messages to cymbals:
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from doctorkaysen :
from frankie123 :
I LIKE READING ABOUT HAPPINESS, where have ya been??
from loveherwell :
that one makes me happy for you.
from frankie123 :
ah shit, you just made me smile on this awful hungover foggy sat morning before work -- a rare, rare feat. and if i may reveal a bit of my arrogance, those adjectives all kind of work to describe me quite well!
from the-grey-one :
hah, nope. totally central alberta based over hereee. prairie girl, yknow? you know! heh. thanks for the note cymbals :)
from loveherwell :
i listen to that song on a near daily basis! <3
from degausser :
Why is that? It makes me wonder what motivates me to post at all. I've taken the time to post about plenty of silly and insignificant things, yet some of those big things just moved right past me.
from the-grey-one :
hey no no, thank you!
from loveherwell :
for some reason i can't remember if my "i love that" is to your most recent entry but i just wanted to say (because i'm weird and was rereading your latest one, i think i was sleepy the first time i read it and didn't get the full effect, anyway) "no more easy answers: what becoming an adult seems to mean." this is so perfect. it is so right. stay where you are happy. go home and visit but please stay where you are happy. if you have found a place to be happy, you are so far ahead.
from loveherwell :
i love that.
from the-grey-one :
me too! it's a skill i might put on my resume. i think it's worth noting. ;)
from frankie123 :
only a masochist would quit in the middle of that sort of task
from the-grey-one :
from atwowaydream :
I love that you're writing a paper on that; the unedited word, the confession. Sylvia Plath is every sad girl's martyr, at least, every sullen girl that matters. I'm sure your paper will be friggin' awesome!
from frankie123 :
from loveherwell :
isn't that the best feeling?
from loveherwell :
that entry. i like it. i'm excited for the new year FOR you. :)
from loveherwell :
hopefully we'll all get what we're looking for soon enough... xx
from frankie123 :
oct 5: hi i relate to that i think
from loveherwell :
it can be a million times easier to let other people define you than to try and figure it out for yourself. but you're in charge of all of that, whether you feel it or not. xx
from loveherwell :
THAT WAS PERFECT. thank you xx
from atwowaydream :
thank you for the very lovely comment. i really mean it. and meant it, if that's possible.
from loveherwell :
haha! i'm all right for the most part, i'm just struggling with not knowing exactly what i'm doing. it'll work itself out, though. and about running--i have periods when i get really into running, too, so i totally understand how wonderful that feels.
from boombasticat :
Yeah, the jogging. I don't do it myself, but I understand it. Have you read Haruki Murakami's book about it? Reading The Blind Assassin now. It's taking me quite a bit longer to really get into than it did for The Handmaid's Tale, which is one of my favorite novels of all time. Just amazing. Assassin is a different kind of book. So many pieces. But it's picking up. She's very good.
from the-grey-one :
hey thanks! there will definitely be more! also , loved your latest entry!
from avantbedroc :
Great entry (aug10)
from loveherwell :
i'm flattered someone thinks i'm attuned to people's feelings and things (i try really hard to be able to do that) so thank you. you do make a good point. i think i mostly admire abed because he knows who he is and is incredibly self aware and understanding of himself and i like that and wish i had that. britta is growing on me more--she has a good heart so i don't think it's so bad to see yourself in her. oh! and i also am entirely envious of troy and abed's relationship because it's the cutest thing i've ever seen! :)
from loveherwell :
i just feel like he's the one who is most in touch with himself as well as in touch with who everyone else is. he has his head on straighter than the rest of the group even if he's off a bit. i love his pop culture references and he's usually a better friend than anyone on the show (i also just started the second season). i don't know, i have a bad habit of latching on to one character of a show i'm obsessed with and i just love every single thing that character does (which is obviously the case with abed, as says this way too long response haha).
from the-grey-one :
"but my eyes, having just gotten used to not being trained on anyone in particular, couldn't stop following him." great line!
from strayrecluse :
what happened? email me. xx
from loveherwell :
from the-grey-one :
quite enjoyed your latest entry !
from strayrecluse :
it'll be mid to end of august. depending on how many countries i stop in along the way.
from strayrecluse :
i'm coming to visit. after austria i'll be buying a plane ticket back here and enrolling in college so i can be with the boy. he makes me so crazy i can't see straight. the sky is bright, the trees are green, and i'm in love again. xx
from imalex :
So strange, just finished watching that episode. Good line.
from strayrecluse :
it's the curse of the taurus (which, i think, makes us both in love with love.) oh and happy birthday to you too! i will have a drink at midnight (eastern) for your canadian birthday.
from strayrecluse :
i sent you an email!
from loveherwell :
oh my goodness, thank you! haha. i get made fun of for it a lot :P
from strayrecluse :
and because you probably know how weird i am:
from strayrecluse :
i'm still working out a budget so i'm not 100% sure yet. i will let you know as soon as things are planned. (but i ate at la sala rossa while i was in montreal and it was the besssttt.)
