messages to dstruktshun:
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from division-day :
hey, what's up, found your diary from the h ring, and you apparently live in pdx, which i miss so fucking much, but it was bad for me (see above). anyway. just thought i'd say hey. -becky
from dstruktshun :
well they're diaryland blame andrew?
from less-than3 :
your stats LIE, because i SO hit you up yesterday.
from argos67 :
don't worry, i actually think it has something to do with a syntax error during the last couple days of february/december and the first couple days of the preceding month.
from candoor :
following your banner, enjoying the read.
from crackisbad :
i am convinced you're my soulmate. will you marry me? i am making my proclamation of love to you! see, this is how much i care: my love for you is deep, i say, like a bridge, that is steep. i shall die without you by my side for the rest of eternity! without you, i am nothing. we can go to abu dhabi. you can denounce judaism so that our marriage works out, if you're a jew.
from charminggirl :
bellingham is a college city. the bonus of it is vancouver bc canada. that's a pretty neato city. hehe, bellingham is nothing like seattle. ;)
from charminggirl :
OH HELL YEAH! WHOOHOOO! You made my night.
from less-than3 :
you take amazing pictures. wow.
from brucegirl :
Thanks for the tag :-) I would love to take pictures with you, even though you're in a higher leauge than me *sigh* Most of my pictures sucks... And oh - in Norway Dagmar is a female name ;-) But if you take away 'mar' you got Dag left and that is a male name... And 'dag' means 'day' in english. Shut me up - i'm rambling!!
from brucegirl :
I would love to have canon digital camera with like 1000 megapixels... *sigh* Mine got only 5 mp. :-(
from charminggirl :
i'm going to the 8th level of hell so if you see me make sure to hump my leg. also get lots and lots of rest. p.s. who doesnt have problem?
from dstruktshun :
oh no no no, i wasn't talking about your son! i was talking about adult use of it, and un-theraputic (word?) use of it - large part of plot in "more, now, again" by elizabeth wurtzel. i make jokes about that and i'm about 0.00000000001 percent serious, since i have my own laundry list of problems i make fun of myself for. but i'm going to hell anyway. ;)
from charminggirl :
yeah but the doctor keep major tabs on that. My son's too young to snort it. So I don't have to worry about that, yet.
from dstruktshun :
no i don't have a problem with attention span. i wish i did though - i hear that ritalin shit's pretty good...and cheaper than coke.
from charminggirl :
I figured bipolar but i was wondering with the attention span issues. Dear believe me I know all about being divorced. I was divorced officially last year, age 26 and with a six year old child.
from dstruktshun :
it's called bipolar, dating a model, heroin and a divorce. but its funny to be a young-20s and divorced.
from charminggirl :
"sorta got engaged or something. i don't remember...she was extra hot though." Sheesh, is that a divorce waiting to happen or what? I hope you find what you are looking for. This is just a guess but you have ADD or ADHD, right?
from dstruktshun :
i need to check people's profiles and photos before i post notes. move in with me. xo
from dstruktshun :
where are you going? and living rent-free in philly? OKAY. xo
from less-than3 :
should you feel inclined to move to philly, let me know. of course, if it's after april, then that's all irrelevant, since i'll most likely NOT be in the philly area anymore. ok, i'm rambling. <3

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