messages to drctprincess:
(click here to add new message):

from drctprincess :
Uh, um, uh, hey Mom! I mean, you have TWO kitties, right? Um, cuz your profile only says about Barrymore. But I'm the cute one, and, um, I think you should tell people about me. Yeah. - Your Baby, Charlatan P.S.- Oh yeah, maybe you should tell 'em about Dad. I've never seen a crazy actress best friend. If I had, I bet I would've cuddled with her.
from raybo :
I am phenominally amused. Just joined D-land, and looking for those who tickle my brain! Word association test grand! (and too true...)
from musicchick44 :
Heh..I just clicked on your Save-A-Lot entry and thought perhaps you went to Rowan...I'm a junior here and save-a-lot was one of my first glassboro experiences. oh, and i also depend on get fuzzy! yay for satchel.
from blowfish14 :
Hey ! You sound pretty cool leave me a note so we can talk! You can read my diary if you want
from sleepyzoe :
I went to BGSU.
from drctprincess :
Hey Amy and Casey, you guys fuckin rules...but you know what? I don't follow the rules...RULES SUCK!

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