messages to draining:
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from uridium15 :
actually, speaking of diaryrings, i believe that i win the award for best diaryring of them all. corgansteeth! interestingly enough, some people have joined it. i have no idea what is wrong with people.
from hard-as-silk :
beautiful picture you posted two entries ago. you're definitely a favorite of mine, and i just reconnected with this site today. thank you for your honesty and your beautiful writing.
from theicing :
u have a gift-keep writing :)
from theicing :
please please may i have your password.i promise to worship and adore you from afar. [email protected]
from fan4 :
What gives with Diarylanders suddenly deciding to lock their diaries? My e-mail is [email protected], if you want to send your password to me. I'll just have to keep it in a better location. (All of the passwords I used to keep for people's diaries are missing.)
from ofenchant :
(whatever that means)
from ofenchant :
Thank you! I adore your diary. I wish happiness.
from hamiltonian :
Finally getting around to the problem. Will keep ya' posted.
from hamiltonian :
I will do what I can about the diaryring problem and get in touch wth Andrew about it. Thanks for joining and if you'd ever like to discuss the subject feel free.
from fan4 :
So far, there appear to be three responses to that test. Sad (me), Angry (wait4you), and Happy (you).
from fan4 :
Thanks for adding my diary to your favorites list.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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