messages to epiphany:
(click here to add new message):

from caffeinegeek :
I have a code that will send people to your blogspot site whenever they attempt to acces your diaryland site. I love mine, and I still post one word updates here so that the buiddy list goes red.
from behindtheat :
You don't suck, you realized you made a mistake and you're going to try your best to correct it. That's more than a lot of people would do in that situation. Good luck Monday.
from serendipity- :
hi, there. Haven't been here (diaryland) in a long time, but it's good to see you're still writing.
from idiomatic :
oh come on. keep them all if you can. especially if you have cut them before. this is high school and by keeping them on you will foster the value of working as a team. why would you want to keep that important developmental skill from anyone? that's my $.02 (no "cents" sign anymore!)
from grlscout :
My dad is an accountant and he gave me a good piece of advice re: saving money. My student loan sucks $500/month out of my chequing account - he said to, once my loan is paid off, have the same amount of cash automatically pulled from my chequing account and put into a high interest savings account via direct deposit. You don't miss the money because you've never had it. I'm on student loan #3 right now, but 5 years ago I managed to save 10 grand using that method (which is why this time around, I was able to take out a MUCH lower loan. Good luck!
from wedge-o-lime :
Your banner pulled me in. I want to go to house concerts and sit around singing Harry Chapin songs. 1200 CDs....I could spend a week getting lost in that. Hope you don't mind if I add you...........limey
from creda :
I surfed in from your banner ad, and really like your style. I particularly like reading about your teaching experiences (I'm also an educator) and lefty politics. I'd like to read more, and am planning to add you to my favorites list.
from signomifly :
Your banner led me know, I read Giovanni's Room in College --- great book! I also agree that the Death Penalty is a useless tool (if you can even call it that). I think this country should spend more on education than on wars, but it is what it is....
from loner-blues :
Clicked on your banner...very interesting story you have, although I'm afraid I completely disagree with your opinion of CATCHER IN THE RYE. :-) I hope you find the guitar-toting, motor-mouthed girl of your dreams and have many, many babies some day. -cat
from marebear78 :
I found your diary via your banner ad. I like it! Especially hearing about the books you teach.
from epiphany :
Yeah, you've got to get a 70 to pass.
from grlscout :
A 69% is a fail at your school?
from behindtheat :
The L Word is ok, but the L stands for lipstick ;).
from spritopias :
your comments are dead, that makes me sad and I would spring for your super gold but you make more than I do, get it yourself. My comments on your entries are lost although my stated life goal is to be "A Lesbian with the looks and class or Meryl Streep" at least when people ask me about my sexualty or Drew mocks the Tori Amos thing. Also, I too cover the shameful entries. Its good form.
from jules9- :
Hey, I like Melissa Ferrick and I'M not a lesbian! Don't worry, there is such a thing as a straight-lesbian: a woman who likes Ani DiFranco and Melissa Ferrick but also happens to date men. You'll find one.
from grlscout :
A cool Canadian girl who would be dynamite in a house concert - thought you might be interested. She has some great videos on her site:
from caffeinegeek :
A cheaper alternative to the iPod is a mini disc player. You can make discs from CD's and MP3's. Obviously it won't hold what an iPod does, but mine NEVER skips. It took almost no time to figure out how to work too sicne it uses USB.
from normaltoilet :
How do you stay so motivated on the fitness front? I know what I need to do, I�ve done the easy things like buy the treadmill and hand weights (not to mention we have a free gym in our office building) it�s just the motivation that seems so fleeting. Any suggestions?
from behindtheat :
Sears is a mess when it comes to approving credit, don't take it personally. I got yelled at many times for denials when I worked there from people that had great credit. Shop around for a better deal and take your business elsewhere ;). -B-
from normaltoilet :
ok, so i've only been reading for a short while, but i'm finding myself wishing that UT was closer to MD because you actually seem like someone interesting that i'd like to sit down and have coffee with.
from normaltoilet :
hey, i hope you'll be updating over the break! I love your entries. Travel Safe! NormalToilet
from caffeinegeek :
I like the new layout. You make me feel lazy for not havign finished my own. :)
from polishstreak :
yo. I'll ask Jeff about your concert-- my thing, yes-- his, not so much, but I might be able to convince him to come out for a night. :) Sorry I haven't called you back-- shit's been hectic! Talk to you soon. SB
from realitychic :
Hello. I discovered we have a few things in common while reading your diary. a) I'm from Baltimore and judging from the way you described your location I probably live close to you and b) after graduating from college I plan to become a teacher. Your diary is great, but I have one question: What made you interested in Baltimore?
from indigo-love :
awww, your kitty looks kind of like one of mine!
from sexi-lexy :
Hey Epiphany, I found your diary through her-story and found we have 2 main things in common. I am a waitress, and I am studying to become a teacher. I am in my first year of both :) Any tips you can give me on either aspect, would be much appreciated, :) Your entries are interesting. :)
from lostgrl26 :
I like your journal. It's not often to find to find a male who journals so I found it refreshing to ready some of your entry's and see thing from a guy's perspective. I like the layout.
from autumn-dove :
As an after thought - let me add a short sample - "In his book Squire reminds us that Amazing coinsidences can lead to Love." Are you searching for your Soulmate? True love may be waiting for you where you least expect it. We are all in kind of a Global Positioning System. I now know that there is a perfect piece to that jig saw puzzle that is called love. He shares other's common yet unique stories on finding love.
from autumn-dove :
Hi, Thought you might be interested in a book called,'When God winks on Love.' Ya might take a wee second to check out my June 16 entry that has the interview on it. I'm having a kooky time with my memory somewhat and previous grammar and writing skills. My apologies for my site. It is a mess. I ask your kind indulgence. I'm enjoying your diary alot, and thank you for sharing so much of yourself. I have included you in our morning prayers. GOD BLESS YOU - REAL GOOD.
from arjay :
Im not quite a teacher yet, but two more years of university and ill be a high school english and history teacher. Good to see what im in for :) your diary is a good read ill have to add you to my friends list...
from room4two :
i'm not sure if i should tell you this, but aftermarket sunroofs are NOTORIOUS for leaking. especially after a summer of heating and expansion of the "seals". i wish you the best with it.
from ladygenesis :
HI!! i CLICKED ON A BANNER AND FOUND YOUR DIARY...NOW iM GONNA SAVE U AS A FRIEND! The weight loss tips are really helpful..Ill be back!
from indigo-love :
yeah, i am with you... i really feel for nancy reagan right now. and i give her so much credit for going aganist her republican friends and standing up for stem cell research.
from roxyelliot :
Cicadas are real. Trust me. I *still* have nightmares about them from their last appearence in'87. Thank goodness I'm not getting any here in CT, though there are apparently some in the city. My parents report that their pool has become the spot for cicadas to committ mass suicide.
from mushmouse :
That is fantastic! I haven't been by in a very long time...glad to hear that things are FINALLY and deservedly going your way.
from indigo-love :
AWESOME! so glad to know that justice was served! and it is also nice to know that sometimes our court system does work as it was intended to!
from roxyelliot :
woohoo!!! Congratulations!
from erica8378 :
Congratulations! It is good to see that our courts system does still work properly on occasion.
from linnyeg :
from erica8378 :
fingers crossed!
from indigo-love :
good luck tomorrow! :)
from linnyeg :
You will make it through this. You WILL prevail. You are in the right, and hopefully it'll all be over soon.
from johnnieutah :
no doubt, she is a supermegabitch.
from amazingagain :
awww, poor Holden. :) I'm sure he loves you no matter what!
from teop :
I think that's your best entry yet - loved it from Holden's perspective - dogs really do know what's best.... Good luck with the legal stuff later this month - create your reality of winning the case and it will be so....peace, teop
from roxyelliot :
It's impractical. Office work often slows down in the summer. People take vacations, things move at a slower pace etc. It's simply not the same experience. Maybe the solution is to make it a national holiday.
from roxyelliot :
Wow I couldn't disagree more about take your daughter to work day. I remember going to work with my father quite vividly, and seeing him in a completely different light because of the experience. Today I assisted with the presentation for my workplace and saw kids seeing their parents in that same new light. That kind of learning just doesn't come from a classroom.
from goovie :
omg, white marsh is absolutely impossible to find. i remember once trying to meet a friend for a movie there, and getting so lost, and having such a crapadelic time parking, that i missed the movie and my friend. d'oh.
from amazingagain :
Like the new design!
from snarkster :
It's nice to see that there are teachers out there who are willing to admit that they really enjoy their jobs; it's a big help to undergrad English ed. majors who are wondering just what they heck they've let themselves into.
from biohazzard80 :
Six Feet Under is dreadful this season, you're not missing anything. I've only watched a couple of them, and I was an addicted fan for two seasons.
