the fact that right this SECOND..... YOU are the living cradle of LIFE!!!!!!! There are a bunch of us out here who love you, support you, have faith in you and know that you are just....... not just...... you are a wonderful woman and an excellent Mother!!!!!! CONGRATS, K!!!!!! You're going to be a Mom for the FIFTH time!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
from mamaness :
Wow Congratulations. I'll be all jealous by the time you have a way cute belly ;)
from mamaness :
I got tired of nursing Kier and weaned him before Lochlan showed up. Broke my four years straight record by just a couple of weeks, LOL. But it didn't do much for the jealousy, yikes.

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