messages to emeraldmyst:
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from myhorizons :
Your name is beautiful :)
from peganne-love :
Dear Sweet Emerald! Your letter now resides in a place I see daily and never ceases to bring a smile. And also inspiration to keep passing along love! The custom candle making process is soooo simple: Get some clear wax from a craft store (or save remnants of clearish/white candles around the house), melt it down into a container that you'll never want to use for food again (I use the large tin cans that my roommate gets spinach or tuna in), dip the candle down into the container and quickly press a picture onto the candle while the wax is wet, then dip another time or two to seal the picture. I have used photographs, magazine cut-outs, leaves, etc to stick into the new candle. Be creative! InJoy, Peg-Anne

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