from erica8378 :
Can't help on the legal issues, but I was at a used bookstore earlier today and saw one that made me think of you. I looked it up on amazon and it is dirt cheap - just a thought. <a href="">Here it is.</a>
from jelligyrl :
Have you tried legal aide??? They might be able to help out for free.
from roxyelliot :
Scan that 8 by 10 and have manipulate him photoshop style! Send your favorite alteration back to the campaign. :) Congrats on not being layed off BTW.
from indigo-love :
ideas on what to do with the lovely 8x10 of the "president": burn it, make a dartboard, cut it into small circles to make drink coasters, draw goofy faces on the pres and his woman, photoshop rainbow flags in his hands and a pink boa around his neck, send it back to his PR people with a nasty note enclosed... oh the possibilities are endless. ;)
from barenaked500 :
Woo-hoo for keeping your job!! :)
from linnyeg :
Oh no. I really hope the letter isnt a lay-off. My fingers are crossed!
from biohazzard80 :
Glad you didn't let all of the BS overshadow your bad have the right attitude to get through all of this, and we're all wishing you well :) -B-
from ash-rose21 :
You don't know me, but Ive been reading your diary for quite a while now. Perhaps just about a year. Your last few months have been something of a whirlwind. (Perhaps an understatement?) I know that you have tons of things going on and probably not a moment to think, but I have seen a change in you through your writing during these last months. It just seems that youre having the time to slow down and feel more things- gaining strength through that process. It also seems as if every time you want to speed up, and stop feeling those those new things, when you've had enough, and when you want and rush past as before- something (everything) slows you down as if to say "hey stop and smell the roses, take stock, make a memory and if you feel that you cant stop fully to smell right now, please just sniff for a while." In the midst of everything youre going through, I think, and I see (only by knowing a few of your thoughts) that you are at one of your strongest points, and I dont know if you can see it right now, but I know that one day youll look back on it, and remember how it was to get through it all- and you'll smile. Best of luck in everything to you.
from linnyeg :
Hey i have to wish you luck. You're right you CAN do this and you WILL. It just sucks right now. I really wish i could help you out right now but im not doing well financially either. Take care.
from biohazzard80 :
You're not the only one that has to make those tough choices ;).
from roxyelliot :
I don't like either of them myself, but Dean had the money because people believed in him. Most of his donations came from the internet in smaller chunks. His backers were largely his supporters, and other than his opting out of matching funds, I think that's how the system should work.
from roxyelliot :
Kerry is married to the heiress of the Heinz fortune. His personal fortune is probably much larger than Dean's.
from dragonblade0 :
hmm. every once in a while i come across your diary while diary hopping. and i realise you've never changed your layout. interesting. as for the government and paycheck issue... that sucks. but it's interesting to see the world from a teacher's eyes... being in highschool myself i spend most of my day around them. and they're just teachers, most of them. you never really get past that. thanks for the insight.
from biohazzard80 :
At the risk of sounding unoriginal, welcome back!! I'm currently losing weight and refer back to your tips on a regular basis to keep my arse in line.
from musicchick44 :
Yay! I'm glad you're back!
from jelligyrl :
Yay you're back! Glad to hear that things are perking up, a bit.
from glorycloud :
Look forward to reading your diary-hope all is well-Jonny glorycloud
from mayfire7 :
Wow, a password!?! I hope everything is okay. I would love to be able to keep reading. If you wouldn't mind, could ya email me the password: [email protected] Thanks!
from mushmouse :
hey...haven't been by for a while...EKG??? Passwords??? jesus. anyway...i would love the opportunity to keep reading. let me know if i am worthy.
from musicchick44 :
I'm a little slow--if you're giving out passwords may I have one? [email protected] If not, then I understand. Thanks. :o)
from phyre-iyz :
Ahhhh, it's locked! You've locked my refuge! Whatever am I to do? *looks around, panic creeping into her eyes* Now I have no outside inspiration, nothing to read to kick me in the teeth and make me realize that the world <b>does</b> continue beyond the sludge and mediocrity I sometimes feel. You see, I am a lowly college junior who finds herself, at times, unintentionally oblivious to everything but my own tribulations. I hope you realize that I am going to have to step back from the solace and humor a stranger's life brings and fend for myself now. *laughs and bows at her silly melodramatic act* Feeling guilty enough to unlock it yet? (Aww, I'm just giving you a hard time). I hope things are looking up for you. I haven't updated too much lately, but if you're bored (or otherwise in search of pain-inducing reading material), feel free to stop by if you'd like. :o} Phyre Iyz
from msgaladriel :
Hi, hope everything's ok with you. I'd like to continue reading your diary - my email's [email protected] and if you could send me the password I'd be happy :)
from kutypye5479 :
aaww...wut happened! ? my life is over! i cant read ur diary nemore?? u remind me so much of my favorite teacher...i love it! & im sorry that u locked ur diary, for wutever reason. good luck with recovery!! ~j (([email protected]))
from a-maclellan :
hey, I love your diary but its locked now...may I please have a password? my e-mail is: [email protected] thanks :)
from pinknvinegar :
Hey, I didn't check your site for updates for a couple days and now it's locked... what's the deal? Can I get a password from you? My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks...
from msboombastic :
I miss reading your diary--any way that I can get the password? My email is [email protected]. Sad.
from msgaladriel :
Hi, sorry to hear about all the eye problems. I'm hoping that you're doing well. I'm thinking of you. Please keep updating as I get withdrawl symptoms when you don't!
from caralynne :
i wish you the best of luck on the EKG, epiphany. i had one on friday, and im just a few months shy of being 18, so i hope you dont worry too much about the test. it doesnt take long..only a few minutes. i have dextrocardio, which means that my heart is flipped, like a mirror image, and is on the right side of my chest instead of my left. it confused frightened the technicians, who had never encountered the condition before, but my heart works just fine and has for the past 17 years. out of everyone that has flipped organs, nearly all of them have all of their major organs flipped. out of those, most of them have serious defects and problems with their organs. there is only a small percentage of people with this rare condition, and of those, a small percentage of people only have one or just a few organs flipped. out of those, nearly all of them live their lives with serious life-threatening defects. of those people with only one organ flipped, only 1% have their heart flipped. and, finally, out of those people with dextrocardia, there is tiny percentage of people that live through childhood that it has only been recorded a few times. in all of my research on the condition, i have not found a recording of someone having a completely healthy and fully-functioning heart while suffering from dextrocardia. doctors and researchers tell parents that there is pretty much no hope of having a child with a healthy heart and being a normal child if they have the condition. the moral of all of these grammatically incorrect sentences is that there is always hope and do not be afraid. an EKG isnt anything big. ill be rooting for you.
from sweet-malice :
hey! I found your diary while surfing this other one lol. Your link was on someone's profile that said you were a teacher. I thought u'd be a 40 something year old teacher. So I came to see what these evil creatures (teachers :P) do. I was talking about H.S. teachers though. You know how when you're younger you see them as the deval! lol jk. You look great, by the way! Good job! -Blanca
from sketchyboy :
I've been following your diary for a while now, and really enjoy reading it. I wish you speediest of recoveries, and the sincerest hope that the next operation goes well. You're in my thoughts.
from comedylass :
Hi, I really hope you feel better soon. I'm glad the doctors caught it in time.
from jelligyrl :
Sorry to hear about the eye. I hope you feel better soon. Glad to see you're starting to get things on track. I admire your tenacity in regards to teaching. DOn't give up! Take Care
from roxyelliot :
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. My SO has detached retinas. His whole family does. It's a PITA, but the good news is that medical advancements for dealing with them are progressing. The one thing you should know is that your kids will likely have them too.
from elenastar :
Hi there, I'm a senior in high school and just thought I'd drop by. That's interesting about your eye, I'm totally blind since about 10 years ago. Take care, Ellen
from caralynne :
whats the usual tip in the usa? in canada its at least 10% for poor service and usually no more than 15% unless the customers are drunk outta their minds and find the server funny attractive.
from merelymere :
Hi-- I've been reading your diary for awhile now. I want you to know that I respect what you're doing career-wise and hope things work out for you financially. And I totally sympathize on the workout partner thing...only, I'd rather have a man, not a woman. :)
from snarkster :
I'm a first-year Freshman enrolled in a university in Colorado and I'm majoring in English with the hopes of teaching literature one day. It's great to read about someone who's made it through all this college hooplah to do what they love: educating others.
from goovie :
dude! i so want mayor o'largeupperarms -- i mean, o'malley -- as president. he could go on all the talk shows and sing U2 songs. and wear sleeveless shirts. um. yeah. :)
from barenaked500 :
Maybe you should look for a catering job if the tips don't pick up? Most places pay like $10 an hour plus tips and I'm sure thats better than the probably $3 the pay you to wait tables at a normal place. Just an idea...
