messages to black-ankh:
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from inthishouse :
Thank you so much!
from bluesaiyan :
actually, if it was what i think it was, then i'm really dissapointed it didn't get finished because it was amazing.
from bluesaiyan :
hi i haven't been on diaryland forever, so it must have been a long time ago, i can't even remember what it was, but thank you for responding all the same.
from tragicskies :
"the coffee shop" - made me smile =).
from slow-drain :
Thank you. ♥
from kevinwhitby :
I've just given up writing here :).
from hangover :
amusing ... yeah. But really I think about it differently now than I did then. Especially since my brother has croaked
from letsfaceit :
so you've never seen Rufus live ? - it was my fifth time. you can never get enough of him...i think. it's always nice to meet other people who listens to the same kind of music as yourself :)
from idontpretend :
Don't be sorry. You don't need to be. It's enough that you even care.
from idontpretend :
It's not cynism, it's experience. Everyone hurts you sooner or later, even if it's not intentional. It's usually forgivable though, and easy to move on from it. It was the fact that I fell so madly in love with her, that is the reason this has been so hard. That, and the fact that she's wrong about a lot of things that happened. Like the fact that I was completely serious about wanting to marry her, among other things. We both screwed up. We both did things to hurt the other. But I really believed we had something, and just needed time to work things out and everything would've been good. She didn't quite feel the same way. Plus she's in denial about a lot of things. Nothing can be done about that. And if her love wasn't as true as she said it was, then none of it even matters.
from idontpretend :
Everyone makes you cry sooner or later. :( I'm too much of a fighter...
from slow-drain :
Thank you, I'll definitley check her out. I'm always looking for good vampire fiction. ♥ Hope you're having a good day! :)
from slow-drain :
Actually no, it was more a combination of vampires, and HYDE's song "Sweet Vanilla." By the way: Hi! I think your page is brilliant. :)
from idontpretend :
I just don't want to be thought of as a stalker. :(
from viva-la-babe :
Yuhh! It's ridiculous.
from tragicskies :
i've always wanted to slip a couple in the books at Chapters.. =D
from tragicskies :
spongebob is awesome =) you should send postcards to postsecret!
from hangover :
Faves? Which ones? The authors, the singers, the different types of cheese?
from idontpretend :
Don't beat yourself up over it. I know she wasn't trying to hurt me. I know she asked because she wants to be loved for who she is, and not because of her body. The only reason it made me sad was because she doesn't understand how much I love her, or that I love her because of who she is, and not because of her body. :(
from tragicskies :
i can relate to secret #5.

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