messages to chalice26:
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from ingridwrites :
If only it were that easy.
from ingridwrites :
from ingridwrites :
Can I tell you how awesome it is that you love Tool? ;)
from sobepixie40 :
Tim Farrington is awesome! Glad to hear someone else knows his stuff!
from chalice26 :
I press my palms on Window's white cross Is that your dark form beyond the glass? How do they come who haunt us in gown or plumey hat or white marbling nakedness frozen--is it--that? Their remembrances haunt us A trick of a wrist Loved then-automatic-Caught at and kist Bone now to what melting of flesh and bone Infinite graces bundled in one Do not walk lonely out in the cold I will come to you Naked and bold and your sharp fingers featly might pick flesh from my moist bones Touch at the quick..My warm your cold's food Your chill breath my air When our white mouths meet It mingles. There.

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