messages to charminggirl:
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from raven72d :
How is life?
from raven72d :
I lost your p/w... May I have the latest one and be able to read you again?
from raven72d :
Happy 2016!
from raven72d :
Books--- yes! I'm trying to re-focus on reading... Any favourites so far?
from raven72d :
So what are you reading these days?
from mrquiteaguy :
"Social Retard,ummmm no thanks". May i suggest buying him a copy of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Just even looking at the Wikipedia entry for it,is full of helpful and Interesting advice for both sexes.
from mrquiteaguy :
Weren't U2 lucky to be at APples iPhone launch? I Wish I had their knack of being in the right place at the right time.
from raven72d :
Wineglass appreciated! (And I quite like port...)
from raven72d :
Well, then... I do like that as an idea...
from raven72d :
from raven72d :
I liked the first two Dune novels, but not the rest.'re right. I'd forgotten about pegging...though that has its own potential markers and cliques.
from raven72d :
Hitachi is what all the girls I know swear by.
from raven72d :
"Arthur Gordon Pym" is a delight.
from raven72d :
Welcome back! (And malbec is wonderful) Drop by and read/comment anytime!
from raven72d :
whatever became of you?
from dre2600 :
Just remembered I had this account floating around? You still kickin?
from lady-crystal :
Hugs and kisses for you and your son - as well as a few armsful of squeezes. Have a really wonderful Christmas!!! Love always, Crystal xxx
from dre2600 :
Ah, none of those things are explicitly bad in and of themselves, they're just more tumultuous events in a long series of tumultuous events :)

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