messages to eirever:
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from raven72d :
Out there still?
from raven72d :
22 May 20... Do return and post!
from raven72d :
Merci for the note!
from raven72d :
Are you returning to D-Land?
from che :
from raven72d :
i'll be looking forward to it: 28 jan 10.
from raven72d :
i wish you were still posting...
from raven72d :
I do hope you'll post more...
from raven72d :
Have you vanished from here?
from button-maker :
Welcome to the vocabulary diaryring.
from lightfallsup :
The song i listed is actually originally by daniel johnston and it's unbelievably good as well as a profound invfluence on the vocal style of doug marsch. as a matter of fact, it's hard to tell the difference between the vocals on the built to spill cover of the song and the vocals on the original. or at least, to the casual listener. i am a huge fan of both artists as well as both versions. if you're not already a daniel johnston fan, you might check out some of his early work or (if you're lucky) all of it. [recommend albums : "hi, how are you", "songs of pain volume 1&2"] his work is representative of some of the earliest and most wonderful lo-fi of the past twenty years. actually, all of his best work was recorded on a little handheld recorder he taped to a stand in his garage. he is a marvel of music in a way no less valuable than built to spill but certainly different. thanks for posting a note and happy listening.
from protoplast :
Truth be told it was probably the fifth or sixth. I had no letters. But I did have pictures. There were half-truths in everything he said. And he'll never know how much I really knew. We hashed it out. We washed it clean. We started again. And no, I don't really expect it to be any different this time.
from protoplast :
This is my safe haven. This is the one place I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Everywhere else in my life I fabricate a beautiful, put together existence. It's very tiring.
from protoplast :
Your latest words hit me with such force I think my heart imploded. Seriously.
from protoplast :
wow. i feel privileged you added me as contact. your words are amazing and i am among some of the best diaryland writers on your list.
from metre :
you encase a life so lush
from f-i-n :
You rock....
from coffee-flesh :
Thanks. Unfortunetly, it's not mine/original. Obviously. BTW- like your diary.
from i-dreamalone :
I apologize. There's something about your words that is so perfect. Again, I apologize
from donnaisblue :
i was being read a poem about anger, and every word being said, every drooling syllable, reminded me of sex, made me lustfull. and when i saw, "sex is violence", i thought that was absolutely perfect.
from neuroticaa :
your recent post in montparnasse was unbelievable and i just wanted to tell you how fabulous you are. keep on keeping on. <3
from lachat :
sometimes i feel as if u have crushed emeralds, rubies, saphires and jades.....dissolved them in quicksilver and gold.....and filled up u'r pen.
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Art ring, you are welcome!
from elly :
what do you know about venus rx! let's blame it for everything! it stationed at the same degree as my natal venus and goes direct at the same degree as my sun! glory be it's a time of revelation about relationships! ps. i love gillian welch. ps. no one ever checks their notes but i guess that's kind of cute. thanks for saying hi!
from ghanima :
Oh! She clutches her heart in delight! There ARE other mad poets on Diaryland! Oh, lovely nymph, come over to my pond and let me be your Hylas! Yea verily, I would play scrabble with you in the ruins of Mycenae.
from aesthesia :
ooooh... sweet reveries. i am so drawn in. glad i found you... ~A~

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