messages to cuntfeel:
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from nepenthean :
No updates since October 2020.. Too long… I hope you are all right. Thinking of you out there somewhere. Hopefully inoculated and just living quietly. -July 2021-
from whystinger :
You are worthy. I hope you feel better soon.
from the-grey-one :
Hold on, beautiful writer woman, the tides will turn. <3
from whystinger :
I am sorry for the loss of your Mother. I have a lot I want to say, but I just can't type it out for some reason. ((((hugs))))
from nepenthean :
I admire your bravery for sharing your pain and loss. Your skill as a writer conveys the gut-wrenching finality. Having lost both my parents in less than two years, separately, I can say I know the pain. I wish you strength. There's no way around it, only through, and it's a trial by fire. Know they never truly leave you.
from whystinger :
I am sorry for the loss of your younger sister. I can't imagine how that is. Growing up I did not want to be around my little sister, she is about 6 years younger than I but sometime around my 19th birthday I began to realize her value to me. We have been very close now for a long, long time and I could not imagine life without her in it, even though I live 1200 miles away from her family.
from whystinger :
That't life, isn't it? Sometimes the stories come easy and sometimes they are lost. What can I say? All I know if I enjoy reading so keep plugging away.
from dangerspouse :
"...and i think it deletes too much for fear of saying the wrong thing." You're in a very big boat there, kiddo. I think many, many of us suffer that transition. We also recoil in horror when faced with our younger works, just like you. But instead of cringing and withdrawing, you might want to try seeing how creative you can be working within your new confines (the confines of of..."maturity"? Gah, that sounds trite and shitty. Sorry.) Remember what the point of a diary is. I'll just remind you what it's NOT: it's NOT a place where you have to have standards. Just write what you feel, whenever you feel like it. The catharsis is important, not the contents. Otherwise, it's not a diary.
from whystinger :
I suspect that you are being overly critical of yourself, or your writing is too accurate and you aren't totally happy with your life's feel in your writing now. I find your writing interesting and worth reading, so you have to be doing something right. "Stapled together print outs of poems and mailed them to a long distance lover..." Someone used to do that for me and that was a trip. As I first read that line I am taken back and my hopes arise, perhaps it is you, AMI. As I read on, the hope fades as I quickly do a quick calculation and for us, the age was much further than 12 years ago... but it gave me that emotional reaction, so yeah, you are a good story teller - that is why those old poem trigger your emotions. Keep writing.
from whystinger :
I once dated a woman who read the Tarot. For some reason, I like the fact that you picked them up. It also reminded me of someone whom I knew from Diaryland - she left years ago, maybe 2003? I wonder how she and her crew are doing. I don't remember if she read the Tarot or not, but did have some different potions (simple ones). She gave me a few and they did work.
from whystinger :
It wasn't the right time to kiss or you would have. Next time, you will continue to pet their hair, then you will lean in while you continue to pet and start kissing... I can feel it.
from whystinger :
Ah, that type of kiss - the one where you know the other person wanted to kiss you. This are so rare anymore, but they are so sweet and desirable. How awesome if you receive a kiss like that.
from alix-marie :
just wanted to say that I'm glad you're still around, still writing.
from mrdeejayelle :
Reading you.
from the-grey-one :
and another note, because i felt it was necessary to refresh the fact that i think your journal is awesome. i'm into the way you express yourself.
from loveherwell :
everything you just wrote is entirely on point. i'm sorry that you're feeling the same as me. wishing you better days.
from the-grey-one :
ah it seems i've gone and added you without letting you know that i love your entries. your words are amazing. i will probably think about your entry of cherries for the rest of my life. just so you know.
from nepenthean :
Sometimes I read you. I've got u on my buddy list.
from alethia :
I'm Rosie.
from raven72d :
you're a random discoveery...but fine writing and lovely entries.
from zenayda :
Regarding your entry titled "Reunion," ye gods that's everything I am terrified of becoming. Stunning entry.
from alix-marie :
i haven't been on here in an understated bit of a while. but for some reason i felt compelled to check this site and lo. and behold. i read your most recent entry and it's like someone is in my head, typing what *i* feel and think. and it's awesome. i was that girl in catholic school who truly loved that boy and then her best friend kissed her and whoa. that changed things. i always wondered why i couldn't have all of it. but i keep falling in love with women and their words. thank you for being out there and for putting your words out there. xoxo, alix-marie.
from anticipate21 :
Who are you? I wonder. I haven't been on Diaryland for about four years. The other day, I was thinking about my old diary and came to revisit it. I also revisited yours - it's amazing to me how well I remember some of your writings, and how much I still appreciate them. You should email me. I hope that's not too strange. -Janelle [email protected]
from fword :
fword is alive and well and under new management. please forward any work/poems/ideas/quotes to "[email protected]"
from sexmo :
woah. sorry for sending that twice, my computer hates me.
from sexmo :
I like the way you think and the music you listen to... rock on fellow cunt-lover:P
from sexmo :
I like the way you think and the music you listen to... rock on fellow cunt-lover:P
from erato :
you exude the strength. I bathe in it.
from lezbian :
Oh my god! You've got a great sense of metaphor. Beautiful.
from whatabetty :
You write beautifully. Just wanted to tell you that :)
from pitty-sing :
from fword :
wanted to invite you to read, and maybe even write for, this new site fword. xoxox, jessica
from weeme :
o you cuntilicious thing you.... I dunno if my recent change of template is a hint of multi-change to come. It's one of those things I do when the energy is right....and the energy is most definitely NOT RIGHT right now. Nope. The energy is chilled and chapped, scraped by the wind and the winter rage that refuses to leave my wee world. In short, the energy sucks ass. But I do love you for popping in to notice, and prodding me a bit. yup, yup and truly!
from d-rex17 :
cuntacular, cuntacular (in the words of the vernacular).
from pitty-sing :
SEXcellent, darling cunt. You know I only mean sexiness by this all.
from pitty-sing :
fake dicks make me sad.
from applebutter :
hmmm, what *is* it about geminis? i suppose it's the duplicitous personality, and the whole air-sign connection. usually i become good friends with or begin dating someone first, then i find out that she or he is a gemini. and of course, the whole bisexual thing is a draw, as well. out of all the geminis that i've known, only one has not been bisexual in one way or another. and the whole bisexual bit tends to make for a more open mind, and i'm very drawn to open minds. so, that's some of it, as far as i can tell.
from ghanima :
"wine-drunk Grecian women of old" Well, that's me. Minus the old part. Lust-filled classicist, ever I. Come by sometime and shake the thyrsos.
from peth :
or both!
from supernigger :
sounds like lesbian territory.. lipstick or truck driver?
from applebutter :
wow, that song really gets to me, too. i don't even have anyone who comes to mind when i hear it. i just think of walking alone and listening to it. the song moves me. as does your entry.
from cherry-girl :
dude bitch and animal! yea right on! visit my diary
from pirate-ships :
you should read _the melancholy of anatomy_ by shelley jackson. look for the story called Blood in there, it's all about the city of London menstruating. it's kind of a scary book to read all in one sitting, but you might want to check it out!
from applebutter :
traveling is grand, indeed. and so are cunts. cunts are deeeeevine. and menstrual blood is pretty amazing, too. i'm glad that you reminded me of that fact.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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