messages to bistromath:
(click here to add new message):

from blistery :
wondering if you've moved? no updates...
from jbtsugar89 :
from parlance :
Math? Math?!
from outbackjamie :
I just wanted to let you know that one of your diary entries impacted me greatly... you said what I was feeling in a way that I couldn't in my grief-stricken state. My friend Tyler died in a senseless accident and not long after I read your "so many words, so little thought" entry. I loved him... though I knew him for only five months. I felt I didn't have the right to grieve even though I knew he loved me as much as I still love him and was my "kindred." Anyway, thank you for being brave enough to post that; Tyler was an original soul. [email protected]
from discodave :
Damnit - does that mean June 8th was your birthday? Ah well - Happy Birthday for whenever it is. I see your images have gone the same way as mine. Dxx
from jbtsugar89 :
I take it you're cooking for twenty people and a cat?
from jbtsugar89 :
hehe, mindless teen comedies are the best! I wish I could meet more people who enjoy those.
from jbtsugar89 :
I have no idea who you are, I just wandered onto your page while browsing diarists who live in our city/university.
from jbtsugar89 :
Hey there, sorry I left my diary locked up, but I was mad at some people, and one of them is actually the only other person who reads my diary at times... so I figured that until my steam rolled off a bit, I'd keep it locked. *shakes head* Hehe, yes I'm stupid, and I admit it.
from redd :
hi. i am nicole. your writing makes me happy.
from redd :
from hidden-child :
Hey! You live in ellensburg? Coolness. How old are u? Have a name?
from treedancer :
just sayin' hi, so umm "hi" - i enjoyed reading your diary and will be back. ;)
from achren :
grr argh glower glower what is this "most of us losery guys" crap? CRAP! that's what it is, and it must be stopped. you're not losery, and you know it. also, on an entirely different topic, june 8th is the best day in june. i'm just sayin'. .m.
from sundaygirl :
Wait, what movie is that from?
from sweettits :
are you sure? i mean, she EATS the third nipple!
from gwensarah :
I adore your journal because your writing is so vivid..once upon a time I could write like that and now that I no longer can, reading your words gives me a glimpse through that much elusive and longed for window. Thank you for that.
from achren :
the last two entries make me want to just turn my page into a link to yours.
from achren :
i don't know whether i'm inspired or whether i want to cry. .m.
from soimemo :
That's because Kid Rock is the whitest shade of trash on the planet.
from achren :
half-price boxes of sweethearts candy are about the only use i have for this idiotic holiday. the feast of st. dymphna - the patrion saint of neuroses and mental instability - is may 15th. so i prefer to make that a holiday. particularly since there is a fabulous irish pub named after her on my block .m.
from rubyfoxx :
mmmm...chicken fried steak...a thing that can't be found in this city (at least not a proper one).
from umpalumpa :
wow.. i really enjoy reading your journal.. keep it up
from gurliestyle :
i can't stop reading your diary. very enjoyable. sundaygirl is a wonderful designer, isn't she? :D
from achren :
snapshots, snapshots, i keep meaning to add pictures but i keep slacking off and figuring out the camera and did you realize that picture you added is ENORMOUS? thank you for adding to it, though; i need people to catch on to the stinkin' page. and i need to redesign it. maybe i'll find something to post to it tonight. .m.
from candyfiend :
oooh! and elliot smith. one of my personal favorites.
from candyfiend :
ah...i love your diary. not only mentioning my favorites-mark lanegan, radiohead, cake...but its good quality writing, and i love how it looks. just like campells soup-mmm,mmm, good.
from achren :
hrm. sarcasm? i can't quite tell in this medium. heh. i followed "a case of you" with "any way you want it", for whatever that's worth. .m.
from cheapseats :
Haven't gotten into 'Underworld' quite yet - I've got both that and 'White Noise' glaring at me from my bookshelf, though, and I plan to start one or the other in the next week or so. As for who I am...I'm from central Jersey originally; started at NYU in 1995, which is how I ended up meeting Molly, and I've been in the city off and on ever since ("on" since August of '99).
from rubyfoxx :
Oh, child, I am sorry to hear about the shiner. You must give details, though...unless you don't want to, which I would totally get.
from rubyfoxx :
I will answer your question, I swear. I just need time to think. "Who are you?" That's gonna be tough, especially since I don't know yet. I'm under construction, that's for damn sure.
from gosarah9 :
your diary is fun to read
from soulsurvivor :
a restaurant of fractions.... lovely
from achren :
you should buy you 'american gods' by neil gaiman, beulah's second album ('when your heartstrings break'), and the first trade paperback collection of 'the invisibles' by grant morrison. that's my two cents, at the moment.
from rubyfoxx :
Dude. That just suck, suck, sucks. Oooooooh. I am sorry about that. But you must write about these hijinks.
from achren :
it makes so much sense. because again you put into words something i didn't know i needed to say. see? .m.
from sundaygirl :
Oh, FYI, the below person is me. Sharon-taint is my other diary that I practice my html on. In case you were wondering.
from sharon-taint :
Hey, guy, your new template is ready if ya want it. It's simple, just like you requested. Email me your password and I'll hook it up, sundaygirl-style.
from rubyfoxx :
The bright side: You are going to Mark Lanegan soon! Whooooo's jealous? All together now: THIS GUY!!!
from sundaygirl :
you don't have to sell your soul, just ask nicely. Drop me an email, let me know what kind of design/colors/whatever you're looking for, and I'll do the rest. PS: Not that I would ever turn away a gift. heh.
from achren :
you ALMOST made me want to listen to counting crows. almost. but no. i have two cds by one band and i keep listening to them. it's not right. and i now have to go write a stupid post about what a terrible packer i am. it's midnight and i have to be up in seven hours. can i go home now? widmer hefewiezen awaits....m
from rubyfoxx :
Your diary fucking speaks to me. What beautiful writing! And Mark Lanegan, Mark Lanegan, Mark Lanegan... Cheers, Ruby p.s. I know exactly what you', not exactly, but the bit about wanting to get to a new point sooner rather than later. I have a suggestion. Get PJ's "Stories From the City, Stories from the Sea." It will make the getting there better (the last song in particular)
from achren :
i am jealous of your road trips and your shows. walking twelve blocks is just not the same as driving - especially in the rain - and losing my voice before i even get where i'm going from singing along too much to the best songs. .m.
from achren :
i tried to email you, but it bounced. my email address is on my page, with a REMOVETHIS in it because i am ever so tired of spam. but to answer your question: yes. and to ask one of my own: why? and how did you figure that out, or did you read an entry where i wrote about it? most curious, .m.
from achren :
late answers to other notes: gandalf looks about right, but no one looks as good as strider. doesn't hurt that of course i found him attractive when i was younger, which probably set a trend, possibly an unhealthy one. modest mouse at the crystal ballroom was better than modest mouse in new york. if you are dreaming of fall in eugene, where are you, and why did you leave? i ask that because i ask it of myself sometimes. .m.

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