from krugerpak007 :
Your pictures are amazing. You have done what I am still dreaming to do! Thanks also for your weightloss tips. Best wishes! Kathy
from jelligyrl :
Happy 26th Birthday!! Just a thought...if you teach in a lower income school district, you can defer your student loans or even get them forgiven if you teach for so many years. There's a simple form to fill out. You might want to look into it. Might help the finances. Oh, and utilize the teacher discount as much as possible. Barnes and Noble, Hollywood video, and a whole slew of other places will give a discount. Keep writing, and don't lose hope. Things will perk up. :) Take Care
from cream :
Happy 26th Birthday... Good luck in the coming year
from goovie :
happy birthday, hon! here's hoping it's a wonderful year!
from wyllow :
Hmm let me try this again, I just wrote a long arse entry to your guest book and it has appeaered to vanish maybe I said something I shouldn't. But heck Trying this again and will try not to write a novel in the progress. I have been reading your diary for over six months, I can't recall exactly when I began reading but it was shortly after I start my own diary and I came across yours. though I do not believe I have ever remarked. I admire you , your work, and the strong personailty you posses. You are an admirable man. There are many whom love you and adore you in the cyberworld and in your own life. I know this. And it distresses me to see you at the bottom of the barrel. But on a positive outlook once at the bottom only way to go is up! I know it may see dim but try and fin any slim of goodness in your life that will pull you through. Have you ever taken consideration to think about having a donation link on your site to help raise money. You have many reader whome admire you and think the world of you, many like myself whom may not have much but are willing to help another. Even if each reader gave a dollar, that dollar per reader is one more dollar then you had and ever little bit helps. I enjoy reading your writings and I would consider it helping a friend by doing such. Also there are other methods other then bankruptcy, there are consolidation loans that help one with their debt. I am currently looking tinto such for myself. My hubsand and I this past year rang up a nice debt bill due to his lack of work. Thats what sucks about jobs that depend on good weather. But it maybe somethign you want to look into as well. My wishes and prayers and hopes are with you, you are a great person from what I read with a huge heart. I bhate seeing you in such stress. I strongly consider setting up a donation thing here, I believe paypal has a way to do such. Put your pride aside and allow others to assist you. Not only are you loved in the cyber world but those within your everyday life those you know through blood love you and worry about you and wish to do everything in their power to help you! Huggs from a stranger~ Wyllow
from glorycloud :
I read about your debt woes and think you need to get married. If you were married you would have two incomes to help pay the bills. In today's world it takes two people to make a decent living. My wife and I both work and live a good life. We are in debt but awhile back we talked to a financial adviser and we have it worked out that all our debts will be paid off in ten years. I suggest finding a finanical adviser-I can not think of the company-the point is borrow enough money to pay off all our debts and then make one monthly payment-that way you cut down on interest payments. I am surprised to read you only make $1900.00 a month as a teacher. I make that much money a month as laborer in a egg processing plant. Maybe you should get another job. (both my sons plan to be history teachers). I hope things get better for you. Maybe you should move into a rescue mission or a flop house-take the bus to work-eat with the homeless-I am blessed to be married to a nurse that makes twice as much money as I do a week. (we owe right now $40,000. dollars on our kids college loans). Jonny
from grlscout :
I think you should move to Canada. We pay our teachers a hell of alot more than $1900 a month and there is no goddamn death penalty, that's for sure. Shit, I hope this all works out for you kid, it's a tough hall but you seem to have the right attitude, you'll get through it. I'm thinkin' of ya. Scout
from biohazzard80 :
The trip sounds wonderful, very proud of you for going despite "better" judgement.
from barefootsage :
I have a way out of your problems.Come to China and teach at my school.I think you'd love it.I sure do. There are many good benefits.Contact me at: [email protected].
from funda :
I enjoyed this (and appreciate teachers).
from uglypoetry :
i like your diary. have a good vacation please.
from goovie :
i had *so* much fun in rome when i was there in college...i wish i could give you recommendations of fun places to see, but we mainly did the touristy stuff, so i don't have much to offer that i guidebook couldn't. make sure you eat gelato, and try to get down to the trevi foutain sometime at night, when all the tourists have gone home, and it's more of a big local hangout. my favorite thing about rome is the way that the ancient and modern coexist together so peacefully -- no one seems to think anything of it.
from notaprgrl7 :
your weight loss tips are awesome! thank you....i'm having a hard time with my diet and i needed the help!
from barefootsage :
My father has Alzheimer's,so I can sympathize with you in regard to your grandmother.(See my entries "A Harsh Reality" and "Deeply Distressing News.")
from barefootsage :
I forgot to tell you that I really like the name Epiphany.In my diary there is a story entry called "Message in a Bottle."The narrator mentions a daughter named Epiphany.If I *had* a daughter,I would name her that.
from barefootsage :
I am an English teacher in China.I saw your diary listed in Glorycloud's list of favorite diaries,so thought I'd check you out.You and he share more entries than I have time to read,but I want to know more about each of you.
from prissy-pants :
I don't know how I stumbled across your diary...but I am glad that I did......Way to go on the weight loss, but I think you are probably a cutie no matter what you weigh.
from jelligyrl :
Check out website. He's this travel guru, and has a lot of great advice for traveling on a budget. He also has some links for inexpensive rail tickets, how to pack, etc. Good luck!! Sorry to hear about the girl, but I really believe that you're a better person and that everything happens for a reason. You'll find your match. :) Take care! Angela :)
from polishstreak :
M-- I'm offering my sympathy. And a standing offer to beat the chica to a pulp when I move in three weeks. :) Kidding, of course-- I'm a fucking pacifist. At any rate, that email I sent you awhile back-- sent it to [email protected] do you not use that anymore? I'll be home in August-- we will definitely need to grab a drink. Hope your week improves soon. :( Take care, and keep in touch. SEB
from biohazzard80 :
RE: HBO. Boyfriend ordered cable after a year without and didn't get the HBO, so I couldn't catch up to Six Feet Under as planned. I've made it three weeks, but I think I'm going to have to order it so I can catch the season in reruns *lol*.
from goovie :
yay for successful house concerts! we had one last night, too -- and i also made a request mistake, at the afternoon in-store. rod has a great song called "circus girl," and i instead asked for "circus boy." oops. :)
from lady-muck :
Do you know the distance between Frankfurt and Italy?? And it also depends where you are stayign in Italy. It might pay you to fly to Frankfurt but check whether flying Frankfurt-Italy is cheaper than the train. You could also check whether flying to an EU member country rather than Switzerland might be cheaper, and then get to Italy from there.
from jelligyrl :
When I got my passport, of course this is in California, I went to the post office. They have a small window of hours you can go, bringing in your birth certificate, the photo, your money, and the necessary forms. They ask you a few questions, and then voila, passport. Of course I'm leaving out the time it actually takes to get the thing. :) You may want to check at your local post offices. Sometimes they have the option available to do it there. Can't wait to hear about the trip. Drop me a line, if you need any more info. Take Care!
from lady-muck :
You really should take the opportunity. Italy is beautiful... but then again where in Italy does your friend's family live? If it's anywhere north of Rome you're in luck. The south of Italy is also charming mind you.
from jelligyrl :
Go to Italy! You'll love it. Speaking from experience, yes it is a once in a life time opportunity. Maybe you can write it off on your taxes as an educational experience. Good luck and I hope you go! Take Care
from lady-muck :
I'm doing an American Lit class at the moment. We did 'The Scarlet Letter', 'Moby Dick' and 'Huck Finn'. I didn't liek 'Moby Dick' - too long for class purposes. but I think that you have some great ideas for your class. I wouldn't have minded having a teacher like you when I was in 10th grade.
from jelligyrl :
Hey! Understand the sentiment, sometimes it's not the right time or place for love to prosper. You're one great guy, intelligent, articulate, and you seem like a fun guy. Anyone would be damn lucky to have you. Take care, and remember, only 24 hours of moping, then it's time to hop on the train and get rolling again. Man, I'm a cliche'. :) Anyway, take care.
from quezacotl :
Hey there. Something like this has happened to me before at least twice if not three times. And it sucks quite a bit of ass, because not only do you feel stupid for not picking up on it earlier then you begin to doubt a lot of things... but it really isn't your fault, not especially. The only thing you can learn from it really is that anyone who resorts to just letting things slide until they end up as this did, is that they aren't worth it. Sorry it happened to you.
