messages to btrflylove:
(click here to add new message):

from feesticka :
Hey there!! Good to see that you're still around. Can't wait to see pics of your new do and new place. :-)
from anita-girl :
Hey you post some pics of your new hairdo!!! Your sooo lucky that your friend is doing your ahir for cheap!
from anita-girl :
Hey where are you? Miss you!! Hope everything in life is great!
from kissssy :
He kinda looks like he needs a hairbrush. It seems a little like an Edward Scissorhands thing going on... Hehehe I'm such a perfectionist. Messy hair can definitely be sexy! Nice template!
from irishblueyes :
Oh I'm glad you got the desing up and running, it looks good! Sorry I wasn't of more help, just with the parents in town last weekend and all, it sort of slipped my mind, but you did great! Love it!
from anita-girl :
Hey this template is a very cool! I liked the last one! This picture of Orlando Bloom must be old right? His hair looks so different! He looks so different! But Iit's cool!
from irishblueyes :
I just wanted to say that I totally sympathize with you last entry. I find that staying home with my daughter sometimes gets me into these funks where I feel very isolated from the real world. Especially since we live quite a ways out of town and getting out by myself or even just with her on days my husband works is hard and rarely happens. And I too am struggling with the left over baby daughter is 18 months and I still haven't lost it all, but I am really trying hard to exercise everyday. I hate seeing all these celebrity women on tv who have had babies and then 3 months later are back at a size 2. I read an interview with Sarah Jessica Parker and she was asked how she got back into shape so fast and she said she didn't like to talk about it because it wasn't really fair. That she has advantages regular mom's don't, she had nannies and yoga teachers who could come to her house and she has the financial resources that most people don't. I thought that was nice and it made me feel a little better, since I'm very over influenced by tv! Hope you feel better. =)
from kissssy :
Okay. You don't want to hear this. I'm pretty sure you don't. But, my husband and I conceived on the 7th day after the end of my cycle. So, within the first week is very possible. Best of luck with this! Do remember that you can skip a month or delay a little if you're stressed or overly excited about something. Hugs!
from kissssy :
Welcome new soon-to-be-addicted-diarylander! I found your link in both feesticka's and anita-girl's diaries and fell in love! Can't wait to read more!
from avalonte :
Thanks for your note. Glad you like my layout! It took me ages. Yours is beautiful.
from irishblueyes :
I'm glad you liked the banner and clicked on it, isn't that a great quote? I love it. Only wish I could take credit for it!
from irishblueyes :
Thanks for the note. I definately envy your situation having your parents for babysitters, we are severely lacking in that department. But actually me and my mom have a pretty good relationship and talk all the time, it just seems to make her edgy being here I guess. Thanks for your well wishes and I'm sure I'll make it through! =)
from irishblueyes :
Congrats on the move! That's funny about the baby getting hurt, not that he got hurt but what the woman said to daughter is always falling into something and seems to always have a bruise or a scrape and I am always afraid when we go out people will think we did it even though it's so ridiculous I couldn't even imagine it...hope the baby's feeling better soon!
from feesticka :
Getting a second opinion may not be such a bad idea. Hopefully it isn't anything too bad, but knowing for sure may give you a little more peace of mind. Hope you're feeling better soon. :-)
from shaithis :
Howdy. Found your diary via Feesticka's buddy list(she's awesome, by the way). Anyway, I know how horrible the medical profession can be. Whatever you do, don't rely on the word of one hick doctor! I had a nagging ankle problem for years and had I settled on one quack doctor�s opinion, I would have had full-blown ankle replacement surgery at the age of 25. Shop around a little until you find a good one. They do exist. Hope it works out for ya. Cheers!
from irishblueyes :
So sorry about your doctors appointment, but I kind of understand how you feel. I never want to go for anything either because I always think it must be minor in comparrision to others. Especially when it's emotionally related. And I totally relate to the dad thing, my dad was a control freak too and is now also on Zoloft in his older age...why didn't they have this stuff when we were kids? If I'd had a mom on Prozac and a dad on Zoloft as a teenager my life would have been bliss! Hope you feel better!
from evenstar101 :
Thanks for the note. I like your layout too! Feel free to stop by any time. I see that we have some favorite music and movies in common. Take care. *Em*
from pisces31 :
I saw your banner, and I like your diary already! I will be adding you to my favorites. I hope you can check out my diary sometime. =) I also think your right. You write in it for yourself, not for anyone else. I have to tell myself sometimes that too because its sometimes hard to send out what my real feelings are on a certain subject ya know? anyway, hope you can check out mine!~
from anita-girl :
Hey!! Thanks for adding me! I am going to add you as well I really enjoy your diary! It is nice to read someone's who has kids since no one else's that I read does. I love your layout you did a really good job of it. I thought it was cool that the main picture was of Liv Tyler for her advertisement for 'Very Irresitable' by Givenchy, I work in fragrances, I sell that perfume! Have you seen the commercail for it with her? IT is the best!
from irishblueyes :
Hi. Thank you so much for your note. I really look forward to reading more of your diary since it seems we have so much in common. My daughter is almost 18 months as well, so I am in the same boat with that, but luckily she's my only one right now...I admire anyone who can have two so close togther. And believe me I deal with the whole self-conciousness thing on a daily basis as well. I'm 25, and like you said being this age and married with a child it seems that I should have outgrown it by now...but the diary is helping me work through some of those issues. Thanks so much for reading and for leaving your note...I will be adding you right away, by the way your layout is lovely. -Kristina
from feesticka :
hmmm....its almost like the ring links are somehow messing up the table sizings in your layout code. Weird.
from feesticka :
The code for rings on your rings.html entry should read: %%insertringcodehere%%<p></p>%%insertringcodehere%%<p></p>, etc ,etc. Drop me a note if you still can't get it to work.
from feesticka :
I found your diary through the "twenties" diaryring. I like your layout -- you've done a nice job with it. I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing.
from jbehrsgurl :
I'd be honored if you'd add me! Wow, thanks man. I feel all the warm fuzies! ;)
from ita1ianmama :
Hi! Wow of course you can add me! I shall add you as well, and as for continuing my stories... I'm working on some original transcripts right now that have been taking up all my time. Thank you for being such a fan though! Who knows... maybe one day I'll go back to the world of Rosfics! :) Have fun at DLAND! -Lindsay
from life-is-this :
wow. that is a pretty picture of liv tyler on your layout. :)
from sketchedpony :
How exactly are they not working with your layout?
from laurelote :
Hi! Thanks for joining my (Captain!) Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Karl Urban diaryrings, mate!
from sketchedpony :
Thanks for joinging the Liv Tyler diaryring. Once you get a rings page, just put up the code, okay? If you want, I could talk to you about HTML, I'm rather good though self taught.

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