from frankie123 :
from strayrecluse :
oh, you are my favourite person. <3
from the-grey-one :
awesome poem, awesome 3 year old !
from loveherwell :
You write exactly what I feel.
from loz-er :
These two sentences you wrote ("but how many times did i look at the stars with someone else, and think that they would be the only one for me? how many times have i done this before and how many times will i do it again? ") have helped me through losign someone important to me. I love your thoughts and writing :).
from strayrecluse :
i would read there every day if i could. places like those have a certain spiritual relevance for me.
from loveherwell :
that's really lovely. i'm glad you both could be honest with each other.
from strayrecluse :
look what i stumbled across:
from strayrecluse :
how long are you going to be in austria for? i'm planning to travel for a year beginning in semptember for real this time, so maybe i'll be able to sleep on your couch after all.
from strayrecluse :
oh that's dangerous. he's never going to give you what you want..
from loveherwell :
but barney and robin are meant to be together!!! and no one loves me the most right now, either. but we'll get that eventually. i promise.
from loveherwell :
your january 8th entry kind of summarizes my life right now.
from strayrecluse :
i now have a sexy winter lover who invites me into his sheets whenever i want to. and bonus, he has a wicked cat who talks to you. mission accomplished.
from lacienega :
12/15 i just love that so much
from the-grey-one :
ah resolutions are tricky indeed!
from the-grey-one :
from the-grey-one :
i like very much how you referenced your moods on the 23rd. then again i am always a sucker for prairie references. =)
from loveherwell :
i hope you're doing all right.
from strayrecluse :
we got our first snowfall in ottawa this morning. somehow i think it'll help with my GRE today.
from southeast :
love and boy furnaces.
from strayrecluse :
i've taken on winter lovers before. it gives you an excuse to shave your legs during the winter. by the way, are you back in canada now?
from the-grey-one :
"it's not anyone. it's the idea of someone." yaaaah. yah...
from loveherwell :
from loveherwell :
yup. i feel the same way.
from alienamiss :
Are you doing NANOWRIMO, too? (11/5/11)
from frankie123 :
you are an angel! i'm staying in tonight to get this done. ps did you ever wind up at sfu?
from boombasticat :
Here's to figuring out who you are. Also, I know the feeling of having a favorite bar close (if we're talking about the same thing) and I agree: it's bittersweet.
from lacienega :
from lacienega :
xo soulsister
from the-grey-one :
no i mean quite literally, writings about spiders. haha. i even have the word spider tattooed on my left wrist.
from the-grey-one :
oh man, 'arachne and me' rocked my socks off! i have a thing for spiders and apartments full of smoke and bumping into things! you seem just absoultely adorable. (notice the intentional spelling error)
from the-grey-one :
loved the last 2 entries cymbals!
from frankie123 :
...singin' S jigga jigga, jigga jigga jack! singin' S jigga jigga, hello, hello, i've got to blow my nose! fire ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE!
from strayrecluse :
(but I can tell you that it's kurt vonnegut.) xx
from strayrecluse :
oh i've got lots of news. and the boy will take some photos of my tattoo on sunday after it heals a bit. he took some right after it was finished but i was being tattooed for 2 hours so it was all red and swollen.
from the-grey-one :
" scared but confidently introducing myself to those sarcastic eyebrows for the first time." love that line!
from frankie123 :
he sounds wonderful
from the-grey-one :
hey sometimes we all need a pat on the back for keeping ourselves alive! it can be quite a challenge!
from the-grey-one :
just happy to have a positive message to share =) glad you got something from it
from strayrecluse :
your entries always get me, K.
from frankie123 :
where are you, england? i'm awful: all i really care for is the riot that'll come at the end
from the-grey-one :
there are specific canadians spread out across the world simply so you may run into them in other places and reminisce about our dear old country. it is the gov't trying to stop emigration. harper wants you here =|
from strayrecluse :
are you okay hun?
from opposure :
Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. Hugs. Hope they get better.
from strayrecluse :
i miss your emails! </3
from opposure :
Thanks. I'm glad you found it worthwhile. s
from the-grey-one :
haha, thanks, nothing like a little withdrawal to get the ol creative juices flowing
from strayrecluse :
(also, p.s.. i have a funny story to tell you about love.)
from strayrecluse :
i emailed you. :( junk mail?
from strayrecluse :
(i emailed youuu.)
from loveherwell :
oh, i LOVE the awakening. and also madame bovary... oh how wonderful they are.
from strayrecluse :
hey, do you have facebook or an email or anything outside of the anonymity of diaryland? it would be nice to learn more about you.
from frankie123 :
hahaha, now i will be wondering about every skinny blonde i see
from opposure :
Unhappiness will transcend even the ego (or especially the ego.) So will real happiness. I hope the latter for you.