from dernhelm :
Can't really say anything that hasn't been said already, but to reiterate that you have our sympathy, our empathy and our thoughts. This is most certainly not your fault. If the two of you are good friends, she should have been honest and straightforward up-front. Period. That's really shitty of her to date someone for three months without even *telling* you. I don't know if you'll decide to confront her or not about it, but good luck no matter what you do. And you don't need to stop taking risks. Maybe you'll feel better playing it safe for a while, but eventually you'll heal and feel strong enough to reach out to someone again. I know you're hurt and upset, but don't give up on yourself. You're worth too much for that.
from barenaked500 :
You sound sad...cheer up! You are such an awesome guy and any girl would be really lucky to have you. You'll find you're "one" soon enough and live happily ever after. :)
from funkbrothap :
Hey, how are ya!? I am SO visiting you this summer, ya know? We are going to have a blast just foolin around. Listen, due to problems with people reading my diary and becoming jealous that I didn't invite them to do stuff (immature, yes. Lame, yes.) I have locked my diary for a while. I sent you the password and everything. Keep up with the diary, it's fun to read Epiphany...
from vividdreamer :
I spent the last thirty minutes of my class reading your diary (my students thank you for the "free time"), and I plan to sit here for at least another half hour. You're intriguing...and you're also going on my favorites list. I hope you don't mind. ;-)
from candora :
I like it... wish i had time to read more... you're on my desktop, so I'll be back.
from wonderwall :
i'm getting a tattoo this summer. my friend lauren who is an art major is going to design it for me. i'm not one of those people who goees out and does a lot of crazy things, so i feel like i should sieze the moment while i have the nerve, but i am afraid i'll end up regretting it.
from lady-muck :
7 Days is a brilliant song. Craig David is really good... you should check out some more of his stuff if you're into that music scene. And I know about him cos he's English and we get all the British artists played over here (as well as the Americans). Just to make sure that we don't miss out! :)
from goovie :
hmm./ we did oedipus in 9th least, the honors english class did. i also remember doing it again in 12th grade.
from linnyeg :
Hey Dealerships are ALWAYS crazy expensive. Ask around w/ some friends or colleagues and see if they know any really good mechanics. It'll be cheaper. good luck!
from grlscout :
glad you got your puppy back. That must have been rather stressful! Hope you enjoy your spring break!
from caralynne :
i had words of encouragement and sympathy that were formed in an almost intelligent fashion, but i seem to have misplaced them. i shall look for them immediately. for now, just reread fakeitsoreals words. yep. and i wish you the best for allthingsholden. really.
from fakeitsoreal :
its really unreal, this odyssey this ridiculous dog bite man is forcing upon you. i hope it comes to a civil end and that you can find a lawyer who isnt a shark who bilks you out of your entire salary. at least you get holden back and maybe someone can talk some sense into this idiot man. its sad that we live in such a litigious society that allows this guy to take such a silly matter to court.
from linnyeg :
haha sorry for all the notes but i just thought of a way you could thank any of the ppl who send you money. Maybe you could put up a link to them in an entry? i know that would make me happy!
from linnyeg :
Hi, im glad you took they idea, i really hope it helps. I just sent some money, it's not much, but i am a college student... Best of luck, keep us all posted.
from linnyeg :
Reading your last entry about Holden being taken away even hurt me. I really hope you get him back. You mention you dont have the money, what if you put up a paypal donation button? People should understand hun, i know i would!
from t-a-t-u :
I was just at the Towson town center last saturday-I love that place!!! crazy to drive to though-you can never find a parking place.. -J
from riobongiovi :
I'm not a teacher, but I am a Criminal Justice student finding her way through an endless schedule of law classes! You have a true grip on wording and I have noticed your writing to be so articulate that it almost takes on a "storytelling" tone. That is a truly amazing gift, believe it or not. I will be adding your diary to my new list of favorites. --RioBongiovi
from nicoleprice :
I love to read you. You're a great writer. And I think I'm hooked. Thanks for such a great site. It was your skyline photo that caught my eye, but your personality is what keeps me coming back to visit. Take care! -Melissa
from walktome :
Hey do you have any of the messengers? I have msn and icq, I can use yahoo too but I never do. I'd rather talk in im than mention this on your notes page!
from snasoda :
Do you know, why a raven is like a writing desk?
from walktome :
Hey man, this is going to sound kind of odd but I need to talk to you, I need a new teacher's opinion on something so could you leave me a note sometime or something? Thanks. It has to do with student/teacher relationships...
from cream :
Wow, your latest entry has really helped me! You sound like a really cool teacher... way better than those who say "ok open your books and work!" And I hate those types of dreams too... they're horrible!
from cream :
I've got to do a presentation on soemthing that has to do with America so I actually chose baseball... you can't get much more American than that can you?! :)
from aura-chic :
HI! I noticed on your profile that J.D. Salinger was one of your authors. Mine too!! I feel exactly the same way about Catcher In The Rye! That book was one of the main reasons I actually survived AP English my Junior year. Oh, and congrats on your weightloss!!! You look great, you probably feel great too!! I've been there myself!
from caralynne :
the text in your diary is giant. GIANT, i say. somethings screwy with the html, i say. i say i say i say. enough of that. maybe its just my net browser.
from pink-star1 :
i like yer diary on here. very interesting. what grade of english do you teach? im an 11th grade ap language student (thats my english for this year) its pretty hard.. but anyway.. hope yew got everything graded. ttyl
from jenne1017 :
wow. I work in the government for MD. I am trying to re-vamp my lifestyle too. And you DID it! Congrats to you!!! I hope I can motivate as well as you have...
from jacobigreat :
youre an english teacher, right? so when you answer the phone and someone asks for you, do you say, "this is her" or "this is she?" jw which is grammatically correct. i just say "ya thats me"
from hometownboy :
I can't give you a password. I can't give anyone a password. I was stupid to put up a diary in the first place, but I really like keeping one, so I locked it. you can email me or something, I have that on my profile, you seem nice, I guess. I know you're an English teacher, so I'm sorry about all the bad grammar and spelling and stuff. but i was really stupid to set up a diary in the first place. no one's allowed in it, really. I just made up some user name and a password. I'll give you a hint: the password is my mother's name. also the name of a cat in a book I read a long time ago. i'm really sorry for locking it, but I really had to. I'm also sorry for rambling. j.s.
from soj :
Thanks so much for the weight loss tips. I'm always getting discouraged, and it's so good to know that significant weight loss is possible. It feels so daunting sometimes.
from fraildolbaby :
isn't baltimore snow fun? i spent 4 hours digging way through it. you have an interesting diary. i like it. good stuff. =P
from serendipity- :
I emailed you. I hope it worked.
from greenpixie :
I think you are an incrediably beautiful person. Crazy as it is, we have a lot in common. I may have to add you to my list of regular journal reads. Your honesty and brilliant selection of books and music caught my attention (you had me at "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman...) as well as seeing that you live in Baltimore. I'll be back! (in a non-Terminator sort of way..)
from fangable :
"epiphany"! that is an awesome word, it's on my list of fav words. my friend sneaks it into sentences when she can :D SNAFU is a cool word too.
from funkbrothap :
Epiphany, how come I'm not listed in your cast of characters? And how come your diary looks so cool and mine looks so BLAH. Help me make mine look better...pleaaasseee? -Victoria aka FunkBrothaP
from funkbrothap :
Wow, epiphany, you sure have a helluva lotta messages. You must be extremely popular. See, I only have like one message. I am sitting here, thinking of your old entries. Like the one about the student who always comes in during lunch and about the girl who told you to shut up. One piece of advice; any student who causes trouble has a troubled life and any really needy student does also. You should sit done and talk with worked for me. Teachers not only TEACH but they are also role models for todays youth... remember that.
from goovie :
there aren't any walgreens in your neighborhood, are there? there was one right by my old apartment and it was open 24/7. very, very handy.
from espagnola71 :
Hi epiphany. I wanted to know what do you think about the fact that this year two Oscar nominations for Best original script go to non-US movies: "Y tu mam� tambi�n" and "Hable con ella".
from lavidaloca-2 :
hate having my journal show up on these things. i dont really like the new journal i liked the one with the caricature on the side from about a year ago. bring it back.
from linnyeg :
I am in love with your new layout. it's amazing! good job hun.
from caralynne :
may i have your password? ive been reading your diary for over a year. its a staple in my diaryland diet. if you want to leave me a note with the info, i ll delete it afterwards. if not, i understand.
from crazy-fairy :
hey locked your diary! i read it every day; really love it. can i have the password? im a 16 year old in chicago. thanks :D
from nagvioli :
totally agree with that last entry!
from hometownboy :
hey, I feel like I should leave you a note cause you left me one. I don't really read other people's journals, but your profile is funny. mine is kinda, like, too personal. Sometime I'm gonna get around to changing it. j.s.
