messages to erunamagrnlf:
(click here to add new message):

from onlygrace :
your rant about marriage - so true.
from talktogod :
Still here! :-) And congrats on the wedded status update!
from pippinsgirl :
I'm glad you're back. :)
from eowyn86 :
So I heard a Josh Groban song today, and somehow it made this thought pop into my head that went something like, "Hey, isn't it true that erunamagrnlf hasn't updated in forEVER?" Hope you're doing well! Would love to read about how your life is going now, should you so choose to update us :-D
from evenstar101 :
ACK! I can't believe I have been so out of the loop! You're MARRIED!!! Congrats!! I am so excited for you. I am sorry that we have lost touch...I need an update! Can you post any pics from the wedding? I haven't been on d-land much lately. I've changed over to livejournal. I hope you are doing great! :-)
from eowyn86 :
Congrats!!!! I'm so happy for you two! Glad things are going well :-)
from pippinsgirl :
Wow. You're married! ...I wanna hear some gory details...
from talktogod :
from onlygrace :
;) hi!
from pippinsgirl :
Clouds are so cool.
from pippinsgirl :
Whatever's going on...I hope it gets better. :( God loves you, explosions and all.
from onlygrace :
i'm so excited for you! whenever things get tough, pray. its so important, and now that you're going through this HUGE moment in your life (marriage), it becomes even more vital =) hope you're doing well!
from smeagol123 :
Hmph. Hullo.
from hannahsketch :
oops this is pippinsgirl by the way, i forgot i was signed in on a different account...hehe
from hannahsketch :
from eowyn86 :
Well I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's eaten too much at work... and that it's possible to return to normal afterwards (or as close to it as I can come ;-) since you have, lol. Good luck with all the wedding plans! My, there must be a lot to figure out before the big day... I know you'll have a great color scheme worked out though; blue is definitely gorgeous.
from smeagol123 :
Blue is a wonderful colour ;)
from pippinsgirl :
I know the sidewalk chalk high. I've had some late night secret graffiti sessions, as well... Most of the high-factor probably came from wondering if someone was going to see us and call the police, or get their shotgun. Ah, southern hospitality.
from onlygrace :
=) you ARE funny..
from eowyn86 :
Lucky! How come I never get to have cool/amazing dreams like that? Mine are all scary and abstract ;-)
from eowyn86 :
Good luck on the plane ride! I really hope you get a window seat, those are the best :-)
from evenstar101 :
I just wanted to say hello! I need to get back to reading d-lander's entries! D-land has been very slow for me and that's why I'm not updating here. You can check out my xanga (it's under contact on my site) if you would like. There have been a few updates there. I hope you're doing great! :-)
from pippinsgirl :
Oh by the way, I think it was you who told me once that I should read the Perelandra series by C.S. Lewis...and one day I got a copy of "Out of the Silent Planet" for Michael as a gift, and I read it and I LOVED it! I haven't read the other two books yet but I intend to. Actually, I almost wanted to believe in extraterrestrial life after reading that book, which seems weird but Lewis made it into such an interesting parallel. I found myself wondering things like, "Maybe Mars really IS Malacandra..." Anyway, I hope it was you who told me about that book because this won't make any sense otherwise. :)
from pippinsgirl :
Wow I know what you mean. It's hard for me to look back at my older entries sometimes because it seems like I was trying so hard to impress people--or I wasn't trying at all, and I just sounded like a 13-year-old fool (but hey, that's what I was!). All the same, I can't bring myself to get rid of them. I feel like I've got quite a record now and even though it's on the internet (and I mean, do you think the internet will blow up someday and we'll lose all of this? I think so sometimes, but I don't seems pretty secure at the moment...) it's still a piece of my life somehow. I feel like we're "friends" even though we're not "real-life friends." And that's pretty cool, all things considered.
from eowyn86 :
Aww, that was a lovely entry. I totally know what you mean - I think it's great when you finally start writing what's really in you - something that's for yourself and for an audience at the same time. I'm glad you're on my buddy list :-)
from eowyn86 :
Naw, it's okay - a wet dorm just means you can have alcohol in it, if you're 21 or older. Only 2 dorms on my campus are like that, so it will definitely be different than the substance-free floor!
from pippinsgirl :
Hahaha...oh, dear.
from dylanwashere :
Sounds like happiness is all around for you. All the best.
from onlygrace :
isnt it the best feeling when someone you know experiences the joy of knowing HIM? theres NOTHING like it!!!! take care! i hope you're here to STAY this time! ♥ ♥
from onlygrace :
didnt you say that you were back? so...where are you?! well, whatever the case is, i hope you're having a blessed week/month! :) be blessed and be a blessing. and that josh groban concert....STILL jealous!
from dylanwashere :
Lucky you. Hope you have lots of fun.
from evenstar101 :
Did I just read something about a JG concert in your entry? *dies* Take me with you! lol. I would love to see him again. I have a feeling though, that experience a few summers ago was a once in a lifetime thing! :-)
from onlygrace : in JOSH GROBAN?? luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tickets to his concerts are so expensive. haha, the other day i told my friend that the man i marry will def bring me to a josh groban concert, as proof that he truly loves me. =)
from onlygrace :
im so glad that you're back. if i didnt say it before, or even if i did...whatever, ill say it again. CONGRATULATIONS! =) now get off myspace and come back to us!
from eowyn86 :
Yay, Danielle is back! Not that you ever really "left," you know. Once a diarylander, always a diarylander. Congratulations a million times! Getting engaged must be so amazing - I wish the best to both of you!!!
from evenstar101 :
Merry Christmas!
from evenstar101 :
Hi there! How are you doing? You haven't updated for a while! I hope things are ok! Have you heard any of the new Josh Groban CD? I got it the other day and it's fantastic! By the way, do you have the username and password for my diary? I thought I sent it to you but I'm not sure. Much love - Emily
from smeagol123 :
*leaves you a note* Why? Because I can. :-D
from eowyn86 :
You're so lucky Weller! I wish I could get paid to be bored - that would be so sweet. Maybe you have to go to school for that first ;-) just kidding.
from smeagol123 :
Hey Weller. Same as Emily down there. If you want to be let in, send me an e-mail at [email protected] :)
from evenstar101 :
I had to lock my diary due a parental edict. Can you please send me an e-mail to [email protected] so I can reply with the username and password? Thanks!
from onlygrace :
ahaha you've already been tagged! but do it for me and pippin togetherrrr...LOL :)
from pippinsgirl :
Tag, you're it.
from childofgaea :
hey weller, just dropped by after some time. gosh, i transferred to blogger, and I miss my diaryland friends! whoa...i understand about you and david...i can sooo relate...especially now that things are O-V-E-R...but I know yours wont be the same. This guy loves you! :) drop by my new journal, same guestmap though. hehehe, liked the wedding stuff, hehehe. can relate too!
from onlygrace :
free2dream, yo. =)
from eowyn86 :
So I guess I know what you mean about having too many Lord of the Rings checks - I ordered 2 boxes, so I was thinking, that basically means 2 booklets, right? hehe. Yeah, I poured out like 4 booklets from the first box, so now I have a more accurate understanding of ordering checks, I guess (this was my first time). I guess when I go away to college I'll just have to use the same bank even if it's an hour away. Not that I'm complaining - yay for Lord of the Rings checks! I'll never want to use my debit card again, even though checks take longer ;-)
from pippinsgirl :
I just befriended you on Myspace, so don't be alarmed by the random "Africa Someday" friend request. It's only me. :)
from eowyn86 :
Weller! I remember you telling me to notify you if I ever came across any Lord of the Rings checks for sale anywhere. Well, I did: I'm totally getting some, since I only have one check left at the moment. You should get some too (if you haven't found them before me ;-) so we can be twins!
from evenstar101 :
Don't give up on d-land! I have been feeling the same way you have though. I wish I was more into it. It's just that a lot of my friends here are on xanga! But let's try to keep the d-land faith! :-)
from free2dream :
hey you. it's been a WHILE. *shakes head* :)
from free2dream :
aw hope you have a nice day. :)
from free2dream :
as girls we have the right to be insane sometimes. well, maybe not. but that doesnt matter cause we do it anyway. and we're experts at that a good thing or a bad thing? hmm. :) i love michael buble. i figured out how to pronounce his name. it's pronounced BOOB-LAY. haha im slow. i bet everyone else knew that wayy ahead of me. well those that know of him anyway. :) love ya!
from free2dream :
hope everything works out. life's weird.
from free2dream :
i love the new layout. :)
from free2dream :
NO WONDERRR! im sure the other was pretty good too, it IS coldplay we're talking about..but x& oh man. try listening to it. :)
from evenstar101 :
Don't feel bad about it. A rush of blood to the head hasn't become my favorite album either...maybe you'll like X&Y better!
from evenstar101 :
I'm sorry you don't like X&Y! When I first heard it I thought, "where has this been all my life?" Everyone has their own opinions and tastes. But maybe you will have a change of heart. :-)
from free2dream :
wait. which coldplay album is this? and by this i're kidding right? :) x&y is...brilliance to me. but it's all good in the hood. :) you're still awesome to me. wonk.
from eowyn86 :
*gasp* you don't like coldplay's latest?! Wow, I thought it was several times better than A rush of blood to the head... don't sell it! You might have a change of heart :-)
from free2dream :
happy new yearr! dont listen to emily..."fix you" is the BEST! ;) lol jk, i love her too!
from free2dream :
from eowyn86 :
I think I'd have to side with your mom - you're pretty funny. Sometimes you can just tell a Lord of the Rings fan by what they think of when they look at certain things ;-)
from evenstar101 :
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! I hope you enjoy Coldplay when you get it. White Shadows is the best!
from free2dream :
you're one of my favorite diarylanders. heck you ARE my favorite FAR! :) just wanted you to know. take care!
from evenstar101 :
Merry Christmas!!!!!
