messages to dreamyautumn:
(click here to add new message):

from kris-tee :
Hi, I saw that mybabylove listed you as one of her favorites, I am trying to find her �real� diary and I was wondering if you could give it to me, or if you could let her know I would like to read it somehow. I was reading it before and I lost it and now I can�t find it again. She has her notes turned off and I tired to email her and it keeps coming back, so I guess she changed her email! Thanks so much!
from watercolored :
Greetings and salutations, dreamyautumn. I'm wandering through your pages, if you don't mind.
from azimel :
Happy Belated Tofurky Day!
from kittyleopard :
great diary!!!
from enchancea :
I would LOVE to take it over :)
from blaiyze :
*Blaiyze immediately....responds to the passionate embrace* (need I say how?) Oh darling. I've missed you. *Blaiyze kisses you passionately and pushes himself against you, rubbing up and down while blazing a trail of hot kisses down your neck to your sweet, tender breasts.....and begins to lick and suckle at your hardened nipples*
from blaiyze :
Excuse me....but....I did not find any...vampires....?

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