from strppdndirty :
So what are your thoughts on Diet Pills?
from goovie :
oooh, i love stephen kellogg! such a cutie. go see him and rose at's a crime that you haven't been there before.
from girljesus :
I've never seen Melissa Ferrick although I like everything I hear of her on the radio. I don't venture out to many shows because my friends don't really listen to the same kind of music I do and I don't relish the idea of going alone, although your stories inspire me to be more independent with my activities. And don't worry about the tears - as a former 14 year old girl myself I can tell you that it doesn't take much to induce crying. Even now I find when I'm angry or frustrated or sometimes for no reason at all I am surprised to feel tears come to my eyes. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it; it's a bad habit to get into. There are some Bad Girls out there who will cry to make you feel bad so they get what they want. I cry when I want my roommates to clean the bathroom. Works every time...
from goovie :
i can relate to the dumb days -- sometimes i thikn i'm leading a dumb life. :)
from girljesus :
I left a note for you in my entry this afternoon - too long to leave here.
from goovie :
*snifflesniffle* i wanna see daviiiid. hope everything goes well. tell him i said hi, and make him play "let love decide." :)
from girljesus :
D'oh! Way to call me out on the google-cheating. I have no idea what the song is but I hope someday I meet someone who sends me flowers with that on the card. I had a similar day, with a friendly-ish lunch turning into an all out bitch session and people arguing about the same things we've been arguing about since September. I finally got up and went into my office because for every one thing I have to vent, someone else has two more things to say and instead of being a healthy bounce ideas off of one another and offer support situation it turns into negativity and yelling. The irony of it is that it started when we got on the topic of our website's bulletin board and how negative the posts have been lately. When did the idea of attempting to understand one another on a basic human level become so outlandish?
from girljesus :
I know you cannot believe this, but I have two cents to chip in. The tattoo: I, the girl who literally gets hysterical and passes out just from looking at a needle, got a tattoo a few years ago. I knew what I wanted and where I'd wanted it and I had wanted it for five years. One day I just woke up and said "Today is the day" and I got it done. It's the moment in my life that I will always mark as my true independence; when I feel like my life really became my own. For the record, the tattoo is a Chinese character meaning strong and powerful, located on my lower left back. I had a friend tell me once that it more literally translated into the idea of a willow tree: willing to bend, unable to break. As for your actual Epiphany with a capital E, my roommate and I had a long discussion about this last night. We both noted how far we've come, specifically in the last year, and the change is that we are truly living for ourselves. The decisions we are making from going back to school to what we want to eat for dinner are made with our best intentions in mind, not anyone else's, and through this we are becoming who we really are. Does that make sense? Of course not. I think of it as shedding layers as you get older to reveal the person you are meant to be, the true self that lies dormant until the time is right. So what I'm saying in a roundabout way is that your Epiphany is a huge deal and congratulations. I'm certainly philosophical for having just rolled out of bed - must be the hot chocolate.
from girljesus :
Ooh ooh Mista Kotta! I got it - Downtown Train most famously (mainstreamly, anyway - look at me I'm making up words) by Rod Stewart but also performed by Tom Waits, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and apparently Everything but the Girl.
from sueme7 :
I am guessing that the title to your last entry was referring to what someone said to Puck on the RW/RR Battle of the Sexes. I haven't seen the first episode yet but I could just picture someone saying that to him sarcasticly. O.k. this is probably a stupid guess, but it was the first thing that came to mind.
from barenaked500 :
I just finished reading The Lovely Bones - it was really good. That should be #1 on your New Years books to read! :)
from girljesus :
Me again. I was reading some entries (which I feel as though I should first ask permission to do; I feel as if I'm sneaking into your room while you're in the shower and going through your stuff) and I read about your dog and I am now a little sad. When I was in high school my dad got us a shepherd/husky/collie mix named Dusty and he was the best dog ever. He put up with a lot of beef from my cat and let me use his tummy as a pillow when I watched TV. He adored peppermint candy and little kids. He was extremely friendly to everyone we introduced him to and very protective of us from strangers. He and my father used to go hiking in Maine and my dad made him this harness with a backpack attached to it and he was so proud when we put it on him. He had such unbelievable personality and the only time I've ever heard my father cry in my entire life was when he called me last year to say he had to put Dusty to sleep. He's still too broken up about it to get another dog, despite my attempts to get a weimereiner puppy and keep it at his place since I can't have a dog where I am. I know I know, what kind of place am I living that doesn't allow dogs. Shameful. Anyway, I've no idea why I just shared all that with you - perhaps in exchange for me rifling through your entries. Thanks.
from girljesus :
I read a lot of Hurston in high school - in fact upon graduation my two best friends and I signed our names to a poster of Zora Neale Hurston and gave it to our favorite English teacher. It still hangs in her classroom today... but that's not the point. The point is a word of caution: I was disappointed in "Seraph on the Suwanee". For whatever reason I couldn't get into it as easily as I did the other books. I'd also like to recommend a book to your list - if you haven't yet, read "Mama Day" by Gloria Naylor. It continues to be one of my favorite books of all time. I cry every time I read it, and I like to think it's because of the powerful imagery and not just because of my girliness. Good luck with your resolutions.
from beautigirl :
Hi Mr. Epiphany! I�m Jenna, a student in Canada. Anyway, I thought I�d leave you a note with a piece of advice sent to me from a friend, and I think you would enjoy this, not to criticize you at all personally... Teacher asks: �how many days of the week begin with the letter T?� Student answers: �that one's easy. That'd be Today and Tomorrow." Teacher says: �That's not what I was thinking, do have a point though, and I guess I didn't specify, so I will give you credit for that answer." So then the teacher asks: "How many seconds in a year?" Student replies: "Now that was a bit harder, but I thought and thought about that and I guess the only answer can be twelve." Astounded, the teacher says "Twelve! Twelve! how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?" Student exclaims: "Aw, come on! There�s gotta be twelve: January second, February second, March second..." "Hold it" interrupts the teacher. "I see where you're going with it. I guess I see your point, though that wasn't quite what I had in mind, but I'll give you credit for that one also.� Final question. Teacher asks: �Can you tell me God's first name?" Student replied, "Andy." Teacher asked: �How in the world did you come up with the name Andy?� Student says: "You know! That song we sing in church: Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me." Moral: There is always another point of view, and just because another person doesn't see things the same way or understand the same way that you do, does not mean that it's wrong.
from girljesus :
I am addicted to sending you notes here - I ought to find a twelve step program for this. Congrats on the resolutions from last year - I did a similar evaluation mid-year and found much to my surprise I had accomplished much. I must say, however, that the no luck with the online personals is astonishing since you seem to be such a great person. With a dog no less. Too bad you aren't in Boston.
from girljesus :
Happy New Year. I hope it's filled with friends and joy.
from goovie :
the joni song is "river"; it's on the album blue. one of my absolute favorites.
from k-hun :
check out my other diary, letters written to a guy who will never read them.., lots of hugs..
from softdreads :
you should continue with ani d...she gets back into her sweet swing soon after her upupupupupupup album. and just dropping in to let you know i'm reading.
from goovie :
psst. i think you mean bull durham, not field of dreams.
from skylar711 :
My sister and I went to the monument lighting last night for the first time and it was amazing. When I read about your excitement about the event it really made me to want to go and not just watch it on television. Sometimes it takes the perspective of people who are not from Baltimore to realize how special this city really is. Thank you.
from lilacgirl :
seeing as this is my job (yay me) i can give you some quick and free advice about how to pick a dentist. first, i'd call the insurance company and find out what your dental benefits are and see if they have any preferred providers. since you're starting from scratch and don't have a dentist in mind this might be a way to go. or you could ask around and find a great dentist in your area and check if they are in your network. but always get like 4 or 5 names because not all may be accepting new patients. a lot of insurances also keep online databases of network participants. but you should call them up, that's their job, ya know. and btw, yay for being anal about teeth. im in indiana and i swear we have more toothless wonders running around here per capita than any other state. anyway....
from caralynne :
i agree.
from caralynne :
i agree with you that great britian handles things differently than the united states. i live in canada though. canada. and yes, im sure that people who dont talk about race or religion or sexuality or any differences are probably not as great as handling certain issues, but around here we dont talk about them not because we ignore it or we dont want to offend anybody by discussing things - its just that we dont see differences as much of an issue. around where i live, its hard to imagine a standard that everyone is compared against to show differences. differences are the one thing that everyone has in common. and yes, my entry was somewhat judgemental. i suppose i was just angry at people in general. not just you, epiphany, but many, many people. my run-in with some people on the message board didnt exactly make me smile at the thought of another person that is somewhat upset about online notes from others. also, i had just listened to some guy in washington talk about racial profiling as if its the best thing since sliced bread. that irked me more than a little. also also - i was suffering from writers block. i just took a walk and wrote a song, so i should be more level-headed for the time being. so yes. yes. i find your opinions about the whole matter interesting.