from eowyn86 :
I found out that the guy who played Peter in Narnia is actually named William in real life -how cool is that? And he's 18. I thought he looked younger than that in the movie, but I guess he was supposed to, because Peter's only supposed to be about 12 I think. But I've noticed that people who play kids in movies are generally older than their characters for whatever reason. Anyway, have a holly jolly Christmas - with no Santa Claus!
from free2dream :
all my friends are telling me that even if i find the "perfect dress" now...styles change so by the time I DO get married, i wont want that anymore. oh well, it's nice to dream. either lookin for moncheri when the time comes no MATTER WHAT! there were also some amazing prom dresses in there too...hmm...ideas, ideas! :) no you're not weird...more like sensible and reasonable! lol girls fantasize too much, man. it's an illness, i swear. :) Take care!
from evenstar101 :
I hope you'll see Narnia. It was awesome. And re: Prince William...William Moseley is amazing as Peter...and way better looking than than His Royal Highness! :-)
from evenstar101 :
That ring is gorgeous!
from free2dream :
:) your mom cried, man! that's so adorable!
from free2dream :
made some notes on the dresses you mentioned. 13225 = soo pretty!! , 15235 = woww shud be white though..not yellow right?... 15244 = dont like long sleeved but its so pretty for a long sleeved one cause mon cheri is AWESOME like that cause usually long sleeved ones are blaahed out, 15246 so elegant and i really like favorite dress EVERRRRRRRRRRR...i decided if i got married anytime soon (yeah right) THIS would be the design of my dress...#15250 its SOO simple in yet a really elegant and glammm wayy. and it has a matching flower girl dress. can III GET A WHAT, WHAAT? ;) take care! the dress is the MOST IMPORTANT PART! tsk tsk! get to itt! :)
from free2dream :
ive seen that quote on everyone's away messages and profiles on AIM but i never really thought about how it pertains to me. and in some does...with HIM. :) except for the whole holding hands in front of friends part...we cant do that just yet.. :)
from free2dream :
Those are both really beautiful. Sadly, I've been looking at really amazing wedding dresses ( just so ya know...its my favorite designer thus far) and i havent really thought much about the ring. but those are exactly what id want mine to be like. some chicks like the HUUUGE rocks in the center and i really cant stand all that. id love mine to be simple yet gorgeoussss beyond belief. :) im so happy for the both of you. you're always in my prayers. take care and God bless. ;D
from eowyn86 :
Those are both lovely - you're so lucky!
from pippinsgirl :
I can't believe how connected I feel with what you write sometimes, even though we're in completely different situations. I mean, I'm not even close to marriage at the moment (or being engaged for that matter) and I still have "cold feet", per say, about every decision I make. Mostly it comes down to being worried that I'm not hearing God correctly, or that he wants the opposite of what I do all the time. But I think that might be perceiving him the wrong way, almost like he's a threat instead of a graceful and loving God. I didn't have this thought until like, last night, but it's made me about 70% more confident about my choices and life in general. It prompts me to want to please him in what I do, rather than being scared into being "good." And even if we mess up again, he's quick to forgive; he has already forgiven. Anyway, I was writing this with the intention of talking about you instead of me, so... I deeply hope that God will guide you into his best plans for you and for David, whether it's finding the right ring or waiting longer, or anything else. Personally, I hope that his plans will include the two of you together. From what you write, you two seem like mutual happiness for one another--and that's such a wonderful thing. And I hope again that God will put your mind at ease and your heart at peace through everything. Hmm...that was a lot of hope's in just a few sentences. But I mean, how many choices do you have when only "these three remain"? I'm sorry for all the rambling; I think I just left you a stream of conscious note, but I really will be praying for you. I wrote it on my hand so I'll remember. Thank you so much for the verse. :)
from eowyn86 :
Wow, I've never thought of engagement as scary before, but then, I've never even been close to one, so it's interesting to read your feelings on it. I can see why you feel that way though, but I hope you won't worry too much about your friend, unless you decide to get married at the same time or something. I'll pray for you two - it's so exciting watching it unfold, even though I don't know you in person and all I do is read, but it seems like it's not happening all that far away :-)
from evenstar101 :
I'll be praying for you and for David and that you'll be seeking God's will in the situation. His plans are the best!
from free2dream :
:) you should be happy that you found "the one". thats exciting!
from free2dream :
happy thanksgiving!
from free2dream :
I heart naps. I like More than Words by BBMAK...true though, I like the original too. :)
from free2dream :
I went on froogle to see the samsung sch a950 and it looks cool man! I have a Nokia 3220. It lights up. Basically the coolest part of it sadly. LOL. butttt if I paid extra (which my parents will NOT do, not that i blame em) there are pretty cool extra stuff...:) Cell phones are fun arent they? Argh, I must switch to Verizon though. T-mOBile is starting to be a pain. :) Take Carrre WELLERRRR!!
from free2dream :
Oh my word. You guys are thinkin about marriage? Wow, that's awesome. I'm really happy for you guys! :) Take care!
from fan4 :
You aren't insane.
from free2dream :
This entry that you just by far my favorite entry that you have ever written and probably anyone has EVER written because it came at a time when I was going through the same exact thing. It's crazy how things can distract me from spending time with God. Boys, schoolwork, whatever it is. And yet, when I pray, it's always a limited amount of time and I end up feeling guilty but I dont CHANGE anything. It really hit me earlier this week how I always push God aside and put everything else first. So like when I read your was like reading MY THOUGHTS. :) You're incredible and this is SOOOO going on my favorite entries section! So if you ever decide to leave diaryland, I will HUNT you down, because I will never be able to read that entry again...:( lolll just kidding Take care Wellerr!!
from free2dream :
didnt get a chance to read your entry..but i will. :) love ya
from pippinsgirl :
I loved reading your letter. I felt so connected to what you were saying on a lot of levels...selfish, doubtful of the church, stuff like that. I fear I have a good many boyfriend-possession problems, like my unreasonable jealousy and all. Sometimes that makes it hard for me to remember what joy feels like, and how much there is to be felt every day. It makes me happy that you have a dude (and his family too) that seem to emanate so much love and kindness and fun. And it's so strong of you to want to share that with the rest of the world--not selfish at all. I think that would be a very hard thing for me to do. You're an inspiration. :)
from free2dream :
I really needed to read that. Like REALLY. :) Thanks Weller.
from eowyn86 :
Wallace & Gromit was really funny! I hear it took like 5 years to make that movie! It's a lot like their shorter ones, so if you liked those, you should like a longer version of them too :-)
from free2dream :
I love the layouuut! :) Josh Groban...woo baby havent listened to him in a while. *Bows head in shame* !! So yeah...:) Backstreet Boys...isnt their song "I still" amazing? "Just Want You To Know"..."Never Gone"...AAH! Boy Bands...I missed em. And yesterday I saw a commercial for Nsync's Greatest Hits and I laughed...I weeped...:) Memories, man.
from evenstar101 :
Glad you like my new layout...I guess it sort of does put you in and FOTR mood...I like your new layout as well! Keep having fun with it...I'm sure it will turn out great. With love, Emily
from eowyn86 :
I love that picture of Josh!!! And the quote. Can't you just picture him singing in the shower? Well, not exactly picture - hear. *ahem* That would be so cool to just sit around listening to him sing in the shower. Anyway, sometimes I feel like I'm eating everything in the house too, except furniture. But then, there's a lot of food in this house...hmmm.
from fan4 :
On my home computer, I'm not able to read your entries. The image blocks most of the words. :(
from free2dream :
im so sorry! my heart and prayers go out to all of you...
from evenstar101 :
I'm so sorry about your friend. I'll be praying for you all!
from eowyn86 :
Wow, that's such a horrible thing to have to go through - I read about crimes like that happening but I'd never imagine how to react if it happened to someone I knew. I'm so sorry and I'll be sure to pray for you and her family...
from free2dream :
All things work together for good, to those who love God, who are called acorrding to His's a song too. :) Romans something though. JOYYY!
from free2dream :
Wow that's an interesting situation. Voting for pastors is a foreign concept to me because our church doesn't do that. But when PREJUDICED ideas mix with PASTORHOOD or's serious. Christianity and Prejudiced ideas don't go together...AT ALL. It's all in God's hands. Everything happens for a reason. I'll still prayyyyy. :)
from free2dream :
david sounds awesome. sleep. ive been deprived.
from free2dream :
from pippinsgirl :
Thanks for sharing what you read, that is pretty uber-tight material. And I love your beach pictures! Love them times three.
from free2dream :
yesterday i had the urge to read the bible too. ecclesiastes is the bomb diggety.
from free2dream :
Ha! Someone once told you? Hmm...who could THAT BE? =] Hiyaaa! Aw David's been failing classes? Not good news...BUT I'm glad you guys are happy together. =] Just as long as he gets THAT straightened out! Balancing time is important! Thanks for updating...whoever told you to update is my hero.
from free2dream :
No wayy! If I havent heard of him....I KNOW my life would be somehow incomplete! =] He's REALLY skinny with crazy hair and crazy beard and all that other stuff. He's awesome and he's an inspiration and...I love the man. I miss your updates man!
from free2dream :
from bluelucy :
Thank you for the compliment on my template. ^_^ You should see my desktop, and my phone, and the walls of my bedroom...^_*
from evenstar101 :
Hey! Thanks for the note. I am now fully recovered from the evil wisdom teeth thing. It was truly awful but as my mother LOVES to say, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Uh huhhhhhh. Anyway, I hope you had a great 4th of July filled with fireworks, friends and fabulous food. Much love! -Em
from pippinsgirl :
Blecch, I know what you mean, dude. I cannot fathom how the process of blood flowing out my body can make me so angry at the world...but it does. I start to randomly hate everyone and everything. Then, for about two seconds, I will love everyone and everything with insane passion. Then it goes back to hating for a few days. I just don't understand it. But I'm pretty sure there won't be periods in heaven, so that will be good.
