messages to dogsolitude:
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from mallorysana :
I say that all the time, why can't we receive the love we give or offer, why can't that emotion be held by someone other than our own selves (to be on the other end of it), when does our time arrive, so many others are given these chances and they throw it away and we are only asking for a single chance. Sorry for the use of WE but I was speaking as if I wasn't alone.
from daringtobe :
hey thanks! I'm better today. Nothing like an emotional sucker punch to the gut to make you start swearing like a sailor though. don't worry - I can't even think dirty thoughts anymore at work - much less shout cocksucker - although I wish I could!
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from daringtobe :
Hey there! You are just going through a "funk" - things will change - I promise. I thought about ending it all a year ago - I didn't think anything would get any better - it didn't get better as it just changed and I was able to see more reasons for living. No matter how poorly you think of yourself you are not mediocre. Please hang in there. Maybe you should do something completely crazy and out of the ordinary. Sometimes you need to scare yourself to live.
from daringtobe :
Jenny is very pretty. Sorry that you are in so much pain still.
from daringtobe :
Do you only update 30 days or so? Your last entry was so sad....I just want to make sure you are okay.
from daringtobe :
I am so sorry about Jenny.
from dwimmerlake :
Hawkwind and Joy Division, but have you heard of Gong????

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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