from goovie :
xander and giles are both buffy characters, which is what really amused me. and the kids were both young enough to have been named after the characters, which is even more amusing. xander was about 4 years old and in the line behind me at target, and he kept trying to climb over the cash register.
from goovie :
heeeeee! you bought the justin cd at soundgarden! that rocks. *shrug* i've long gotten over the fact that i dig the teenybopper stuff as well as the "real" stuff. sometimes a little boyband music is good for the soul. :)
from goovie :
*sigh* i also miss andy richter and undeclared. and, while we're at it, freaks and geeks. and my so-called life. and...and...and...
from biensoul :
I think any adult that they respect is a positive influence in their lives; however, I will say that having some common background with your kids helps. I teach at my alma mater, and a few of my seniors from last year made it a point to tell me that they respected me more than some of their other teachers because I was one of "them. I had gone out into the world and wanted to go back to GB to make a difference. It isn't necessary to have a common background with them, though. They know you're there for their benefit, and they know you care. That's what they need more than anything. :)
from me-undaunted :
I think that you might have had more of an impact on young black males had you been black also, but I don't think it's more important that you sound like you're a really awesome teacher. I wish there had been passionate, devoted teachers like you when I was going to school.
from chemteach :
Thanks for adding me to your list of favorites. I've only heard one song by Brenda Kahn - "Mint Juleps and Needles." It's on this compilation cd I bought when I was in high school. I used one of the lines from the song as my senior quote. I hadn't heard of her again, until I read your profile.
from skylar711 :
The first time getting high is most memorable. Lucky for you your friend did not give you a smoking for the first time party and invited everyone to watch. Now that was embarrassing. And also, that skit on SNL was hilarious. I don�t know what was more funny, the crazy woman or the actors trying to keep their composure, definitely funny stuff. � Bre
from alwayslolita :
wow i love your new layout. also i wonder if god makes them like you over here in hawaii. a man who isn't ashamed to cry at a movie and one who also reads books and cares about politics. you are perfect. i can't wait to read about a girlfriend, cause you deserve one.
from goovie :
i *heart* the new layout. so nice and clean. well done!
from skylar711 :
I probably should have written this in the guestbook but I can not believe some of the comments written about your new layout. It�s one thing to have an opinion but it is very unnecessary to be rude. Your writing is what keeps me and other readers coming back and I hope that doesn�t change. Sometimes change is good and not everyone has to like it. -Bre
from goovie :
i'm guessing you've never heard eddie from ohio's schoolhouse rock medley? and their original preposition song? oOpreeeeposition! preeeeeposition! preeeeeposition, FUCKING PREPOSITION!Oo probably not the best thing to play for your students, tho. :)
from goovie :
well, i'll be there on saturday...and i'll be wailing and gnashing my teeth cos i won't be able to make david's show at your house. you'll have to tell me all about it. and make him play "let love decide" even tho i'm not there. :)
from goovie :
oh, sam totally plugged your show, with the fliers (they look *great*) and everything. i even heard a few people talking about going. i'm really looking forward to it.
from dimv :
Hey Epiphany, I'm from Dundalk, and I like your JOURNAL (not diary) tease, and I read your latest entry and did u know the fruity murderers moved to dc shot ppl, then moved to virginia, shot ppl, and now their back in howard county, and shot ppl and i'm wondering where to next, one minute pumpin gas next minute your dead as a door nail, please tell me why theres a crazed maniac killing people, i mean every year its something remember nutso shuttin down a neighborhood in dundalk over his g/f and the cops had to sneak in her house while he was sleepin to kill him, that happened 3 yrs ago, then terrorist, anthrax, shootings fruits now, whose next, killer nuns.
from goovie :
ugh. i know *so* many people in your position re: debt. of course, the other option is to never get a credit card at all, which is what i did, and it meant that when it was time for me to get an apartment, i was pretty much screwed, because i had no credit history for them to check.
from paper-rose :
Haha, oops. Sorry darling!! Want to mail the tape to me when you're done? ;) (just kidding)
from paper-rose :
I hate it when guestbooks are down. Sitting at home in your boxers? Mmm. Nice image. ;)
from roxyelliot :
The note from your congressman pisses me off too, and I don't even live in Baltimore. :)
from goovie :
yeah, kevin does "standing in the shadow of ellis paul." i saw him a few years ago when he opened for fruvous at the birchmere, and then at frff in '00 and '01. i think you'd like him.
from goovie :
ok. if i don't make the sam shaber show and i don't have a good excuse, you have my permission to kick my ass. same if you book ellen rosner. as for male musicians, eric schwartz, andrew kerr (who's in live from new york with sam), kevin so, and david morreale (you knew i'd work him in here somewhere, didn't you?) might all be good possibilities. i know eric and kevin do house concerts around here, and david's only an hour away.
from goovie :
thanks for joining the ring! see you tomorrow, hopefully!
from peeperjen :
I got the same advice (about sub plans) from my mentor teacher, who also gave me an example of hers, and I just followed her format using a story I picked out. Everything is good� for now :o)
from goovie :
heyhey...i'm definitely gonna try to make the concert saturday. are directions on your website?
from serendipity- :
I can't get your guestbook to work, so I'll just write here. I really enjoy reading your diary. Your bit about posting a personals ad prompted me to write a funny entry about the poorly written responses I received after posting an ad. All the same--good luck with that! Keep writing!
from a-maclellan :
Hi! I'm a 17 year old from Canada and I must say that I really like your diary. It's really interesting and I think you'd be a cool teacher. And I have to agree with you, my ear lobe is getting pretty excited about school starting on September 3rd as well :) And by the way, way to go on all the weight loss! I lost lots of weight too and I know how hard it is. GREAT JOB :) Bye
from k-hun :
hey.. i love your diary.. and its preT interesting considering that im a 10th grader.. i bet its preT weird to be on the other side.. but u seem like you'd be a nice teacher.. my 9th grade honors english teacher was an evil toad.. but all my other english teachers have been really cool and fun.. well good luck with ur marathon and everythin else.. ~<3~ *kahla*
from carinosa34 :
I was just surfing through profiles and read what you feel about Catcher in the Rye. The first time I read it, I was 12 and I hated it, but when I read it in high school, I loved it. I understood it better. I guess I should read i again to see what ele I pick up from it! Take care!
from amber-girl :
No problem. Well, Happy Pre-25th! And also, I was wanting to ask you a question - I'm seriously considering becoming an English teacher myself, and I was wondering if you would recommend it as a job to anyone? I mean, I'm not entirely sure that I would have all the patience needed to be a good teacher, and I'd just like to here your opinion on what qualities make a good teacher.
from amber-girl :
Whoa, hang on there just a minute. When did Mr. Epiphany turn 25?! This is serious business, here. I'm thinking party, I'm thinking purple balloons, I'm even considering singing the Birthday song... Happy Birthday, Mr. Epiphany!
from lionesspride :
Hey, I am a fan in Florida. I enjoy reading and I think it's great that you're teaching English to kids who otherwise may not have had the opportunity to have a great teacher like you seem to be.
from lulugirl78 :
This is just a shameless plug for my friend Jason who is on the TV show Big Brother! GO JASON! If I remember right, you have mentioned that show before so I wanted to remind you to watch it. Hmmm.....maybe it wasn't you who mentioned it.....sorry if I'm wrong!
from ambrosita :
Hey- you don't know me but i'm hooked on your diary b/c i'm considering becoming a high school english teacher...not the point of this note... about the keeping distracted during marathons thing: my favorite english teacher in the world ran the local marathon twice and said it's the most interesting mental experience ever...he said around 20 miles you just go crazy because your body is so worn out. he said it was scary but the most fun he's ever had running. something to think about...while you're running. hehe.
from goovie :
hey! i can't get to the book thing's web page, but i'm pretty sure i've been there that the place where they have all those free books? they usually have a booth at the book festival -- which *you* should definitely check out this september. i left a note for polishstreak but haven't heard back yet...i'm definitely up for it and i'm free the 14th thru the 18th. let me know as more details arise. :)
from autumnal :
even your faves list is interesting. i always had crsuhes on my english teachers. maybe that why i became a writer? :=)
from girle :
Hello. I had pb and j on whole wheat just now, it was great. Read some of your diary too. Thanks.