from eowyn86 :
Well I'm glad you have more courage than me - I was going to do a whole entry about how evil periods are, and how all pre-menopausal women should get 3 days off from work/school/obligations every month. Since I heard Marilyn Monroe refused to work during her period, and most of us will never be that famous so we should petition the government to pass some law for it instead. Not really, but it's a nice idea. Women's tylenol, you say? Is that a special kind? I just take the regular kind, but maybe it would be a good idea to find something 'specialer'. Have fun at the beach! Beaches rock. *Laura*
from free2dream :
no one can be the "nice guy" all the time. =]
from pippinsgirl :
I'm always pleased and somewhat relieved to see that you can relate to my splurges of emotion and wonderings. Actually, very relieved. It's very encouraging, and hey, that's what you are. :) And your notebook sounds quite cool. I should do some decorating on mine.
from free2dream :
lol! Yes I am completely not like that! To even have a CRUSH for me is insane at the moment!! So sad all these overly dramtic-NESS goin on in the world today! Thanks for the lovely gbook comments!
from eowyn86 :
Ugh, laundry is the world's evil (one of them anyway). Sometimes I think I should just buy more clothes instead of washing the ones I already have ;-) I didn't know you were a country girl too! I've heard it said, 'you can take the girl out of the country, but you can never take the country out of the girl.' Well, it was 'boy' when I heard it, but I decided to change it. Anyway, I'll never be ashamed of liking it out here in the middle of nowhere - no matter where I go! I just can't decide how/when/where I should leave it. Oh well. God bless! *Laura*
from free2dream :
you're just a barrel of laughs! =] you WILL love the new MWS you said..HOW COULD YOU NOT?
from free2dream :
The first time I saw it...I was like..WAIT...I KNOW THIS SONG! MWS! =] I LOVE THIS SONG! He's awesomeness.
from pippinsgirl :
That is the sweetness. Did you write that?
from pippinsgirl :
Basically my main concern about baptism is that I want to be sure that it's God prompting me to do it, and not just me doing it out of obligation or desperation to feel better about my spiritual walk, if you know what I mean. I go to a baptist church, so it's pretty much like once you become a Christian, the obvious next step is to be baptized...but I was afraid of baptism in the fifth and sixth grade, so I just decided to slide on past that step. Which seems like a silly choice on my part, but when I think about it I really want that step to have more meaning than just "oh, this is what I'm supposed to do." You know? Thank you so much for the prayers, I really hope that God gives me the strength to step up to it when I need to. And hey, instead of saying "Lord, I don't know what to say" in all my prayers, I'll be praying for you too! :) Well, I think it might be Neopets time now...
from pippinsgirl :
The layout is tres lovely! Sorry, I've been meaning to get back to you for your notes but I have been the laziest, most Neopets-addicted person for the past week or so. Yiee. Anyway, yeah, it seems like we're totally in the same boat with the whole need to trust and obey thing. I'm especially starting to feel that with summer coming up and not knowing at all what I'm going to be doing...whether or not I'll get a job, what the whole schedule's going to be like, whether or not I should go for being baptized--and on top of that, how can we know if we'll live through one more day? So I guess Jesus definitely had something with the whole "let tomorrow worry about itself" thing. :)
from evenstar101 :
I love the new layout! Josh. Ahh...I haven't listened to him in a while. I can't believe that. What am I thinking? I'll listen to him tonight, I promise! :-) Just checking in. Love! -Emily
from free2dream :
OH MY...JOSH! AW! You made this yourself? =] I'm so proud.
from eowyn86 :
The new layout is awesome! Seriously, how can you go wrong with Josh on it? Even if he was upside-down and blurry and had crossed eyes, it would still be great, I'm sure!
from free2dream :
Oh how I looooove Rob Thomas! The first time I heard "Lonely No More" I didnt like it...I still dont like it too much but his other songs are pretty darn good! =]
from pippinsgirl :
I Neofriended you...teeheehee. :)
from free2dream :
"lack of entryage."?? GOOD ONE! =] i miss your usual updates. gosh diarylanders are slacking OFF..including me!
from free2dream :
I have yet to see that movie! Argh I suck! Of course it's good...can anyone say Johnny Depp? Not only is he gorgeousness...hes an amazing actor...(like we care about his acting skills!) :)
from free2dream :
oo Ford Taurus' rock!
from eowyn86 :
You drive a Ford Taurus? Me too! That makes you super cooler! Except mine's teal, but I don't really like that color anyway. Oh, and by the way, FFH stands for Far From Home. I hear they had to abbreviate their name because another band called Far from home threatened to sue them or something. Weird. Well, have a fantabulous day! (or evening) *Laura*
from free2dream :
heyyy! I miss yaaa even though I havent updated in a WEEK myself! :)
from free2dream :
Aw FFH...I believe I have their debut cd? Sound and Spirit..yup! Last time I didnt reply and i got the phillips craig and dean latest...i didnt want to PAY for that em...but no thanks! I like ffh even tho many of their songs sound alike. :) a hubby and wifey in the group..i love the song "still the cross" probably their best to date!
from free2dream :
Goodness, I love "Live the Life" and KNOW YOUR NAME is amazing. Michael W. Smith is amazing. :) God bless!
from free2dream :
I'm a fellow hair straightener? Wow, coolie! I better go watch ER now....your random bits of randomness always make my day!
from free2dream :
Well, I'm rootin for SNOW!! Which is why I have no school today! (THANK GOD!)
from free2dream :
Michael Buble!! AHHH! Isn't he the coolest??
from evenstar101 :
You should really try the Stupid Ninja game. I think my entry describes it pretty well. You can expand upon it for yourselves, of course. It was just SO fun when we played it last night. Anyway, glad you got another dose of Josh Groban in concert! I would love to see him again. Uh! He's just too wonderful. TA! Much love! -Em
from free2dream :
I get offended whenever ANYONE burns a CD or downloads songs...unless they're gonna eventually buy the album sometime aggravates me! :)
from free2dream :
Oh tell me how it the CD is, please! :)
from free2dream :
I LOVE 4HIM!! I always wondered what happened to them? I miss them and their cool songs. Remember "Measure of a Man"....and "Center of the Heart" and OOO...."Where there is Faith" WHO CAN FORGET that song?? Andyy!!! I love him!
from free2dream :
I sang...."Refiner's Fire". haha I never thought about it that way! God giving me a break...HMM...:) Take care!
from pippinsgirl :
I particularly love the book of seems like I can always find something there that I didn't notice before, or just something to think about. Or any of the books written by Paul. It fascinates me that Paul lived and died for the same faith that he once persecuted. But anyway. :)
from free2dream :
I'm definitely gonna take those quizzes soon!
from eowyn86 :
Aw, I hope your pinkie will be returned to full health soon; painful stuff doesn't sound fun - doctors can be evil sometimes. Wow, and you fell UP the stairs - that sounds so much like something I would do! I'd trip over my own shoes if I didn't go around barefoot so often. Anyway, your entry made me laugh (in a good way), even though you were writing about pain, you still made it amusing - that's definitely a talent! Take care! (of your finger) :-) *Laura*
from free2dream :
Hey! Oh my're injured? haha, yes YOU are a winner!
from shobie :
Aww, nobody can be too old for the Lord of the Rings!
from shobie :
Your layout is very cool looking :) Pardon me for sounding like a complete and utter dork, but what does erunamagrnlf mean?
from pippinsgirl :
Ah gee. I love you, Weller. I feel really blessed to know you (like you said, even though we've never seen each other's faces) because you are such an encouraging and generous person. Your notes or entries or whatever always seem to make me happy; it never fails. Dude, just continue to be that encouraging person--I think God can use that gift of yours in any situation, in any trouble, in anything. Rock on...because you rock. :)
from free2dream :
If you honestly feel as though you would be COMPLETELY uncomfortable with the whole situation you really shouldn't go. David doesn't seem to be the kind of guy to get all crazy and really jealous but I dont know him...:) But I bet he's not like that anyway! ;) I know it may be weird...but all of a sudden he wants to go out for dinner with just you?? Hmm...something's up!
from free2dream :
The problem with my church is that it's so CLIQUEY. Bunch of cliques and I'm not a part of 'em at all. Most churches aren't too bad with the cliques but mine...ugh. So whenever they're hanging out I'm jus there with my poor sister...hanging out with EACHOTHER. :( UM...snowing tomorrow?? Well you should straighten your hair! Snow and straightened hair...looks COOL when the flakes are on your perfectly straightened hair!
from free2dream :
I wish I had some suggestions but unfortunately I don't. Reading the bible is so hard for me to. To find the time is my excuse....
from eowyn86 :
Well, Tash is the god of the Calormines, who are the enemies of Narnia. Although you probably wouldn't know anything about him unless you've read "The Last Battle", the last book of the Chronicles of Narnia. That's my personal favorite, and it's the one where the "bad guys" are trying to get the Narnians to believe that Tash and Aslan are the same thing. Hope that helps... Aslan rules! *Laura*
from free2dream :
I absolutely HATE my church and I really can't leave because...well it's really stupid and complicated so I won't bother with you with any of the details. Besides, you probably wouldn't understand cause it's THAT dumb. But anyway...since I hate my church so much, I really feel so horrible that you're "running away" from yours! Whenever I read diaries, everyone is loving their church, so this is all new to me! I hope things work out!
from free2dream :
Happy New Year...and did I wish you a Merry Christmas because if I didn't.....MERRRY CHRISTMASS!!
from evenstar101 :
Merry Christmas to one of my favorite d-landers!!!!!!!!
from smeagol123 :
Hey, Weller! Thanks for the compliment on the layout - I had SO much fun making that picture. Anyway, Radagast is sleeping soundly in a drawer at the moment. I STILL haven't gotten around to sewing the skirt on, but I promise, as soon as I do, I'll post pictures. On the S&F layout, I sent to originally to [email protected], and apparently you didn't get it. Could I have your real e-mail address, so I could make sure it gets to you? That'd be great. Ciao!
