messages to chloroplast:
(click here to add new message):

from tsulnagrom :
Dangit! I lost your username/password again!
from tsulnagrom :
I locked my diary. Username: star Password: wars
from tsulnagrom :
best dream ever.
from tsulnagrom :
hey! can i have your user/pass? :D
from pharmacists :
Hey Ama, can I has pass? Maybe FB message me it? I wanna get all up in your life, girl! I don't have a computer right now (I'm writing this from work, SHH) but I wanna start posting and reading more when I get a new one. I LOVE YOU!
from beyourself- :
did you change your password?
from revisions :
so i suppose that means you aren't willing to share a un/pw? boo... :(
from revisions :
decidedly less satisfactory than imagined. are you sharing your secrets?
from tsulnagrom :
locked diary: username: username. password: cheerup
from tsulnagrom :
haha they're going well. i've been doing them for about 2 weeks now. it won't be awhile until i see results though. the only thing i've noticed is that my legs are firmer.
from tsulnagrom :
wow that's amazing. i'm so glad. :) that made my day.
from tsulnagrom :
wow! how did i turn you onto nada surf?
from tsulnagrom :
ah yes! i missed you! username: pocket password: locket

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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