from dinosaurs :
i just read part of your exhaustingly long most recent entry and was curious about you generally, because you remind me of this teacher i had in highschool who i really liked in this how cute, you think youre very hip and i suppose you are as far as most teachers go (but that one mod aide in the special ed building is forreal hip and you should take a lesson) sortof way. and whatever, its long and a total diary which is fine, interesting probably but i really like whoever left the admirably lengthy but succint tirade about boys who say they deserve girlfriends. because its true, you know. nobodys as nice as they think. and nobody deserves anything, really, especially not a girl.
from slaveznil :
n.n; welll i'm a highschooler in maryland (i live across the bay bridge) so if your ever THAT desperate to try things out on someone before you use them in class, dont be afraid to ask. n.n; i dont use dland anymore, this is my new adress -
from paper-rose :
~hugs~ Thanks for adding me to your favorites, honey!
from goovie :
yay anne tyler! you're not an official baltimorean until you've read her, you know. :)
from ninjin :
Howdy, I too just finished my first year as a high school teacher in the "hood." I have ninth graders as well. I'm nearly twenty years older than you are though, so my hat's off to you!
from audrelorde :
really nice journal :)
from goovie :
i am one of the few people i know who just has a crappy dial-up, but since i don't go online at home much, it doesn't matter. i use (, which costs $12.95 a month, and it works pretty well. usually.
from bandmusic :
Hey just stumbled across here. :) Your diary seems really interesting... :P Haha... Well as a student myself I guess some teachers can get pretty alluring...
from stopme :
DUDE!!! YOU SAW PIEBALD?! *sob* i'm so jealous! I've wanted to see them in concert for the longest time. You have a nice diary and it's cool to see that teachers actually are.. people. sorry if that's hrash but being a 15 year old it's hard to imagine. It's awesome that go out and drink and do fun stuff and hope for the end of school just as much as we do. I'm a grade 9 and work so hard to piss off teachers, but love the ones that want to love us. It's great. if you want to read, leave me a note and i'll talk to you later. -Emo
from antithetikal :
does the green of your page have anything to do with your irish descent?and would it also happen to relate with your drinking?-randy
from sunstarr :
clicked on a banner and found you. like your diary. like your writing. clicked on your profile and realllllly like the fact that you are a vegetarian & "health nut". join the club! hard to find anyone that is into healthy living...glad to know i'm not alone!!!
from goovie :
andy richter does, indeed, rock. which is probably why fox has cancelled it, with only vague plans to bring it back next year as a mid-season replacement, probably retooling it beyond recognition in the process. *grumble* oh, and rockin' the suburbs by ben folds gets my vote for best piano rock album ever. with honorable mentions going to everything else ben's ever done. :)
from wonderwall :
also, i forgot to say, i hope that your cat actually catches mice. we got our first cat for the same reason, but she's the living incarnation of garfield, and she would probably eat lasagna and trade sarcastic barbs with a mouse before she ever caught one. but our second cat did a good job, no more mice. :)
from wonderwall :
my friend conor has a fish named atticus. it is a strange fish. i like finny; i love "a separate peace."
from caralynne :
hurray for the getting of a cat! i have two cats myself, so i may be able to help you a little bit. cats do need to learn to use a litter box, just as dogs need to learn to go outside, or signal to you somehow that they need to go out. cats catch on to the idea of a litter box rather quickly though, so you shouldnt have too much of a problem. just make sure that the litter box is easily accessible to your cat and that the litter box isnt completely out in the open - kitties like their privacy too, as you probably have already guessed. some cats do like to be rubbed on their bellies, but not many. its not often that you will find a cat that will jump up next to you and roll on its back, pleading to have its stomach rubbed. you say that your cat is really affectionate though, so your feline friend may change his mind once he gets more comfortable in his new home. i think cats just feel too vulnerable when people try to rub their tummies. its kind of like somebody making a fist and trying to punch you in the gut. however softly and affectionately the persos jab is, your natural reaction is to swat them away. cats usually like to be on their feet, or able to get on to their feet quickly, to run after mice and sunbeams and away from dogs and vacuum cleaners, so that might also be why some cats arent comfortable being on their backs. cats meow to get a reaction from people. in their natural habitat, cats rarely meow to each other - they rely almost solely on body language. you kitty has learned that by meowing, he will get peoples attention. now, your cat could be saying pretty much anything. "feed me", "if you dont feed me, im going to eat you", and "get out of my way, youre blocking my food dish" are rather popular. also, "youre in my chair - move!", "why arent you petting me?", and "who do you think you are, waking me up?" shouldnt be overlooked. it shouldnt take you too long to figure out what your kitty is saying. just move as if youre walking somewhere, and see if your cat takes the initiative. if he just follows you around, then hes feeling lonely, as im sure you would guess. the tail movements are usually just as expressive, if not moreso, than human body language. you should learn it pretty quickly, but heres a heads-up - if your cat flicks his tail back and forth, back and forth, it ususally doesnt mean he wants to cuddle. hes hunting. 9 out of 10 times, he will be hunting you. just hope that the rest of the time your cat will hunt mice, not holden. and as for having your canine and feline worlds safely co-existing, all i cant suggest is just to keep doing what youre doing. introduce them slowly and briefly. dont let holden in to a room or two for awhile - designate it as cat territory until your cat doesnt mind holden too much. oh, i almost forgot - treat your cat with the same respect that you would treat a new girlfriend. if you try to tell a cat what to do or you expect it to be lost without you, then your cat wont want anything to do with you. i hope this helps. if not, and im just intruding on your life, let me know - ill stop. good luck with your new feline friend.
from tiffni :
just letting u know i added u to my faves list ;)
from shereen :
yes, yes, exactly. why doesn't everyone realize how much star wars sucks? it makes me sad. i'm a big fan of the first three, before lucas got retarded. also, yay for kitty cats!
from entity- :
As a Student, I challenge you to a duel of words. why? I'm remarkably bored right now. Choose your weapon from the myriad availible to you. Or just tell me to hide ina corner somewhere.
from idreamtrains :
Re:"Did I mention that I don't have a girlfriend and think that I deserve one?" This sentence, it troubles me. Prima Facie, it seems fair: you are a nice guy and in a just world all the nice guys would be overwhelmed with offers for dating. This is true. And yet the statement also implies a feeling of entitlement that is common in America and accelerated in white adult males. Listen, dating has nothing to do with fairness. We do not live in a society where good men are "alotted" their requisite girlfriend. History shows that women, we are notorious for acting as we damn well please regardless of the expectations that men place on us. How else could someone like Queen Elizabeth have taken and stayed in power as long as she did? So, in conclusion, I think you will find as you get older that it is exactly that sentiment of deserving that makes women not want to date a man. In my own humble experience, all the men who I've heard say, "I don't have a girlfriend and think that I deserve one," --and there has been A LOT of them-- I think they are often fooling themselves. They are never nearly as nice as they like to imagine themselves as being.
from goovie :
cool! i really enjoyed ellen rosner's stuff. i had checked out your web page, so i knew about the may 17 concert...unfortunately, i'll be out of town that weekend, so i won't be able to make it. will you be holding concerts thru the summer, too? oh, and you'll have to update about the dvn show this saturday; i have to miss that one, too. which is very tragic, because it means i have to go, like, three whole weeks without seeing them. i'm not sure if i can last. :)
from thursday :
Aieeeeee! New York! Isn't it the most beautiful city you've seen? Such an alive, pulsating, demanding, stunning place. You simply have to return as often as possible. I'm so happy that you got to go.
from love-bunny :
Hello Mr. Epiphany, I'm sure you probably will not have a chance to read this any time soon, however I will have hope in finding a response from you. I was searching through the countless diarys in this site and I happen to read the advertisement banner at the top of the page. The name was intriguing to me, hence I ended up reading through the personal diary of an interesting man. I was even more surprised to see that you have selected John Mayer as one of your favorite artists. I did not know many people who actually knew of him. I, on the other hand, am deeply infatuated with him and his music. I came to learn who he was through a band called Nickel Creek, and... well, just the fact that you have acknowledge such beautiful music and have it as a 'favorite' is quite ironique to me. Well I do have a diary here and if you wish to read it, you may; feel free to leave a response. Sincerely, Jane
from goovie :
hey, thanks for leaving me a note. i wish i could make the may 11 show, but i'll be out of town that weekend. have you seen dvn before? they're insanely fun. i'm very jealous that you get to teach about _their eyes were watching god_, run house concerts, *and* see patty griffin today; that sounds just perfect to me. oh. and i saw that you were considering seeing j,lc at the recher tomorrow. do it! they're lots of fun. i'll be there with bells on. um. yeah. :)
from yermysoul :
greetings from a new reader. i read your whole diary in one sitting, and thorougly enjoyed it, as someone who is considering english teacher in his calamitous merry-go-round of possible career endeavors. in other words, i have no idea what i want to do, and it's getting about that time. at any rate, your taste in movies and music is as wonderful as your diary is sincere. write on!
