messages to elegantwaste:
(click here to add new message):

from flipstash :
Thank you! Also, you'll figure it all out. I am confident of that. Having that law degree is the best thing you could have ever done for yourself and it WILL pay off...perhaps in a way not seen right now, but it will!
from bebelua :
my first instinct was to come here and try to convince you to move to the bay area, where there are a jillion nonprofits and other opportunities for lawyers who don't want to be lawyery. but then i realized the more important message is this: YAY I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE WRITING AGAIN!!!
from flipstash :
uumm...2005 to 2008 and all I get is "I think about my ex"? Oh HELL NO! I need to know at least this...did you finish school and get a crazy great job??
from milasko :
excellent work on the exams! don't you like how adult humans disguise embarrassment (as in oh no I still haven't finished marking the exams!) as anger... M
from pukingpink :
Ha ha! I have asked people to hide The Sims from me as well. It is so addictive!
from milasko :
Hey E-G Love the images in your diary? Where are those haunting places? Mind if I add you to my list? cheers, milasko
from irishblueyes :
just wanted to say hi, found you through the bad pop culture diaryring...and hope you don't mind if i add you to my list.
from ristan31 :
Love the diary! It's good to know I'm not the only person who has bad days.
from jeanisdead :
You are a perv! But its okay. I guess I am, too. Wink.
from queensdiarys :
hey im moving my diary to emz-secrets its just this diary has alot of readers from my school that i really dont want to be reading my personal stuff...but of course i dont mind you reading gonna add you on that diary and take you off on this 1 coz i still think your diary rox!!! love ya emma
from rainy-daze- :
liking the diary. xxxx
from queensdiarys :
would it be ok if i add you to my favs? your diary is great!
from desdrought :
al green is great! haha.
from claudette :
i'm leaving this because you have me listed as a favorite. just to let you know, i'm going to have my diary locked for a few days due to implimenting a new layout. will be back shortly.
from pukingpink :
Funny, I feel limited on what I can say in my diary land diary as well. I actually had a new entry all set up in my head last night, but then I decided to not post it. It was about how I feel the need to sensor what I write, for fear it might hurt people. I don�t know why I care, I will never meet any of the people who could be offended� Anyways, I do enjoy your diary, and I hope you continue to use it.
from prejudiced :
hullo! isnt she the greatest? the clue is in my user id :) take care!
from raven72d :
I had to look into your diary. After all, you like Bruce Chatwin...
from frivolousme :
You are so funny. One moment talking about bad pop culture- then the next Rosencrantz and Guildenstern- which is such as awesome show. I love it!
from bebelua :
ok. you like nysnc but are aware of how embarrassing that is to admit, you own an "i do bad things" shirt, you are wanting to go to new york this fall for the sole purpose of seeing joey in rent, you read comics, getting mail is the highlight of your day, you're obsessed with jack johnson, you like patsy cline, you have a dad who acts like he's 17, and you fret over the blurbs on your favorites list. are you sure you're not me? because dude, you sound like you could be me. i mean, i know that it's not possible that you are, indeed, me. but if someone were reading us both, they might stop and wonder for a moment if you were. or perhaps, they might think i was you. either way, my point is. we have a lot in common. and um. i like you. xoxo, b.
from facepunch :
i clicked on your banner. you are funny. for reals.
from btchelicious :
Thank you for not having eyes in your banner.
from flipstash :
If you knew why I added you, perhaps it would help your blog issue with me...I added you because one of the first sentences I read of yours was..."She's girly, I'm not butch, but I'm not girly either"...You got me with that one...Girly and butch are words a few chosen ones really understand. And I, understand.
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! And, hi! I'm Amy.
from daisy624 :
Actually, Buffy premieres the week after next, Sept 24th, to be exact. If you go to you can watch their lame ass excuse for a preview, which is actually just scenes from last season.
from frivolousme :
Bad sushi is like bad sex! I couldn't possibly agree with you more. I love the name of your diary, no, I just love your whole diary!
from xashesx :
its so strange that you can write these things that reflect exactly how im feeling right now.
from glitterkick :
At least you were able to sleep in and not be hungover at work glowing a lovely shade of greenish tinged white under fluorescent lights like some people. By some people, I mean me - I wasn't sure that was obvious. American Idol, I totally think Justin needs to get kicked off tonight - that hair? Gaaahhhhhhhhh! That in itself is reason enough.

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