messages to boysordeath:
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from mymess :
dear whoever wrote, "A small pebble in my pair of shoes," i have that same thing happen. i haven't really figured out how to wait it out, but i feel like i better understand the problem now. for me, at least, i think* it means that things moved too fast, and if i am really interested in a person i should communicate w them openly about my need for space in the beginning, and my need to not spend all day making out, etc. do other things and build a foundation built upon friendship. this ALMOST worked last time i had that feeling but i guess i gave up. i seem to fall for my closest friends only. but it doesn't have to be like that. next time..
from paperfriend :
that seed spilling entry was so funny!
from passthison :
i saw my name in one of those entries?! accusing me of writing something? i wish!! howcome i don't have the password?! howcome no one ever lets me in on girl crap? WTF!!!
from gigihodges :
[email protected] let the games begin.
from gigihodges :
didnt you see my note? slash threat? doitordeath! addmeordeath! boysordeath!
from jpop :
this is weird
from gigihodges :
from miobravo :
allison! it was me chaunte'! i remembered the password and i hoped that you would find this and think it was funny. you found it! do you like it? what do you think?!
from paperfriend :
why haven't you guys updated for a while?
from whitepants :
when did this diary come back?!?! how come nobody told me when I was the original boy-crazed diarylander?
from boysguysboys :
did you lock your diary? should I lock mine? can we exchange passwords?
from emptyhouse :
i am a friend of hannah. are you? my other diary is minus-boys.
from emptyhouse :
is this hannah also? or is it laura? or someone else?

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