messages to doddles0716:
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from ghostofgor :
Some of us dont dance out of kindness so we dont embarrass our dates with our lack of skillz on the floor.
from emo-facade :
i like underoath too. they were amazing
from rejectlau :
thank you for the comment. <3
from lb-designs :
hi i saw u left a message for fsdesigns... um the template with the girlleaning over the toilet bowl..i love that template..but its not fallen stars! its bitch and moans! search google for a template design site name Bitch and moan... they have it...its under lyrics! :) -milena
from zero-boy :
hey its me, i see that you havent written in a while, and i was just saying hey, if you wanna chat im me at [email protected] its yahoo. well talk to you later
from imanobody00 :
Hey thanx for the note. I'm sorry you are suffering too. I can't get my diary to work for me lately. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write me. My e-mail is [email protected] or you can leave me a note on here if you want to stay in touch, cuz I'm never on IM. ~Take Care
from cort-n-ryan :
I know how you feel. Its like you love them so much that u forget their not perfect, their just like u. Iv been their trust me, give it time.
from cort-n-ryan :
I will happily take any advice. I love Ryan more than myself its just i let my insecurities get in the way and here lately we have argued every other day cause of it. We have been together 8 months and things are starting to get hard. Read all my other entries and u will understand. I think we are just going through a rough spot or at least i hope. Thanks for looking at my diary that means alot to know there is other people out there who are listening.
from zero-boy :
Hey thanks for reading my diary. BTW i love chocolate milk as well, and i bet your not a big dork like you said, well atleast not as much as me.
from roughdrafts :
It's extremely tempting to just leave everything behind. Sometimes I need it more than anything. Learning to play really isn't that hard. I taught myself, still getting to grips with things, but getting there. :D Give it a go, you'll feel achieved once ya get the hang of it.
from thebestday :
Why don't you think that you'll ever leave? Sure I'll add you.
from thebestday :
Wow, you still live in NJ even though you're old enough to move anywhere else. Well, I guess some places in NJ are worth staying in. I see that your diary is from fs-designs too. I love their layouts.
from roughdrafts :
Hey, I like your diary too. I feel like you're very honest, which is so hard to come across even in a diary. Yeah I did write the songs, and I have got some music behind them, just it's only acoustic guitar and I think maybe they are a bit rockier :P Thanx for reading.
from kizzykim :
LoL, sure, take the disclaimer. I stole it fair and square! Thanks for adding me to your favorites! How did you find me? (I ask everyone who adds me that :)
from ghostofgor :
So cliche but: "OmMiGod!!!! Kirby rocks. o_o And he has spikey hair to boot. Coincidence? I think not...
from doddles0716 :
You are very right ghost. The point I was trying to make was the fact that my brother hates me that he would charge his own sister $20 bucks to use his computer...sigh...
from ghostofgor :
$20 dollars is just $20 dollars. Some days I would die without My laptop, I guess its all up to the person to decide its worth. Massages are $60 an hour. I dunno...
from p-o-y :
Welcome to Pieces Of You!
from hollysdiet :
i don't know that i have an ED, really. i am a compulsive overeater, as they say in OA, but i don't have any of those clinically recognized disorders (anorexia, bullemia, etc.)
from pinkglass :
hey, my lj name is rainbow_skye .. i just see diaryland and lj as very different things.. lj is more about hasving fun and showing pics.. and dland is just pretty honest and pure.. at least for me it is :)
from punknerd :
Our Angel is wingless, our Halos are broken Our God isn't listening, so our Prayers go unspoken. --- Adam Jones Your site remended me of that. Thought you might like it.

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