from free2dream :
I JUST read her diary before reading yours and I shared it do a NUMBER of people too! She's amazing that girl!
from pippinsgirl :
Thank you buddy!! (Haha, I don't think I've ever called anyone "buddy"...but oh well you deserve it.) And dude! You're graduated! From college! Mostly! That's so freaking awesome and crazy, and I'll stop using exclamation points. But oh man. That is cool. Happy days! *squeeze*
from hamiltonian :
I liked your liinks and scripture favs.
from free2dream :
Josh Groban tickets!! YAY!! Are you sitting somewhere in the front? Well it doesnt even matter because you're BREATHING the same air as Josh Groban anyway....:)
from free2dream :
You're so funny! Mexican food does rock though, I agree. God bless! Yeah...what were you smoking? ;)
from evenstar101 :
I am SO asking for Live at the Greek for Christmas. Gosh it sounds wonderful!
from free2dream :
Oh I'll buy it...except it probably won't be any time soon! :) But I will buy it in February or something....don't even ask. :)
from free2dream :
I hope you had a grand time!
from smeagol123 :
Didn't you want the Sam and Frodo template I e-mailed you? *sniff*
from free2dream :
josh groban's voice...thats awesome!
from free2dream :
Thanks! I hope you had a PLEASANT Turkey DAY TOOO! :)
from pippinsgirl :
If I had a Weller-Thanking device, I would be pressing its button overtime! Dude, you're so encouraging. I bet a ton of people are thankful for having you around (to be all Thanksgiving-y about it), and if they're not then...uh...poo. I hope you're finding a good way to pray out loud, and I'm glad my note helped. And happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Even though it's night and the turkey has been eaten. I'm sure there will be leftovers. Take care! You rock!
from smeagol123 :
Ah, so you're hiding a secret diary from us are ya? ;-) I think you're talking about HTML Kit? Yeah, you can download it at
from free2dream :
Wow, thankies! :)
from pippinsgirl :
Hey there Weller! Happy Saturday to you. Wow, that sounded like a holiday or something...which I suppose it kind of is. Or at least it should be. Anyways. On the topic of praying out loud: Say what's in your heart... JUST kidding! You probably won't feel totally comfortable, but I think one way to get a little comfortable with it is when you spend time in prayer, spend it praying out loud with just you and God. It doesn't even have to be talking, really (I usually whisper or something when there's the risk of people around--as long as it's something semi-vocal). It seems frivolous, maybe, or hard to put into words the same things that are in your thoughts, but it helps you talk to God like you would a close friend. Only he's God, so it's even more intimate. Anyway, what I guess I'm trying to say is it doesn't have to be something so different from how you usually pray. It just gives others a chance to share in your closeness with God, and hopefully theirs too. (and Hannah/pippinsgirl rambled on and on...) Okay, I'll finish up now. Yay for Saturdays and Jesus. Have an awesome time with both!
from free2dream :
Hi hi! At least you're havin some fun this weekend, hanging out with David!! WOOHOO!! He seems so darn cool....and you're "tee hee's" are cool too! :)
from smeagol123 :
Hope you get better! I suppose I need to keep all this gold stars in a collection somewhere ;-)
from eowynne :
Yeah, I love that song, too. So many of MWS's songs fit this state of mind I've found myself in ever so perfectly...
from free2dream :
Exactly! He's a geek in a good way! :) That lady is nuts...and do you not listen to someone's music because they're a geek? Weirdos....:)
from free2dream :
Your entry is nuts...I guess thats what happens when your sick...FEEL BETTER SOOOOOON!
from free2dream :
Oh you rock! I would have Josh Groban on my butt rather than "Angel" or some nonsense like that!'re going to all those shows?? I'm guessing that you're not...but you're still going to a couple I'm sure and that make you a lucky lucky girl...ugh! :)
from free2dream :
I hope you don't hurt his feelings although I can understand that sometimes that's hard to do! :) Go David!
from smeagol123 :
I'll e-mail it to you, if you'd like.
from free2dream :
I'm excited for you! Hey, at least you can play SOMEWHAT! My brother has a guitar and a piano over here....which reminds me...I have a guitar in MY HOUSE....FOR ALL THESE YEARS...AND I NEVER EVEN BOTHERED TO CARE! I'm officially INSANE!
from free2dream :
I didnt know you knew how to play the piano! :)
from free2dream :
I'm listening to Josh Groban right now...amazing stuff!!! :)
from free2dream :
I'm happy that Bush won, even though no matter what God controls everything. YAY!
from smeagol123 :
LOTRfan should still have the F/S template.
from groban83 :
Heeeey I haven't visited my LJ readers in ages waves.
from smeagol123 :
Oops! Forgot a sentence. It's still "tacky". The skirt is, that is. And now I'm using terrible grammar so I shall go. See ya!
from smeagol123 :
He's doin' alright, I guess. All of him is dry and ready to go except the skirt! *grrr*
from pippinsgirl :
*huggysqueeze* :) Enjoy your sleep!
from free2dream :
Sleep is too precious...there are today when I just dont want to get up! I just want to stay in my bed and sleep forever....thank God tomorrow is Saturday!! WOOHOO!!
from smeagol123 :
Gonna explain that little emotion drive? DON'T LEAVE US IN SUSPENSE!!! WHAT HAPPENED??? ;-) I guesss that wasn't the best thing to say to a depressed person.... Ever so sorry about your situation. Whatever it is...
from free2dream :
It was raining the past few days here too!!! But Im gonna straighten my hair today's just fun for some reason... :)
from free2dream :
This is like 40 minutes after the OTHER note...right before this one :) I made a mistake...I can be an idiot sometimes....I LOOOOOVE their new album...I never got the chance to hear all of it and songs like "Where you Are" "Bless The Broken Road" "Then I Did" "Hole"....BEAUTIFUL!! What was I thinking before?? hahaha...I also just joined the Joe Don fanlisting... ;)
from free2dream :
I love that song Bless the Broken road! I actually HONESTLY dont like the album TOO much...but I mean, it's still great....I still love 'em anyway!! Joe Don is my favorite....guitarists rock...and they're all such funny guys. :) I love Keith Urbans new albim A LOT though...BEAUTIFUL!
from free2dream :
I just straightened it yesterday....oh my!! Did you?? Because if you did...that would be really weird.... :)
from smeagol123 :
Man, when was the last time I left you a note? Anyway, of course I'll put up a pic of Radagast! He's drying out in the screen room. He's a bit shiny, but I think he'll be okay. Oh, enlightened am I? Not really, but thanks. Apparantly I'm your hero ;-) A few people on the forums have done Radagast before, so it's not that uncommon. But after this, I plan on doing the other two wizards - Alatar and Pallando the Blue. Well, ciao!
from free2dream :
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! I saw the Making of The Video of Rascal Flatts twice already...they're awesome, talented and FUNNY!! Everytime they're being interviewed...they always manage to crack me up...I love THEM!! And...I ALSO STRAIGHTNED my hair and it still looks pretty dran cool but it's way too hot outside so I better go wash it today and straighten it again for picture day....aah...High School...:) You're so like me....weirdness...
from pippinsgirl :
Thank you for the prayers, I really appreciate that! Tryouts are today (sunday) in about two or three hours. I'm still kind of nervous about it but I think if it's what God wants, He'll make a way for me to be involved, and if it's not, he won't. So no worries I guess... :)
from free2dream :
I'm so upset about the JG performance. Oh I know...hes still the best and I KNOW something was wrong with the whole show...that was kinda obvious from the second i started watching it...but oh well. :)
from eowynne :
I think I'm going to take you up on that hug... Thanks. ♥
from free2dream :
Oh..I hope everything works out! I'll be praying for that man, for sure!! God bless!!
from eowynne :
Thanks a lot. ♥♥♥ I know God will pull me through this... I just need to let go and let Him take charge. <3
from free2dream :
I'm so happy to hear David's doing better! God rocks, no doubt!
from eowynne :
Oh my goodness.... I am so sorry. That is horrible. I can't imagine watching someone die. Let David know that we care about him over here. I am so sorry. :( ~�owyn~
from free2dream :
I can't even imagine what he mite be going through...I'll definitely keep everyone involved, in my prayers. God bless.
from free2dream :
October 26th! yay!!!! MWS's new cd is comin out October 26th! YAY!!!
from free2dream :
I hope whatever happens between you and David...that you'll be happy. He seems like a great guy. And its always a plus that he loves God just as much as you do...or even more! I love David already and I havent even met him! :)
from pippinsgirl :
Awesome dude! Tell your mom she rocks my world! I feel so honored and stuff. :) Anyway, thanks for the note mellon-nin. (snort I'm an elf!) Keep rocking... -Hannah
from free2dream :
I wanted to see THE NOTEBOOK so bad! It seems really good...and it's my kind of movie. I'm crazy when it comes to romantic movies. So happy for yooooou!!!
from eowyn86 :
Aww, thanks for the plug in your last entry! I'm glad people make sense of what I say ;-) I don't think I'm cut out to be a leader, at least in most senses, but thanks for thinking so! *Laura*
from eowynne :
Whew - that's a relief!! I was starting to worry about you! ~�owyn~
from starfishchik :
You make perfect sense. :)
from eowyn86 :
Thanks for the note :-) I'm glad you got something out of it, because the whole thing definitely affected me. God bless! *Laura*
from starfishchik :
Hiya Weller! I'm glad you have your daily dose of Bible every day now. Yay! :D So happy to indirectly help you find it. Thank you for sharing in some of my excitement for my mum! I'm happy that you and David are growing in a fruitful relationship :D ~Love in Christ, Brandy
from eowyn86 :
Okay, I'll let you know if I find LotR checks anywhere :-) I think they really should be out there somewhere, especially considering there are Shrek checks! Maybe I'll have to start bugging these online check places to make some... Well, ttyl! *Laura*
from eowyn86 :
Heya, thanks for the birfday note :-) Yeah, Spider-man & runaway bride would be an odd mix - I just meant the ending seemed kinda like that, not the whole movie, thankfully ;-) Ttyl! *Laura*
from starfishchik :
David sounds like such a sweetheart! Congrats on making it official :) Good blessings! In Christ, brandy
from pippinsgirl :
You're right. Dude, you know how to look on the brighter side of things better than I do. I guess I just take the silence for granted sometimes, instead of using it more wisely. You're so cool, thanks for the noteage. Hehe, that boy of yours is just the sweetest thing I've ever heard of....
