messages to coolgtrboy:
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from brokensoul :
good stuff, really caught my attention. loved the one about 1985
from dizzigemini :
Please, can u delete all notes & msgs i have posted. I need this info off the web. Thankyou. After reading this, delete, please.
from stardumb :
you had me at "winds" I think my friends are all coming around at the end of the summer, I just wish for an august day at the beach.... u sound like ur going for better images, I should try that too.... all part of the being kind to myself process.... why am I the only one that writes on your wall? always entertained, many times in rotating thoughts, summer was good.... but i'm waiting for the colors of autumn.... yes, the wind there too
from stardumb :
i'm trying to earn it now. it friggen hurts, let me tell ya. u know what you're earning at that point, but fuck the pain makes you die first. x
from stardumb :
"you stayed to long in the dark" wow... spoke right to my center and every last force of dissilusionment... i wonder can a carnivorous being ever get labled? black blue anything... they'll probably call me to fung shue it.
from dizzigemini :
"thats what happens when you go it alone so destined to mess everything up thats why i keep my hands in my pockets"..... very well put. *sigh* I still with writers block.
from stardumb :
hahaha... i should start using that, hey why not, saw pics of her at 40 puffing out of a huge bong, and i definitely know she'd talk to boys with no problem, and be intellectual and amusing, and metaphorical, and somehow whimsical and neat... i talked to a boy last night, only cuz he talked to me first and at the back of my head i kept thinking "i dont know what to say, i dont know what to say" but somehow i kept finding something to say haha... WWTAD :) she'd have done that, certainly, at a single stage. plus, she's gorgeous so she would get approached by guys endlessly probably, and oh so talented. poor thing. lol. she's awesome!
from stardumb :
loved your latest
from stardumb :
oh sure you can
from stardumb :
from stardumb :
i actually felt so wanted by that poem, the last 4 lines were hot! :)
from and-darling :
It's not often every day men write poetry. I like it a lot, though... More boys should be sentimental. Instead they're usually losers.
from dayya :
hytes.... love all ur words... they do really gives me some more inspiration! thanx...
from lizann93 :
tell me what "kissing is a Crime means" 'cuase i don't believe that
from wheatheart :
happy birthday cool guitar boy! get yourself some new strings and silver wings. fly all over towne!

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