messages to dazeyduke2:
(click here to add new message):

from nmnohr :
12/3 Where are you, I miss you!
from nmnohr :
I'm so glad you are feeling better. I miss you when you're gone!
from pashiesplace :
Oh. My. God. I'm bowing at your feet. How did you survive that?? MIL usually stays with us while hubby works all day & THAT is hell, even on my own turf!
from pashiesplace :
Newlyweds is on right now & I'm just like you. Cannot stand her but I NEED to watch her stupidity. I still don't understand why he is with her but I do know that she just CANNOT ever reproduce!
from twisted-mind :
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I will be thinking of her and sending her tons of get well wishes.
from pashiesplace :
Sounds like you're doing well. So glad your hubby is doing better too!
from twisted-mind :
Glad you are back and things are going good. We used to live real close to Ft Lewis for about 15 years. I'm so happy to hear your husband is doing much better. Take care and enjoy that time at home with the kiddos.
from pashiesplace :
YAY!!!!! You're back! How cool. (((Hugs)))
from stucknbumfuk :
Thanks for the author suggestion. I need it! And for the record, I was always scared of Willy Wonka. The Ooompa Loompa were just a little too freaky for me. And that scene where they ride on the magic boat or whatever, I think I was supposed to be on LSD when I saw it.
from jelibeary :
OMG....I love the layout....I love the movie too. I'am picked on to this day because I had a huge crush on David when I saw the first time I saw the movie. When I started high school though and had a few friends over for a Christmas get together my mother came in and said I got the movie you wanted with the guy that makes you getty. When we popped the movie in later that night everyone laughed at me when they saw what movie it was. Of course the guys said the only reason I liked him was because I could see his sholong during the whole movie. I still blush when I watch that movie. Welcome back :)
from jelibeary :
Hey hun happy belated birthday. I've been a bad girl and havn't had a chance to catch up with everyones diary only to come back to find you had a birthday. Sorry I am late on sending you my wishes. Will be back talk to you later. :0)
from jen69 :
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a great day.
from kathiec :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great day... heck, have a great year! Love and birthday hugs, Kathie
from unluckystar :
Thanks for the birthday wishes! :)
from jelibeary :
I'm so happy for you after reading your entry I had a smile on my face. You really sound happy and that is great. You are really lucky to have a VP like that and very weird at the same time :) Oh by the way when are you going to update your Pic of the DAy?
from jelibeary :
don't fret to much until tomorrow :)
from jelibeary :
thanks for the note. I've always thought I was strong to deal with all the stuff I did but stronger when i finally left. :) Happy Fathers Day to your hubby and your dad. :) Larenda
from jelibeary :
ahhh I hate commercials they always seem to interupt the best part of a show or movie. But I have to say there are some hilarious ones out there. Oh and to let you on a little secret I laugh at that same commercials with the squarills <-----I don't know how to spell please forgive me. I love there little chuckles after they mad the car run off the road.
from jelibeary :
lol thanks for your note and I think your rawk too. Your entry today has really made my day. lol :)
from twisted-mind :
Thanks so much for the note about my daughter. I've been meaning to come over and thank you for adding me to your faves as well, but have been in a funk. Hope your weekend is going well. Thanks again for the note. :o)
from jelibeary :
your girls our such cuties. I love the pull. :) Happy Belated Mothers Day
from jelibeary :
I lived in Vero Beach for about 3 years. I love the new layout. I havn't seen it before.
from dazeyduke2 :
Born in Pensacola but lived in Orlando, Milton, and Jacksonville :)
from jelibeary :
Where in Florida?
from jelibeary :
i love the layout and welcome back
from jelibeary :
Where are you? :(
from jelibeary :
cute layout and thanks for the note. He is a cutie lol :)
from jelibeary :
thank you for your note. :)
from jelibeary :
Actually I would like to put a pic of him up but I don't know how to put it in my diary or even a entry. do you know the html code I could use?
from jelibeary :
lol You have totally giving me my morning laughs and smiles lol. Actually its lunch time but anyway I know exactly how you feel. lol :)
from jelibeary :
she is so cute lol :)
from wilrocyrwrld :
hello dazy darling and how are we today I'm in college to. in fact I'm here now writing you just to say may the sun shine on you like a presus little spring flower and may you shine like a diamond and may you stand naked under a waterfall with the man of your dreams on a summer day only to end up on a midnight picnic with a bottle of wine some cheese and some fresh french bread. "who love ya baby" me!
from jelibeary :
lol I'm excited for you I don't really know the group when I was in high school i liked some of there songs. Now go get some sleep. lol
from jelibeary :
:) I love the pics they are so cute. :)
from starlight42 :
hey- found your through jelibeary's diary. that's funny about the toilet seat!
from jelibeary :
You sound so happy you go girl lol :)
from jelibeary :
Hello just goign around saying hello to everyone and you were next. my name is Larenda and I just joined moms r us ring and thought I would say hello to everyone well gotta go couple more people left. lol :)
from jelibeary :
lol I hate that to when Terry does it. I had him trained but when we moved to another place I had to retrain him. THat is so weird. lol Oh by the way I am just going around and saying hello to everyone in the moms r us ring because I just joined and thought it might be nice. lol :) Well gotta go. :)
from dazeyduke2 :
I swear, stwig, I am not that bad....lmao
from stwig :
If you every become my boss, remind me not to piss you off.
from nmnohr :
Do we lead parallel lives? We just had a horrible accident near where I live, and my Mom was caught in the middle. 10 people died, and many injuries. I had to leave work early that day, I just couldn't concentrate. Hope your hubby feels better, so that you have one less kid to take care of! Nicole
from nmnohr :
Congrats on your competition! Third place? Wow, kickass! Guess you showed them, huh? Well, back to my annoying job.......Can't wait to read more :o) Nik
from nmnohr :
Hey there, me again! Sounds like a exciting weekend......I know what you mean about having to spend too much time with your husband. My husband works nights, I work days, so we only see each other on the weekends, and quite honestly, I don't think I could handle much more time with him than that! hee hee try not to stress too much about your daughter's surgery. my 2 year old just had it done in october.... it was over in no time, and he is a whole new much happier now!! look forward to reading more! nicole
from nmnohr :
Awesome diary.........I'm a realty tv addict also. And I love American Idol for the same reason.......they are doing what i wish i could. but i think since i'm also a (soon to be)28 year old - married mother of 2, we're over the age limit (bastards!) glad i found your diary to read! nmnohr
from givemeabreak :
Hi There Brandy! I am not sure how you stumbled upon my humble diaryland diary, but I am glad you visited it and think that I rawk. I am so flattered. I love your layout, very beautiful. Mine is pretty plain Jane, but it works for now. Thanks again for reading!!! Arkansas huh? How's the weather there???

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