messages to bleedheart:
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from theicing :
i wouldnt read your fucking diary if you paid me.
from greenteacup :
Hey bleedheart, I came across your diary through the Billy Talent link. Is it possible to get a password because I'd really like to read what you write. Anyway, thanks. GTC xx
from cheyancc :
may i have your password, looks awesome. -H
from bleedheart :
i got my layout from PkDesign sorry that i didnt sign your guestbook if your reading this. The Fucking Virus wont let me!
from bleedheart :
Shadow,i had No idea what you just typed.
from shadow-box :
In question 20, of the Whatif4 survey, you replied to my question about "American Pie", with "I haven't seen it." Well, while it is true that there is a movie called American Pie, I clearly meant I was talking about the SONG, American Pie. And to answer the question for you: Buddy Holly had a plane, named the American Pie. And on a faithful day, long before you existed obviously, the Big Bopper and Richie Havens boarded the plane with Buddy, and flew off into history, never to be seen again. Radio stations call it the "potty break" song, because it's over 6min long! Trust me, ask your parents, they know this classic song, by Don McLean.
from bleeding-cut :
I haven't read very much of your diary, but you sound cool. ^.^ Rock on.
from cubjam11 :
Oh my GOD! I'm so sorry for that kid. Are you okay? I mean, even if he wasn't a great friend -- it's still a loss, you know? Hope you're doing okay. Take care of yourself. Sheesh. :-(
from bleedheart :
Thanks People :) i appreciate all Your help.
from cubjam11 :
You are 11? Wow. I just read that. You seem much wiser than eleven. Oh well. I still think you're just great!
from cubjam11 :
You know what? I don't have hardly any friends. The people I meet here on DiaryLand are my friends, and I turn to them whenever I'm in need of support -- and it helps. I've been suicidal before, dear. It's no fun -- but please remember that we are here for you, ok? Please. Love, Jamie (Your friend)
from rainy-daze- :
Emma is my long term girlfriend. I have been with her for over a year. She is the one I was referring to in that entry. *not* the Emma from work. Just so we're clear on that.
from rainy-daze- :
you're a very lovely 11 year old.. without meaning to sound patronising x
from rainy-daze- :
you're 11......?
from bleedheart :
i would like to know anything on your mind that you want to tell me...Infact..I DEMAND IT.
from bleedheart :
no more people to talk ta me
from bleedheart :
heh i am cool arent i? thanks
from loopy8 :
Hey your the coolest 11 year old i know! :) e-mail me sometime. [email protected] xox -sarah
from bleedheart :
anyone else?
from aiyori :
hio... your layouts pretty awesome, p'z =3
from bleedheart :
Hi,If you want to tell me something,ANYTHING. Even Hatemail is welcomed...Just leave a note.I will promise to respond back.... -Xox-Ophelia

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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