messages to cyndimae:
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from bubba1966 :
stareing up at a star lit sky my mind wandering asking me why although the answer he already knows hes curious now which way to go the answer is there in the dark of the night in the memories of when he held her tight time heals all or thats what they say but scars to the heart will forever stay
from bubba1966 :
guess who sexy--just wanted u 2 know i understand and hope all goes well and i will b here if u need me girl --- later
from tiragem :
Very emotional. I like your diary... That seems to be the norm these days though... incompetent husbands/fathers... I hope things get better for you as time goes by.
from grngrl75 :
Thanks for your advice..I've found a lot of great templates! Hopefully anyone who reads will hang in there thru my foul Thanks again!
from grngrl75 :
Thank you so much for your note in my diary. I will have to check yours out:) Yes I'm new atleast to this to HTML Do you know of any good help sites?
from kyousha :
Hi! ^__^ I just randomly clicked on a link and yours happened to be the one I clicked on. Your layout gives off a feeling of someone who's in some half state of peace but with that deep bit of chaos as well, so small and hardly recgonizable. ^__^ I like it!
from starlight42 :
I clicked on your banner...I enjoyed your entry today. Maybe that man behind the eyes will soon be your Valentine? Have a nice V-day!
from dcalien :
Hey, I love Discovery and the learning channel. Happy Holidays.

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