from free2dream :
Oh my goodness!!! How sweet is that guy!! :) I love David already!
from free2dream :
I was thinking of Smithies actually! Sounds good to me! I mean, really what other names can there possibly be??
from free2dream :
Sounds very complicated all that stuff with David....I love that game Uno...doesn't it rock??
from free2dream :
I'm a Camper. I'm also a Grobanite. Shouldn't there be one for Michael W. Smith? Hmm...that would be great. Guess both of us are now are Josh Groban layout on their diary people! Yay!!
from evenstar101 :
Hey!!!! Yes, the concert was amazing. OMJ! Anyway, I'm not sure our posters are the same. He's just wearing black in mine. :-) Well, now we've both seen him. Two of the luckiest people on earth! Of course I would have liked him to do certain songs rather than My Confession or When You Say You Love Me. But honestly, how can I complain??? Just wow. SPREAD THE JOSH!!!! Love! -Em
from dylanwashere :
Stay strong. Be you. Don't be so hard on yourself.
from leadme :
hey there! I'd be glad if you would put the A-Z thing on your site! It would be totally awsome. I can't see that you've used it yet, but maybe I havn't really looked that hard [hehe]. xox- Jen
from free2dream :
I'm so excited for long as you know there's a difference between devotion and's all good from there. :)
from free2dream :
David....awesome guy!! And I am LOVING LOVING LOVING this layout....I've been trying so hard to find a Josh Groban one! But hey, I got a Keith Urban one now!! So HAHA!! :)
from eowyn86 :
Wow, that LotR exhibit at the Boston science museum thing sounds so cool - thanks for putting that link up! I'm going to have to nag my parents to take us down there! I had to laugh at that little note on the website that says: "...and for the safety and comfort of all visitors, no weaponry associated with the films' characters will be allowed in the exhibition." Those poor people probably have to put up with a lot from rabid LotR fans... Anyway, ttyl! *Laura*
from evenstar101 :
Aww, David sounds like a really great guy. :-) Thanks for your note. Yes, I am getting excited about the concert. Yesterday I watched a little of my JG concert DVD with my mom. She absolutely loves "Let Me Fall" and LOVES then end where he's climbing up the stairs and then falls...she really hopes he does the same thing at our concert! Anyway, I'm really excited! ...Maybe I really should bring an oxygen mask...good advice! - Em
from pippinsgirl :
AWW! Sorry, I should have put this in the same note... But that David boy is just the sweetest thing! I hate it when guys are all touchy, and that's so nice that he hasn't done any of that to you. Guh. So sweet. What a rare breed. Awwww...okay, I'm done now.
from pippinsgirl :
I'm doing okay at the moment, thank you. :) I mean, this is usually just a morning thing for me so most of the time I feel better by one or so. It's just so off-and-on that I don't know when to expect it. But at least half the day is guaranteed to be okay. Lol, I just ate some chicken noodle soup at the Chop House tonight. I bet your grandma's is better, though. Anything by a grandma is always best.
from free2dream :
Oh wowiie!!!
from pippinsgirl :
Aww, what a nice gentleman. You're lucky, you've discovered a rare species of the Male. :)
from evenstar101 :
I can see how the Fs can be confusing! Here are some pics to help you along. Roger Federer: And here's a picture of Juan Carlos Ferrero - or you could just go to Ferrero is for sure the better looking of the two. Oh yeah. Gotta love the Spaniard. *sigh*
from pippinsgirl :
Lol, that's crazy! I'm just an hour or two away from there. I think. I haven't been to Opryland in a long time. But yeah! What kind of convention was it that you went to? Good to have you back... :D
from groban83 :
Heeey my grobie chick I haven't talk to you in ages I am back on Diaryland and I missed you. Lisa
from lifeasme66 :
Hiya! Just wanted to say thanks for visiting and filling out my survey! (It might have been a while ago, usually I'm pretty good about keeping up with my thank yous, but I've been falling behind--my bad!) Have a nice day! **HUGS!!**
from evenstar101 :
Sorry that your family thinks you're nuts! *wink* Somehow, I'm used to people thinking I'm nuts...I'm not like most people around here, so when I get a little crazy about stuff they start to slowly back away...!: -) Anyway, you most likely saw Roger Federer on TV. He's the #1 tennis player in the world and totally dominating his opponents right now at Wimbledon. He's fantastic. Maybe because he's from Switzerland? Who knows!? ;-) LOVE! -Em
from pippinsgirl :
*tries to put you back together now that I've sufficiently exploded you three times* I tried to figure out if I could record stuff on the laptop today, but I think I have to have a midi-device (hehe, I don't know what that is either) or something to do it. But DUDE! I live in Tennessee! Come visit me! lol. Actually my parents would probably spaz if I told them I was meeting someone I met online....
from free2dream :
I WANT TO SEE IT!! :) the MWS thingy!!!
from pippinsgirl :
*hugs you until you explode* Yes, I have nothing better to do than amaze you all the time, hehe. Once I figure out how to use recording equipment, you're going to be the first online person to get word of it. My dad actually got some sort of "GarageBand" track-laying thing on his laptop so maybe in the future I'll be able to make some mp3s or something. But dude. I feel so honored. You quoted my song. I love you to death. *hugs you until you explode again*
from eowyn86 :
Thanks for the good wishes! Graduation was awesome, but yes, it's scary knowing that I've made it to "the land beyond high school". Anyway, that was a very interesting story about you getting stuck on the side of the road - yeah, it's definitely aweful when some cute guys turn out to be jerks! Well, take care! *Laura*
from pippinsgirl :
My dad told me about Perelandra once and it sounded really cool. Like everything in it is symbolic. I read C.S. Lewis's "The Pilgrim's Regress" and it was so symbolic I had to think through every single sentence, but I still loved it. And you're right, he uses so many crazy words. But the overall effect is just so cool.
from pippinsgirl :
You're so cool, Weller. I used to think the whole writing to Jesus thing was really cheesy, like something I couldn't really put my heart into. But now it's just like, Who else is there better to write to? It helps to have someone listening on the other side. And I'm so glad you can relate to what I say sometimes. It means a ton to me that my writing actually does some good. I find I can relate to a lot of your stuff too (unless it's about jobs...that's something I can't really do yet!) spiritual-wise and all that. You're like the coolest person on Diaryland that I've met, if I haven't said that before. Rock on and keep the faith! Faith on and keep the rock! -PG
from evenstar101 :
Hey! I hope you've recovered from the shock. Are you better? *wink* Yes, meeting the guys was somewhat exciting....I guess. Wha? Huh? What am I saying?? IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! It was more than awesome!!!! I'm still freaking out over it everytime I look at the pictures. It's one of those things that will take me a little time to process. :-) But yeah, I told my mom that I can pretty much die happy now...well, only after the JG concert. THEN I can die happy! :-) Talk to you later.
from free2dream :
Huh?? What is your image host?? Sorry...I'm confused...
from free2dream :
If you ever need any know where to You can see every movie fanlisting...EVER!!! :)
from smeagol123 :
Dang. That is just stupid. Of course they would have to blame the new girl! You poor thing. :-( On a brighter note.. YAY! You're getting a Galadriel! :-) - Jake
from free2dream :
God music always helps. :)
from eowyn86 :
Hi! Yes, I love that quote too. C.S. Lewis was a total genius. Just reading simple one-sentence quotes by him make me go, "whoa...". It's like he can say more in one sentence than most people can in many paragraphs... astounding. Well, tata! *Laura*
from free2dream :
You sold a cell phone for $3?? Wowsers!!!
from eowynne :
Thank you for your note. I really truly appreciate knowing that you will be praying for my friends. :( I am so upset about everything that's been happening lately. It's horrible. :( But God lets all things happen for a reason, so I am committed to trusting Him. ~�owyn~
from free2dream :
I'm sorry...she REVIEWED your diary...she didn't INTERVIEW you!! Oops...:) God bless.
from free2dream :
I love (the one that interviewd you) but I have to disagree with her. I think your diary is FANTABULOUS and I love reading it. I really and HONESTLY look forward to your updates! Josh Groban fans....rock!!
from free2dream :
from bobsreviews :
Your review is up! -Lacy from Bob's Reviews
from free2dream :
from bobsreviews :
Thanks for being so...nice. =) I'll get the new reviewer to work extra fast on your review...have a great day!
from free2dream :
You're obsessed with Josh Groban!! I love it! If you're gonna be obsessed with anything it SHOULD be him!! Gotta love Grobie!
from bobsreviews :
Hey! I just wanted to ask you something...we have a new reviewer here at Bob's Reviews and I was wondering if it would be OK if she reviewed your diary? Let me know if it's not...have a super awesome day! -Lacy the owner of Bob's Reviews
from free2dream :
Don't worry. Sometimes I get really picky so I stick with my fave designers!!
from pippinsgirl :
Thank you so much!! It means a ton to me that you think my songs are cool. I've actually been able to come up with music for a few of them lately, and I'll definitely try to put music to What You Want. Then it's just a matter of figuring out how to record stuff...hehe. Thanks again! You rule beyond words.
