messages to cracklaugh:
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from bizybee35 :
That's a good question about my dog, what would I say to her if she really could understand? Would I say thank you for being my friend, or maybe what do you want to hear or do today? Then there's the cat and what to say to her. I love them but sometimes I think not enough for all they do for me. They are my companions, my pals and sometimes my confidaunts. I will think about that today, thank you for the question.
from beulahbondo :
I tagged you, Sally dear. Read my diary.
from beulahbondo :
Ha! I just got it in the last paragraph.
from beulahbondo :
What a bunch of gorgeous grinners. And is that Tariq? Rawwr!
from beulahbondo :
Ha! As I was reading your paragraph about Brooke Adams I thought, "I bet she means Karen Allen."
from beulahbondo :
Ahhhh! Gimme that Best of Everything!! Gimme!! An old roommate of mine had a King Charles Cavalier, Sophie. Ah, those liquidy brown eyes. A little sycophantic but sweet.
from beulahbondo :
Aww, Crackie, I will make you an Easter basket! It'll be full of goodies: bath toys, bells, a package of quinoa, some cotton balls, and a few surprises!
from beulahbondo :
HEY--are you implying that I'm faking it today?
from kittybukkake :
Hello Nancy Drew! I mailed you back (postally). You are such a peach, OMG, can I just tell you, et cetera. xoxoo Kitty.
from beulahbondo :
I love to cracklaugh! haa ha ha ha! Oh, it's cracklaughin me up! (from the "Cracklaugh Usage Guide," copyright 2003)

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