messages to camarogrl86:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
A re-set would be so lovely,
from dangerspouse :
By "one day", you mean sometime in our lifetime, right? C'mon, give us details, girl! Dish!
from dangerspouse :
It's now 14 years, 1 month and one day since you started this diary. Tomorrow will be one year since you last updated it. Are you gone for good now? I hope not....
from dangerspouse :
A Trailblazer SS! John gave up a real gem. Oh well, his loss is boyfriend's gain. Hope it continues to go well :)
from xontopright :
hi my name is brian and i just created a diaryland account. my user handle is xontopright... thats please visit my site
from hippytrash :
Hi, i read one of your answers fro a servey on cars. I'm a big car enthusist and I also Like the 66 and 67 Camero's.
from andonlyif :
I'll be here if you need me love. Audrey [ keep in on the low]
from elateddream :
I've decided to come back =)
from vacantlegend :
arent i still special? jus wanted to say ello! and hopefully youll smile when you see this :) .. oh, and can you link me too? thankies -> nitenite fer nows -0ut
from fiendbynite :
its funny, youv bein in my Internet-Explorer favorites for, like, 8 months, but i havnt come back to link you to my DLand... type back if you care :P .. its a funny coincidence tho?
from grrldreds :
Hey, I am doing a study on ravers for my university and if you would be interested in filling out a survey it would really help me out. Everything is confidential. If you have any questions or would like to take the survey you can email me at [email protected].
from jetton :
Hey, just wondered, if you get time, if you'd mind checking out my new site: TTYL, luv Jet x0x0x
from jetton :
Hey again.. jus read ur note.. yeh ive seen it about five times too! I taped it when it was on n then just kept watching it.. but i missed the end :( the tape cut the end off so i've seen it a hundred times but still not seen the end. I emailed the channel it was shown on and asked if theyd show it again but they never replied :( Luv Jet x
from jetton :
Hey! You're the only person other than me to have The Lottery as your favourite film =D I absolutely loved that!! See ya! Luv Jet x
from spifferific :
I owe you a dollar, even though you didn't buy the sweater. oh yes, and uhm, i'm shouted-at!
from jonathan :
Fantastic that you have this Five Hundred thing in mind. You should think about grabbing 24 hours to do this crazy marathon ... one thousand words on the hour. Give you another 24 entires towards 500. Good luck. J.
from darcyargue :
Hey! Thanks for joining the anarchists ring. You rock. Anyone who likes no doubt gets extra points. x darce
from camarogrl86 :
wow, glad to see i made someones day! :) i never thought i could do that
from darksilkrose :
I'm very surprised someone even reads my diary, never mind adding it as a favourite. Thanks so much! You made my day!
from dirty-punk :
Hello. I was wondering why my diaries is one of your favorites. I swear I won't bite. :) Email me. Or IM me. Luv, K
from camarogrl86 :
Testing the notes setting....yeah it works.

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