from evenstar101 :
Hey! I love MWS too! I don't have that CD that the one with "Signs" on it? I LOVE that song. Very very cool. Smitty is the MAN! Still goin' strong and writing AMAZING songs. Much love, -E
from eowynne :
Hey there - I just have a question about your template. I went to the site where you got it, and I'm not very good with comp's, so I'm wondering how you got the code and how to make it work and all. Any help would be much appreciated!! ~�owyn~
from free2dream :
Isn't Josh Groban THE BEST?? I'm so glad people are FANS of him because I'm thinking I'm this weirdo or something. But how could you NOT like him?? He's adorable and his voice ROCKS!! :) People that can sing real good, can make my day. That WAS a crazy dream, but thank goodness that Josh Groban isn't really careless like that. Or at least...I hope not. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to do something like that. But then again looks can be deceiving. Wow, did I spell that wrong??'re diary is so facsinating! It really is. And if you want to change your layout is the best place to go for different designers. It rocks. God bless!
from free2dream :
You know a real life Cheryl. How amazing. Don't worry about me. It's the little things that can get me all excited! :)
from free2dream :
Sorry about that!!!
from free2dream :
Oh, and you would invite the BSB members to a dinner amazing!! :)
from free2dream :
Oh, and you would invite the BSB members to a dinner amazing!! :)
from free2dream :
YOU ADORE MWS??? YAYYY!!! I like you already!! :) Thanks for your note!!! And I am LOVIN your diary right about now!!
from eowyn86 :
Thanks very much! Sure, you can use what I write if you want, I don't mind :-) I had to laugh at what you said about your brain shutting down around midnight - you've got it pretty good cuz mine often starts shutting down long before then, depending on the day, lol. God bless! *Laura*
from dylanwashere :
Eric Banna was definitely the best thing about Troy. Hey, hope your summer is going ok.
from eowyn86 :
Thanks! I'm way overdue to get a JG cd - a good portion of my acquaintances already have one, and I've liked his music ever since I've heard it, so I don't know what I was waiting for. So don't worry, Evenstar wasn't leaking any info ;-). I think I actually visited your diary once before, from her favorites list, and if I remember right, you had a JG layout then. The one you have now is very good too though. Well, tata! *Laura*
from evenstar101 :
Glad the sign is working out for you! Yeah, the JG concert is on July 18th. I am SO excited I cannot even tell you. Every time I look at the tickets (which are proudly stationed on a shelf in my room) I get a little shiver and think "Oh my goodness, I am actually going to hear Josh Groban LIVE!" It's crazy but it's gonna be awesome! Love! *Em*
from eowyn86 :
Hi there, just stopped by your diary, and I really think it's cool, and the layout rocks too :-) Hope you don't mind if I add you to my favorites! *Laura*
from evenstar101 :
Love the Captain Jack sign idea. Very clever. It's amazing how fast TP goes though, uh? One of those things you just need! :-) Love! *Em*
from groban83 :
Hi ya there hope you week is going good. I have keep up with anyone in ages just stopped by to say hi.
from evenstar101 :
Glad you enjoyed Troy. Sad to say I won't be seeing it...rated R and all. *sigh* But I did see some pics and stuff on TV and I have to say that I agree with you said about the guy who played Paris' bro...Eric Bana. You are not blaspheming. The casting is incredible...I also think that he was a little better looking than this instance of course! :-) Ta!
from evenstar101 :
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to find out that JG did Remember When it Rained! Hopefully he won't all of a sudden change the line-up on what is going to be one of the best nights of my life! :-) You can leave a note with the songs if you get around to it or e-mail: [email protected]. Thanks!!! :Em:
from evenstar101 :
Hey, Hey, Hey! So, I'm wondering what songs JG did at the concert. You do remember, don't you? What am I saying?! Of course you do! :-) I know you said that he didn't do Si Volvieras A Mi (which makes me sad as well) but I am SERIOUSLY hoping that he did Remember When it Rained. That's my absolute favorite. So, if he didn't, break it to me easy. lol. Ta! ~Em~
from smeagol123 :
Yay you're done with school! I'll be done on Wednesday. :-D I opened Twilight Frodo yesterday and lets just say if you can find him in stores get him, but DON'T pay the outrageous prices on Ebay for him! My Dad found a Witch-King in Armor from ROTK the other day but I haven't opened it yet (not able to pay it off). Hope everything's goin' great! - Jake
from dylanwashere :
Cool. Done with school. Wish I was so lucky.
from groban83 :
Awww your toooooo sweet I will keep with you.
from evenstar101 :
Thank you for the note! I'm feeling a little better but certainly not my best. *sigh* Oh well! Anyway, sounds like you had a good time yesterday with the tribute to the seniors and all. What year are you in college anyway? I don't think I ever asked you. Ta! -Em-
from evenstar101 :
Ok, first off, don't think you need to change your whole life around just because one person didn't like your diary all that well. Take some of the stuff they said to heart (mainly just stuff about cleaning up the template) but the other stuff doesn't really matter because what you write is important to you and the faithful readers will always come back no matter what. I don't think people can expect deep, thought-provoking entries every single day. Day logs don't bother me because that's what I write! :-) Anyway, don't take it too seriously, that's what I learned and hey, I've signed up for another one just to see what someone thinks of my diary now that I have the new Orlando template. It seems that the other reviewer couldn't stand my purple/pink Arwen one. *tear* Oh and by the way, the links are working now on your page, all of the buddies and all that. I don't know what you did but they are working, for me at least. God bless! _Em_
from diaryreviews :
Your review is up at Re-reviews in thirty days. ~Vicky
from pippinsgirl :
ah, big brown eyes....big brown teary eyes...this is making me drool. i should stop. hehe, glad to see you had a good time at your josh concert!
from diaryreviews :
You don't have us linked properly. Fix it and let us know. ~Vicky
from evenstar101 :
*Dies a slow and painful death* Cause? Intense Jealousy. Some people have all the luck...
from pippinsgirl :
aww. brown eyes are so CUTE!
from pippinsgirl :
I looked him up and it says his name is Jason. But dude. That's so sad, because didn't his dad just die last year during that eight simple rules show? That was so heartbreaking, even though I hardly watched the show at all. So now I know why he can play those sad kevin parts really well...he has...experience...*bursts into tears*
from evenstar101 :
Don't quite know what the problem is but the link to me and Get Listed aren't working still, at least on my computer! Thought you would want to know. Hmmmmm.....
from evenstar101 :
Hey! I just asked you something via your guesbook so go look now! WAIT! You might as well read the rest of this. I noticed that the link to me on your site along with all of your buddies isn't working. Just wanted to let you know and I would let you know even if it wasn't me! ;-) Take care. -e
from pippinsgirl :
Hehe yeah, now every time i look at your diary I see Frodo and Sam and it makes me wriggle with delight... I think wooden eye pirate guy looks like Owen, mostly cause of the shaggy blonde hair I suppose. Maybe the nose like you said...even though his eyes do poke out a lot. I felt so sad at the end of that movie because they take all the pirates prisoner or something, and Owen Pirate never gets that nice new eye he wanted. And when he's like "it gives me splinters" I was all "DON'T WORRY OWEN PIRATE! I'LL GET YOU AN EYE!" Not really. But I said something to that effect. I think the dude who plays him, his real name is Mackenzie something or other...I'll have to look into that. The funny thing is that in real life his eyes are kind of boggly like that. It's so cute.
from smeagol123 :
AGH!!! I LOVE the new layout!!!! :-D!!!!!! :-D LOTRfan is such a wonderful place, no?
from pippinsgirl :
Duuuude, I adore the new layout!! It's Frodo looks so...guh...and Sam is so...squeal!...I saw an old Sean Astin movie recently called "Memphis Belle" and he was super-cute in that. Anyway, yeah, love the layout. And I like the lyrics from your latest entry a lot, too. -pg
from evenstar101 :
Where's Josh!? I'll miss him but the new layout is pretty cool. Hope you had a wonderful Easter! May God bless...
from pippinsgirl :
Lol, yep, you saw the right episode! Thats weird You must be seeing all the episodes before I do. And dude! The wooden eye pirate guy is my favorite character in that movie! I think he's hilarious but all my friends give me weird looks when I say how cute he is. I kept calling him "Owen" because he reminds me of Owen Wilson...
from pippinsgirl :
CHA!!!! Did you catch Joan of Arcadia tonight? I can't believe her little friend dude wants to quit school!! and he might do it!! and he doesn't want to be her friend!! and just when they were getting all nice again!! and poor kevin...sob, weep...I just can't believe it. It was like the most cringeful episode ever. But they played Audio Adrenaline music at the beginning...I thought that was cool.
from pippinsgirl :
Hehe, your mom's funny.
from evenstar101 :
Gosh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you missed said program then you missed your *ahem* baby singing "Remember When it Rained" and "Per Te." I'm sorry you missed it! I am constantly checking his site to check on info and that's how I found out about it. It was awesome but I'll stop now...I don't want you to feel any worse than you already do! :-(
from evenstar101 :
from pippinsgirl :
Dreams come true... ;)
from groban83 :
Heeey girl have a good weekend this is short. I am going to do something right now hugs.
from smeagol123 :
*Balrogs *Uruoloki
from smeagol123 :
Yeah, Angband and the battle of Huan and Sauron was intense! I sorta imagined Morgoth as the Armored Witchking from ROTK. I guess that's what I get for seeing the LOTR movies first *sigh* and Luthien like Arwen (since it is said that she "carried the likeness of Luthien"). And Morgoth's throne room was like, underground with jail cell things surrounding it with prisinors and Balgrogs and Urukoloki surrounding it and his trone sat in a big pool of lava and there were stepping stones leading up to it. I like. Oh well! Cool! You got a Boromir and Eomer!!! :-) Ciao! - Jake
from dylanwashere :
Hey, just a random visit. Intereting entries I must admit.
