messages to cheryprncess:
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from amber-darko :
Hi! My name's Amber and I'm 23. I am writing a book about my personal account of self hate and self harm. I'd like to include some personal stories from different stages in healing, different sexes and different ages to show that no one is the same, but we all are hurting in ways that we are unable to convey. I do not intend on printing names, there is no length restriction and I will not censor. I have decided to also include poetry or just general opinions. Please email me if you are interested. [email protected]
from antigy :
I kno u've prolly already stopped writing entries, but it was nice while u were. Also not everyone is messed up, it's just ironic and sad, that the loudest voices are always those we least want to hear. But there are some ppl who will help you, they r the ppl u need to trust more than anything, sry if im ranting/preaching, just trying to help, if u ever see this
from umda-lakshmi :
terribly sorry to hear you have suffered at the hands of the uneducated. if i were you i would simply ignore them and go on. leaving only creates a victory for them. i find it much easier to laugh at stupidity than mourn for man. i certainly hope this won't change your diaryring. i just joined.
from leslieirene :
Hi! I am getting a review site going around the end of next week; would you consider being a reviewer? You can do it part-time or full-time! Let me know!
from leslieirene :
Hello, Miss Marianne! Just wanted to say that the more I watch "Bridget Jones's Diary", the more little parallels I find between it and "Pride and Prejudice". I think the name of the publishing company she worked for was "Pemberly".
from leslieirene :
I thought there were some very interesting parallels between the two stories! Daniel Cleaver being Mr. Wickham! Wow! Thanks for your comment! Leslie Irene :)
from myhorizons :
Wow, I was looking over your profile, and it's great. Seriously, you put alot of info on there to know about you! Most people, including me, leave it almost blank.
from leslieirene :
from leslieirene :
Hello, Miss Marianne! Thanks for joining the Mistakes, Single Girls, and Club Pink diary rings! I sure appreciate it! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)
from leslieirene :
Hi! I added you as a favorite, only since I filled up all my spots on this diary, I obtained another one under the name "Sparkleirene" for the sole purpose of adding more favorites. So, you're there, Miss Marianne! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)
from leslieirene :
Oh wow! Before the quiz thing, I have to say I was so excited when I saw the name "Marianne Dashwood"! I bought that video, and can't count how many times I've watched it! Barton Cottage! Gorgeous Diary! I deleted the quiz. For some reason, it worked fine on the confirmation email they sent, but when I link it to the page...ZIP, Zilch. So...I'll have to find a better site or something. Thanks, and Blessings Always, Miss Dashwood! Leslie Irene
from losttears :
um, hey i liked your profile alot and decided to check your diary out, lots of pink. but seriously i was just lurking around looking for a new friend and well you looked like you'd be interesting so yeah if you're intereseted you can find my diary here it's losttears, give it look, and if i make the cut i'd love to chat sometime. later
from kay123 :
You have a cool diary. Do u like 2 sing? I do. My diary is kay123. Yur diary is grrreatt!!!
from skyler406 :
YOu have a really awsome diary very powerful words and also I really like the layout check my diary out take care

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