messages to chatterwall:
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from mangotuesday :
oh the southern migration. i need to get out of here too. at least long enough to properly miss it. have some visions in the desert or something. i was going to invite you to my party! we must get coffee next time i am down in yer new neighborhood. xoxo. ash.
from mangotuesday :
are you still in portland????!!!
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help! ps- love your diary layout
from mangotuesday :
from mangotuesday :
are you from portland?!
from softbomb :
if only i was there to lend you a mothering tactic, and you could do best for me. i see you there in rich warm light, you take me in to your secret place soft. i need that hug right now kate, the kind that lets you know there is still some sort of sliver of hope, a glimmering glance of what may be a very strong and valiant future. love.
from softbomb :
you wear those boots well i see you in them in a daydream and they feel honored to be probed by you. i would.
from rainhammers :
hello. are you a boy or a girl? it doesn't really matter. i just wanted to say hi. i see mangotuesday has you on her list. i'll be checking back.

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