messages to boomzilla:
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from q-point :
hy boom as I see you are a Fan of Robert Anton Wilson and interested in Music as well! This is why I announce you that the CD of �q-point� has just come out and it contains the Track R.A.W. wich might�nterest you, as it contains Robert Anton Wilson speach. If you are interested, check it out unter Greetings
from quezacotl :
Hey I think I know what Zelda Song you're talking about. If it's got a line like "Ganon took her away, now the children don't play, until Link come and saves the day", then I'm thinking of the song, and it's actually NOT by System Of A Down, although very falsely attributed to them. It's actually by a group caled the Rabbit Joint, who I know little else of. Just so you know.
from paxilbarbie :
gooodnessss.. you are quite the interesting little read, aint ye?
from quezacotl :
Hey if you enjoy readng my diary at all, you still can. If you know what anime the song "Hybrid Rainbow" is from, than you more than deserve the right to read it, and you've found your password.
from paxilbarbie :
brilliant diary there.... hello hello my name is sarah... i have nothing intelligant to say right my diary!! =)
from robertahay :
Yay! You joined my World Cup ring! It WAS for this years world cup, but now that's over with...might make it for the 2006 one in Germany! Well, nothing like planning ahead... luv from Rob
from mstwheelie :
Well if you DO read these, I would like to welcome you to the aquarians diary ring. Good luck with the diary.
from quadrophenia :
He he he I'll bet you ne-ever check these! On the off chance that you do, have a good day that day, because you are cool, and I said so, and I am always right about these things at the time when I say them :p.

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