from shereen :
wow, talk about freaky...i was reading your calendar, got to the part about going to see Melissa Ferrick right as "The Stranger" started playing on the mix cd i was listening to!
from m-shell-m :
i saw your banner and decided to check out your diary. v. glad that i did! great diary! fun and interesting to read. :)
from wonderwall :
oooh. you rock. :) i actually decided to do the whole click-on-the-banner thingy, and i'm happy i did! hooray!
from barenaked500 : - is a really good website. If you click on one of the school subjects on the side and go to Experiance Firsthand you can actually see what learning is like for children with disabilities. Try it.
from starbreeze :
Hey, Epiphany. Your banner made me curious--looking forward to reading your diary. I'm an English teacher (7th and 9th grade) in Honolulu. I've been doing it for nine years, and it's been worth every moment, every bloody finger from grading papers. In my diary you'll often read about my kids and my teaching experiences. Good luck! Anyone who takes up this noble profession has got to be cool.
from queenofdeath :
from missworld82 :
...Hi there. I stumbled upon your diary just now. The banner was up after I logged in and I found the banner alone to be intriquing. I'm in my second year of university now and since I was sixteen I've wanted to be a teacher. I'll be reading your diary because I'm intriqued so far. Unfortunately my diary is locked...too many assholes felt they had access to me. I'd love it if we could talk...I really want to talk to other English teachers to get an idea of what it's really like. Thanks :)
from kibibi :
i found you!!!! i keep looking at your old diary and wishing i knew wher you are. i just updated for the first time in about 6 mo. i had actually forgotten about it till i saw kelly yesterday and she asked me why i hadn't updated. then i saw your note. than i read your profile. then i nearly jumped out of my chair when i realized it was you. so now i have ot go back and read everything you've ever written. so it'll probably be another 6 mo before i have time to update again. just kidding. i look forward to your next entry. ~the messanger of happoness
from kibibi :
i found you!!!! i keep looking at your old diary and wishing i knew wher you are. i just updated for the first time in about 6 mo. i had actually forgotten about it till i saw kelly yesterday and she asked me why i hadn't updated. then i saw your note. than i read your profile. then i nearly jumped out of my chair when i realized it was you. so now i have ot go back and read everything you've ever written. so it'll probably be another 6 mo before i have time to update again. just kidding. i look forward to your next entry. ~the messanger of happoness
from jnthn :
vodka and red bull... deffinitely not the reason you had no hang over. 'tis an evil drink, the red bull, especially, will mess up your body. a nice diary tho. nice to read about a teachers life having spent so long in their (your) thrall.
from venus-ennvy :
Isn't it fascinating how the "ins" and "outs" of someone else's life (which they most likely consider mundane) can be compelling to someone else? Today I read a bit of your diary and totally dug it. It's honest, optimistic, and totally unaware of its own charm....three very nice qualities if you ask moi..
from greengal :
being a 9th grader in virginia, it's great to hear about teachers lives...remember 9th graders are a gift from god!
from un-bad :
I wish I could do decent eyebrow acrobatics. I just end up looking idiotic. I would like to say that appearing idiotic is a rarity for me. But. It isn't. (hides in embarrassment)
from caralynne :
would u happen to know a fair amount html, or know somebody who does? my diary is being mean to me. also...have you thought about leaving holden at home and paying somebody to look after him? feed him, take him for plenty of walks, hang out with him for awhile each day, that sort of thing?
from kimmikers :
Just clicked on the banner, as I needed solutions to keep the pesky 9th and 10th graders in my room quiet. Reading the past "notes", it looks as if I should have my glasses flown in from the States and put them on. *Wonders if he likes sunglasses as well..* Really like your diary...looking forward to reading more. :-)
from lupine :
hi teach. nice diary teach! wait. i have to sneeze now. okay. sorry. that was so rude. i hate me. nice diary. (reaffirming nod or something to let you know that yes, you have a nice diary. not dairy, no. that's for cows.)
from i-luv-him-so :
hey man, i saw your lil banner, and being a tad stir-crazy and bored on this sunday, i clicked it. lol i suppose i might have had an epiphany when i began reading. why? i realized there ARE teachers out there who care. i'm a sophmore in cali, and God knows there's less than a handful of those like you, at least for our generation. keep doing the great work you do, and always be encouraged when you feel sad, because i guarantee you (as if you didn't already know) you're gonna get hurt if you care. but keep it up, the world needs you. ~alexis~
from ladypheebs :
it's late, i'm bored, so i clicked on the banner and it brought me to your diary. whatever the hell you do man, keep the idealism and love of epiphanies. my eigth grade english teacher was your age and disillusioned. he was funny as hell, and kinda cute, but i learned shit from the man. not the ideal situation for a soon-to-be highschooler and aspiring writer. luckly, i pull my own. anyhow, here's a tip on keeping freshmen quiet, tell them that they can talk all they like, but that you're not the one taking the exam, so the time wasted doesn't bother you, or some variation thereof. It worked/works on me, so try it. And man, don't talk to your class about your social life, if you ever get the urge to too.
from dumbdavid :
I just found your diary. My ninth grade english teacher had a profound impact on my life as did the rest of my english teachers and professors. You have a incredible power to influence students. I can't thank my previous teachers so I will thank you. Thank you for opening the doors to other worlds and lifetimes that so many of us didn't even know existed.
from caralynne :
(decides not to mention that she is a cool artsy girl with funky glasses) about them dodgers, eh?
from barenaked500 :
cool artsy girl with funky glasses - right here! ...yea, really.
from caralynne :
hey, i stumbled across your diary - and what a stumble it was - and i thought ur life oddly mirrors mine. ok, so thats not a very good intro. it sounds like im insulting you, or im using a very cheesy pickup line. in all reality, i didnt mean it to be either. i was actually just trying to say hello. oh, what marvelous people skills i have. anwyay, im just eager to make friends or acquaintances here on diaryland. meh. "You can categorize me/Lump me in with the others/If thats the way you wanna play" -dan bern
from barenaked500 :
Hey Mark...good luck with the new car hunt! You should try to trade in your car - you might get more than you think. Last year i traded in my crappy little 95 Geo with a bad transmission and countless other problems for a 98 civic...thankfully the people didnt drive it far enough to notice that it only went in reverse 1/2 the time so i was lucky. I hope you are too!! ;-)))
from barenaked500 :
"54. Britney or Christina? Oh god. At least Christina can sing." - Okay, if you havent noticed Christina has fallen off the face of the earth! ;-)
from donkeylady :
Hi - I like the new layout. It's much more reader-friendly. I'll be reading. Opal
from caelian :
I have spent most of this morning reading your entries. You seem to be a very nice man, thoughtful and caring as both a teacher and a person. The world needs more people like you, Mark. I greatly encourage you to keep on being the same sort of person you are now and to ask God's help in all things.
from unlucky13 :
hi. just wanted to let you know that i stumbled across your diary. good corny as THAT sounds. feel free to peruse mine if you have nothing better to do. :)
from scottyj :
Just wanted to say hello, and thanks again for including me in your favorites. I am extremely far behind with your diary, and refuse to read an entry until I have time to really catch up, but I am still adjusting to my big move, and finally have my trusty iMac here with me. Thanks again for the kind words about my writing. Take care. ScottyJ
from jerica :
hey mark... check out my new site: Let me know what you think, honestly. Other than that, have a great and happy holiday season! Jerica :)
from iguessimemo :
ummmmmmm hey. I dug your profile more than anything. it's kind of cool, because i'm a senior in high school and I have full intentions on becoming an english major. you seem way rad and it'd be cool to chat? i'm that doesn't make you a pedophile or anything. I'd actually like some input on my stellar college essay, if you'd be so kind....and all the criticism in the world would be most helpful, especially from a new released english major. :) okay..well..see ya later. Alene.
from barenaked500 :
hmm, interesting. i dont know...whenever i saw movies in class they were always horrible - black and white - boring as hell movies that never taught me anything but if your kids get what you are trying to teach them then rock on! ;-D (ps - just so you know...i wasn't criticizing you and i don't want you to think i was...)
from barenaked500 :
you show LOTS of movies in you really think kids get a lot of of them? ...just wondering.
from thursday :
whoa whoa whoa yourself. i have to keep a side diary for inane work babbling and stuff i don't want certain people to see. so far, it's making a lovely contribution to my already split personality...
from kessica :
i saw you commented on the west wing in your latest entry. i feel ya on the new premiers, on last nights, everyone was so pissed off at each other that i got pissed off. that's no good. but issac and ishmael was so good, that i think it made up for it. anyway, keep writing, i love hearing the inside of any english teachers head. i knew you guys hated the freshmen, i knew it. :)

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