from smeagol123 :
from smeagol123 :
from smeagol123 :
Yeah, it's pretty cool, but not worth lots in my opinion. I mean, it's a clear figure, what more can you say? If you can find the TTT version, get it! It looks REALLY awesome on card with the Eye of Sauron Background. I haven't opened it yet, and I don't know whether I will or not. Thanks for thinking of me when you say the Twilight Ringwraith. That's a cool figure, too if you can bring yourself to buy it! If you can't bring yourself to buy the Eomer, then try to find the old boxed Ceremonial ROTK one. Try K MART for that one. YAY! You found a TTT Eowyn! Cool! :-D - Jake
from evenstar101 :
Thank you for praying for Kyle and his family. It is appreciated.
from smeagol123 :
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Oh, oops! Sorry! I forgot not to use long letters all connected sine it maesses up your page! :-( But anyway.. I FOUND A TWILIGHT FRODO AT KB TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AN EASTERLING!!!!!!!!! *dies* Kyle and Kristin (listed in the cast) held Twilight Frodo for me!!! And I found the Easterling myself... :-D - Jake
from evenstar101 :
You are not the only one who thinks about how awful it is that JG might not be a Christian. It's really sad to think about, isn't it? Maybe you could gang up on him and get him saved!! Who knows, maybe you're meant to be the one who does that. God works in mysterious ways. And, um, if you are that person, let me know so I can help you out! :-)
from pippinsgirl :
Dude, you watch joan of arcadia too? i love that show. even if it kind of neutralizes everything... but ahh! yes! kevin's getting, like, neural regeneration or whatever he called it! he's my favorite. either him or the nerd guy. And i'm going to see Hidalgo tomorrow, too. that's kind of freaky. we're like...the same. cool. ~pg
from groban83 :
A super hugs from me I am back to reading my teenpeople and such I am in the middle of work with free time byes, Lisa
from groban83 :
Awesome Chica, you going to get the songbook. I had to learn it by ear cause, I don't have a song-book at all and such. However, I want to get Closer songbook and such. I got aim if you want to contact me sometimes it thisradiantkid. I am also apart of Joshgrobanmusic too. God hehe the guy I like in that group. I better go I think I am getting sick. I hope you friend issues do get better. I know like last year me and friend fought. However were getting iffy again. However have a good week love ya, Lisa
from pippinsgirl :
Josh Groban was on Great Performances on PBS last night. I was like "Whoa, it's Weller's dude!" He has such an impressive voice! Finally, fangirls have someone respectable to croon over. He played the piano a little was funny because his coach dude/piano player or whatever was going, "You're going to hate this, but why don't you play us something?" So he started playing some, and then the guy was like "Not MY music!" Then he sang "To Where You Are" and some other non-English songs...which were pretty despite the fact that I couldn't understand a word of them. Anyway, I'll quit rambling. Just had to tell you. :)
from groban83 :
Heey my fellow grobie night how are you thanks for still reading me and such. Wow you practing sheet music. I play piano in fact, I play Josh Groban on the piano "To Where You Are" and Gira Con Me" awesome stuff. Anyways, what you have tomorrow don't be nervous about it. Just put your best effort forward and do good. You can do good at anything you set your mind to. hugs, Lisa
from evenstar101 :
OK, I do not know where I found this thing...most likely Jake found it first and I didn't think it was fair that he had something new to add to d-land that I didn't have! I'm going to give you what I have posted in my custom html and then you can just replace what I have with what you want to scroll. There are directions at the beginning and even if you leave them there, it doesn't mess anything up. So, here's exactly what I have: // All you have to do is put another text in the variable message. // Don't forget to break all lines with a ^ // When you do not place a ^ at the end of all the message, the // message will not repeat message = "The end of all things is near. * I Peter 4:7a^" + "There is still hope. * Arwen^" + "There is always hope. * Aragorn^" + "� i vethed...n� i onnad^" + "I thought I had strayed into a dream. * Aragorn^" scrollSpeed = 45 lineDelay = 3500 // Do not change the text below // txt = "" function scrollText(pos) { if (message.charAt(pos) != '^') { txt = txt + message.charAt(pos) status = txt pauze = scrollSpeed } else { pauze = lineDelay txt = "" if (pos == message.length-1) pos = -1 } pos++ setTimeout("scrollText('"+pos+"')",pauze) } // Unhide --> scrollText(0)</SCRIPT> If this didn't make any sense at all and you can't figure it out I'll just e-mail it to you. Let me know. Take care!! *Em*
from smeagol123 :
Cool, I've never been called amazing before! :-8) ;-) I found the Haradrim Archer at Target. :-D
from evenstar101 :
Hey! Good to hear from you. How are things? Yeah, we shouldn't have to apologize for being normal and ejoying and living life for God, you know? Glad you liked the Orlando Bloom comment I made! When you think about it that way it does seem rather stupid to think we came from goo, you know? Still LOVIN' Orli...Take care. *Em*
from smeagol123 :
Yes, I nkow, I leave a lot of notes, but I just wanted to say I'm SO sorry for messing up your notes page with my many exclamation marks.... You can delete it if you want. *sniff*
from smeagol123 :
Yes, yes!!! I'm so happy! And then when I get Coronation Arwen this summer-! Then I will have a set!!!! YAY!!! And actually, I did find Pippin in Armor, but I forgot to write about it!! We are so happy, precious! :-D We hope you find the figs you want, precious! (We can't wait until we get Witchking in Armor, Merry in Armor and King of the Dead!) Oh, BTW, is a good LOTR collecting site. Deatailed pics. AND there's a givaway every month!!!! - Jake
from pippinsgirl :
i'm glad you understand what i meant. sometimes people are so stubborn about believing that they drive me insane...what have they got to lose by accepting the fact that Jesus died for them? it's hard to know what to do because it's like, whenever you bring up something remotely tied to God or Christianity, they cover their ears. i hope there's a way that we can reach out to people like that, at least while we've still got the motivation.
from pippinsgirl :
the passion was totally the movie that will (or at least should) rock the world. i'm really glad that it expressed Jesus's suffering in such magnitude...otherwise i probably would never have gotten the point. dude, it's so easy to overlook, but something about his death (and resurrection) is just so timeless, it's like something that happens and not just something that happened. if that made any sense. i liked what you had to say about it, too. good things are happening. :)
from pippinsgirl :
lol! some person i met online one time let their mom read it...they were reading it in the car and apparently almost wrecked! i'm having de ja vu here.. just kidding, just don't get into any cars anytime soon ;) i don't want my screenplay killing anyone (not literally, anyway)
from smeagol123 :
My Dad had to go to the city that has TRU in it and we went and I got an Aragorn King of Gondor *beams* My Mom also looked at WalMart for me while grocery shopping and found Pippin in Armor, but alas, she had no idea I was looking for it *tear* Ciao!
from pippinsgirl :
Yeah, I think I only gave out three or four of mine...but then again that's like my maximum number of "friends" anyways. haha. I'll put up Back and There Again in my diary just for you. And anyone else who wants to see a load of idiocy. I was reading through it the other night and I was like "Where did I come up with all this crazy crap???" It's insane. Glad you're enjoying it, though!
from evenstar101 :
Forgive my silly typing mistakes...Hopefully you understood what I meant down there! HA! - e
from evenstar101 :
Hey! Thanks for the link. Those look awesome. I'm not sure if anyone else in my fam will go got a JG cursor but I will for sure check it out! Always spreading the rock! Take care. *Em*
from pippinsgirl :
ah, back and there again...i wrote it. hehe, i'm flattered that you like's a whole lot of nonsense but i'm glad you found the funniness. it's been a long time since i updated it at all and i just started back on the three towers recently--wrote a fellowship one like...years ago...when fellowship had just come out. by the way, congratulations on your new action figures! i envy your collection--now that i think of it, i've hardly got any lotr memorabillia hovering around my room at all. except for these tight Rotk valentines that my mom found for me. lol, they're so cheesy and cute. "be my valentine...ORC ELSE!"
from smeagol123 :
Thanks for the support, but the nearest TRU is half an hour away, and I don't think my Dad's gonna drive me when there's ice and snow on the ground..... :-( - Jake-Smeagol123
from iamladybloom :
Oh yes, Orlando will have to answer to a lot of girls if he does indeed pop the question to evil-little-Kate-what's-her-name. I will seriously freak out if I ever hear the just break down. *sigh* Let's just hope that it doesn't happen...:-) *Em*
from smeagol123 :
*GASP* *squeak* You found a *swallow* Aragorn, King of Gondor!?????????? *screams* and Pippin in Armor?!?!?!?!??!!? NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SQUEAK* - Jake :-)
from pippinsgirl :
duude, i didn't know jg was going to sing at the superbowl. i would have watched that bit, at least... :D
from groban83 :
Ahhh that sooo sweet my friend went to it. He told me about it. I was not able to go at all. Huges, Lis
from groban83 :
Do you got the internet version of Josh's new cd. God, I was supposed to get off my friend burn I missed it. I hopefully get from my dad. Well I am glad others are liking Josh aswell. Umm Jake Gayenhall spelled wrong is hot hehhee. I know me too I have such hard time when comes to guys to put forth words. It like there and I just freeze. Anyways that it just me. SeE ya Lis
from groban83 :
Ahhh you listed me I shall list you back for your eversoooo niceness.
from groban83 :
I was like ahh your layout is fantastic Anyways, homework does sucks if you got too much of it really. I understand It hard to tell someone something and they don't like listen. Your 20 and he 24 your not ready to leap to a high step. I am 21 and I still won't even bother to go to marriage step yet.
