messages to boomin808:
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from homolame-o :
Actually, 80s night at Shooterz is a mixed crowd, with predominantly gay boys. I know because I work there every thursday. In case you hadnt noticed while you were there, there are rainbows and fliers for gay things all over the place.
from sassee311 :
Hey there! I had no idea you moved to San Diego. You should so look up Julia! She would love to see you, I'm sure. I get out to San Diego about once a year for business, so let's keep in touch. I hope all is well and I'd love to hear from you soon. I tried the last email address I have for you, but it didn't work. Love ya =) GA
from mikeybd :
Hey Jason! Im a friend of Matt in Seattle (mateomonkey) and he gave me your email, but its not working for me for some reason. Anyway, I live in San Diego and he told me to drop a note to you to say hello, Hello! If you'd like to, we can hang out whenever. I work nights wed-sat after 9 pm. Im a Camel rep, so Im always out and about (it seems). Anyway, call me sometime. 619-518-9286 Talk to you soon~ Michael

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