from strayrecluse :
i am pretty sure (almost certain) that we are the same person. I think we'd have a fucking shitshow together. i'm crossing my fingers for europe. finding a decent job hasnt been easy though. xxo and I hope my playlist worked! ;) you little trickster.
from strayrecluse :
hah! cheater! ;) i like you.
from strayrecluse :
oh, i'm in the same boat.
from the-grey-one :
hey, your diary is an interesting read, hope you don't mind if i add you!
from frankie123 :
i have at least forty from playing too much bloody knuckles
from avantbedroc :
"celebrity hot tub" lolz!!
from faithin :
hey! i was away for a while (all kinds of crazy personal life stuff going on), but i just caught your comments at my design site and i wanted to thank you so much for your feedback! the template looks so great on your diary!!
from frankie123 :
of course! i guess i just got tired of people i actually know reading this thing, ha ha. fire/fly to get in :)
from avantbedroc :
nice design
from strayrecluse :
cool, thanks! free couches and canadians are awesome.
from strayrecluse :
i'll be in europe from june to august, actually. :) backpacking.
from strayrecluse :
i went through the same thing when i broke up with my ex. it was fun, but confusing mostly. all i can say is never settle for less. there are stomach flips out there, waiting for you. x
from opposure :
3 in 10 days is beyond my experience. Can I envy you for a moment?
from frankie123 :
it just seems like such a cop out, though, doesn't it? i don't know. sometimes i hate being a girl
from omfggwtf :
the raveonettes, david bowie.. i think i love you!
from opposure :
I know it's very tough to face the realization of the end of this kind of relationship. Words are not going to help, but I'll offer them anyway - I'm sorry for you, and I hope for the best for you. Hugs.
from frankie123 :
25 pages -- holy fuck!
from frankie123 :
it's all so stressful, i don't wanna decide my life. i sent out my applications based on which school throws the best parties; how the fuck am i supposed to manage 3000 word essays when i can't even be bothered to complete my simple 10-question novel studies. i don't know. i'll stop gibbering into your notes box now
from foreveragain :
moonsocket moved. here. now you know!
from opposure :
Thanks. :)
from opposure :
i really feel for you, having such heavy indecision weighing down your future. i'm not really the best one to advise you, as i tend to stick with something even as it crumbles around me, but perhaps you could let this decision go for now; let it float away. perhaps no bold course of action need to be laid out for all time in this present moment. perhaps, "what must be done" is just a notion that will one day sneak up on you in your dreams, and you will wake with the unmistakable feeling that you know what you have to do. because right now, it seems like you don't really have to do anything.
from avantbedroc :
labyrinth - exactly!
from longitude :
I'm completely with you on the sexy daydreams.
from xorbit :
I used to "go straight to the sex" when I was 19, 20, 21. With hindsight I know it's because that's the only area/ability I had confidence in - certainly no confidence in *myself* or my value as a person, or my "right" to have a conversation first. It was also the type of guy I attracted... not worth having a conversation *with*, really.
from avantbedroc :
hot minx!!! :-)
from opposure :
You are, of couse, completely correct. It is about wanting her (in many ways) moreso than just wanting sex. I tell myself that I'm doing everything I can to develop a passion dialog with her, and not just looking for some self-satsifying biology. Maybe I'm not doing enough. I might just be an incredible coward. Thanks for the advice, though. Really. :)
from bibles :
I agree that it's perfectly all right to think whatever you want in your daydreams!
from frankie123 :
yeah haha, thanks, but i'm dropping most of my classes. definitely not an ib kid.
from in-alaska :
happy belated birthdiz. i hope it was like peaches and cream.
from opposure :
Happy birthday. I hope you find your way through the mist.
from moonsocket :
happy anniversary of YOU! everything'll level out, trust me. xo
from moonsocket :
not sure why i'm here or what i want to say.....i guess i just want you to know that yr never really alone. there is always someone somewhere feeling what yr feeling and going through something similar. and right now that someone somewhere is me.
from alienamiss :
What an awesome username. Congrats on snagging it!
from in-alaska :
i like you.
from opposure :
thanks. i find your thoughts to be in possession of a clear and acute purpose; one that seems very relevant to my current crises of conscience.
from doctorkaysen :
I am really flattered that you are flattered, I don't usually find diaries that I really like but yours especially caught my eye when i saw it. I think probably because a lot of the things you write remind me of things I would write. those usually end up being my favorite diaries. i like to keep my old writing too, to look back on. thanks for the note and i think your old stuff is really great as well. this is a wall of text so i'll cut it long.
from circuswheel :
symbolism? more like cymbalism. i remember that scene from the secret garden. in fact i think it's the only one i remember, so thanks for jogging it out of me. nous sommes inconnus, nous sommes disparus. tu me manques, amie. it's backwards in french, to say 'i miss you'.

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