from pippinsgirl :
i love your storyline! yikes, that would be a hard decision--haldir or legolas?? specially when they're busy fighting over you... haha congratulations on your upcoming "proposal".. my best wishes to you and josh. ;-)
from evenstar101 :
Yeah, my vid of Per Te was fuzzy but how can I possibly complain!? Gosh, I don't even want to THINK of JG getting married. I might break down even more than I did over Bebo. I'm still in shock! Gosh and then there's Orlando Bloom. I think I might DIE when he gets married! :-) Glad to know that the purse offer still stands...! Yeah, for JG to come see me he'll need to suddenly have a need to visit a land-locked state. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next tour. *sigh* His CDs and my imagination will have to occupy me for a while I guess! Take care. *Em*
from pippinsgirl :
Oooh you're writing a story? Can I be nosy and ask what it's about? *snort.* I know how fun it is to write snippets from scattered parts in a story...and then it's really hard to work in transitions. But yeah, keep it up! *waves pencil like a sword* "I bid you, rise, men of the west!" err...sorry, something's wrong with me today.
from evenstar101 :
You are wonderful! Always spreading the Josh. Many thanks for the link to the video. I absolutely love Per Te! OOOH, his voice is just magical! Thanks also for letting me know about the new tour dates. Alas, JG must have a love affair with the East Coast (good for you, uh!?) but alas, that's just a few too many states to cross for me. Your purse is starting to look very nice about now...does the offer still stand? :-)
from pippinsgirl :
alriiiight, horatio hornblower! can't get tired of that. you probably saw an ad for the newest two episodes that came on A&E recently...Loyalty and Duty. (not as good in my opinion as the firsts, but i'm just biased because Archie isn't in them *sigh*). well, i won't go on about that, you probably don't have a clue what i'm babbling about. lol, whenever i saw that "Mr. Buble" i couldn't help thinking of that "Mr. Bubble" bubble bath from the eighties or whenever...hehehe. and i agree, orlando's gotten cuter with the curly hair. i think it's the bangs in the face that i like better.
from pippinsgirl :
thanks for reading some o my story. you are the bomb! :D
from pippinsgirl :
if i'm thinking right, i've seen "joseph" before. it was really good. kind of an allegory type thing, i believe. really cool.
from evenstar101 :
I see you recieved LOTR Trivial Pursuit as well. Isn't it awesome?? I was so happy to beat the boy who knows everything...SMEAGOL123! He has a memory like a steel trap. ANYWAY, so YEAH! I got CLOSER! I am in heaven. I've been listening to it non-stop and it just makes me melt. I was so excited to see that JG wrote "Remember When it Rained!" That has to be my favorite song on the CD although I love all of them. I can't say that about his first CD but for this one I can. Not that I don't ADORE the first. I'm just not a big Charlotte Church fan...Ok, enough ranting. TAKE CARE!! - Em - Oh and one more thing...I LOVE JOSH GROBAN!! *ahem* Sorry, I had to just let it out, you know? :-)
from pippinsgirl :
dude that's sweet, you got a leaf brooch keychain! awesome possum. thanks for likin my layout. pippin sends his love. :) i know what you mean about those popcorn i'm sorry you had to deal with more of those "commonfolk"...who lets those people in theaters? oh well. glad you had a nice christmas!
from pippinsgirl :
hahahahahaha!!! that dream cracked me up. better wear a trenchcoat with that... i believe i've lost your pen.... oh man. haha. Now that I've used up three entries on your notes page, i'll be off... :D
from pippinsgirl :
billy's on the soundtrack????? *SHRIIIIEEEEKKK!!!!!* if ya haven't watched the 3rd and 4th discs yet, i recommend "cameras in middle earth". I'm not sure which one that's on, you can look on the map thingy... ........billy's on the soundtrack! wheeee!!
from pippinsgirl :
whoa, a hobbit at your workplace! pippin, nonetheless! :D that is so tight.
from evenstar101 :
Do you have large purse? :-) Maybe if I roll myself up into a little ball. And if that won't work, do you think they'd let me sit on the floor? I'll still pay for my ticket if the only problem is not having enough seats! Alas, I live no where near New York City. I would aboslutely die if I got to go there though. Again, one of my dreams. *sigh* I'll just have to wait a little longer to see JG, considering that I'm such a new fan. I'll be on the look out now though. As soon as it's announced that there will be a concert near me I'll pounce! HA! Take care! *Em*
from pippinsgirl :
wow...sweet layout! :-D
from evenstar101 :
What a dream! Too bad it wasn't real, uh? *sigh* :-) - Em -
from smeagol123 :
from smeagol123 :
Hey, that would be a good investment... Wouldn't matter though, as she helped me put it up. But you never know when things might turn on you.... ;-) - Jake
from evenstar101 :
Sorry to hear that you are not impressed with Exodus! I guess it is a little more "rockish" than Obvious but just give it a little while and hopefully it will grow on you! I really like "Outlaw" and "Sea of Angels." And their take on "Here I Am To Worship" is awesome. Anyway, take care! - Em -
from smeagol123 :
ROTK comes out at 12:00 a. m. on December 17th, 2003 and will be showing all day on the 17th. :-D
from evenstar101 :
Yeah, I'll try not to kill him too hard. This afternoon he went after it again (he loves to annoy me greatly) and even my MOM told him to leave it alone so now I have someone else on my side! :-) I guess my entry sounded a little wildly crazy, uh? I was just extremely excited! It's such a great CD. I've listened to it so much within the last 3 days that I'm considering hiding it from myself so I won't get sick of it or something! HA! Anyway, I'm listening to new music from JG on his site right now. *BLISS* I think I need Closer...Christmas is coming...! -Em-
from morgolwen :
ROTK comes out on the 17th... so the midnight showing is basically on a Tuesday night (so to speak) - the 16th. :)
from evenstar101 :
OH MY GOSH! IT'S HERE! I HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE PLUS ONE EXODUS CD...AUTOGRAPHED!! THEY TOUCHED IT!!! AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! AAGGHHH! I''m listening to it right now and it's amazing. *sigh* Ok, that was a little insane but I was so excited this afternoon when I got it in the mail. I was having a "blah" day but, needless to say, I was revived from my state of "blah" by the sight of their barely readable signatures. Again, *sigh* THANK YOU!!!! -Em-
from smeagol123 :
Thanks! :-D!!!!
from smeagol123 :
Hey! Thanks for telling me, but we found a good version of it already. :-D
from morgolwen :
Wow, I thought that nobody read it! :) Hehe... thanks for the note! :)
from smeagol123 :
Oh, I'm glad I gave you a heads up about KB! There should be alot at your store too, as I heard about the lots of stock around of the country. One store was reported to have a TWILIGHT FRODO! :-) If you collect LOTR even a little bit you should know what that means.. :-) Hope you find your Prologue Elf! - Jake
from evenstar101 :
Thank you for letting me know about the autographed CD! That was really sweet. I am now campainging to my dad to see if I can get it. *sigh* By the time he says "yes" they will probably all be gone. *sigh, again* He often says of these things..."By the time you pay shipping it will be way more than if you just bought it at the store here." And I say, "But it's SIGNED!" Wish me luck and just know that you ROCK!! :-) *Em*
from evenstar101 :
I heard the song on a local Christian station. I'm really blessed to live where I live because there are 2 Christian stations that come in on the dial. If you want to listen to a good station on the internet you might like to try which is a station in Orlando FL. And I totally agree with obsessions are getting expensive too! So many CDs to little $$$!! -Em_
from evenstar101 :
I'm so glad you like the Plus One Christmas CD too! That may not have been my "scheme" but if I can spread the joy, great! :-) Oh yeah, you never know when an evil orc is going to jump you! Keep that bow and arrow close at hand.... God Bless...--Em--
from pippinsgirl :
Thanks for the email, it really does help. It just gets so hard to keep up motivation, but I want to work on changing that. Over the end of the summer some great stuff happened at the youth camp I went to, and I want to keep up the fire that I had after that, and stay away from the things that had formerly kept me from having that energy (depression, mainly). Now that I know it's possible, it's so much better for my relationship with God, although I am having this lapse. Hopefully I can overcome it. Thanks for the concern, I'm glad I've got a sister in Christ on D-land. :)
from smeagol123 :
Hey! I just want to clearify, I did not DIE when I hear Josh Groban! I do like 1 or 2 of his songs....
from rinramiel :
The photo had the same effect on me, which is why I was forced to make a wallpaper with it ;)
from pippinsgirl :
Yeah, Dr. Beat is one terrible thing. : ) First Priority is a student-led program that usually meets once a week--a lot of schools are hooked up with it, about four or five that i know of around here. The meetings are organized kind of like FCA and other prayer groups, but it goes in a four-week cycle called "ACTS": (can't remember what "A" stands for, oops, but it's basically planning), Challenge, Testimony, and Seek Week (where we try to invite a whole lot of people and get pizza and speakers and stuff). That's probably more information than you wanted but it's just a hobbit of mine. [laughter] I really want to help out the leadership team this year and I think it will be a very productive experience--also a great source of accountability. Accountability...I bet that's what the "A" stood for...
from evenstar101 :
Just wanted to say hello! Your design is beautiful. I love the Lord of the Rings and I like 4Him too! God Bless... *Em*
from pippinsgirl :
hey, you saw the hitler movie too? it kind of had an aprubt ending, sort of depressing I think but it was pretty interesting. anyways, yeah. i found that ....interesting. can't think of another word at the moment heheh.
from elvenstar979 :
thnx :) john rocks, doesn't he? hehe
from rdesigns :
Thanks for linking :) Oh yes, there will most definately be more Orlando and Legolas designs, its an unwritten law you *hehe* I've had plenty of people IMing me like that :S
from pippinsgirl :
heya yo, thanks for dropping a line! the handsome young seaman is none other than--well, i guess it depends on which picture you're looking at, heheh. The one at the top and on all the little sidebar thingys is none other than Archie Kennedy, and the one at the bottom is none other than Horatio Hornblower. They come from these slightly old movies on A&E based on the Horatio Hornblower books by C.s. Forester (which are okay but not as good as the movies since they don't have much Archie in them). Anyway yeah, enough said! I put up some other songs that I wrote on my site at I think they're all new, if you want to check that out. Rock on, P.G.

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