messages to evasively:
(click here to add new message):

from sunshine---- :
it is one of the saddest things i've ever heard, my little brother knew him and i called to check on him today, he seemed okay but it's really tragic. bah, i don't even know. ily.
from anjo-caido :
dont get what?
from sunshine---- :
you're cute, i love you.
from raven72d :
I love O'Connor's stories.
from anjo-caido :
don't go crazy! it's only my birthday! I've got at least 40 left!
from arizonastars :
i miss you SO much. i cannot wait to see you! i love you SOOOOOSOOOOSOOOO much.
from raven72d :
Excellent. Doing well so far this autumn. Small trip to NYC in two weeeks.
from raven72d :
How have you been?
from sunshine---- :
Thank you hon, I was just in one of those moods... I feel better now, I ate some pudding today and it was delicious. Plus my Psych class is fun. I love and cannot WAIT to see you!!!!!
from anjo-caido :
you could do freelance work with me! We could co-write a book together!
from sunshine---- :
Hahaha, as you should. I love you.
from arizonastars :
i was thinking i should BE in your wedding when you have one! =] flower girl here i come.
from sunshine---- :
I will be there!! =D
from arizonastars :
don't be embarrassed, we're all friends here! ahaha.
from sunshine---- :
? Last entry? What?
from sunshine---- :
Hahaha, I never want to talk about anything anymore, but you are not out of my loop because technically there is no loop. I am sorry your are tired of all the food but happy for you and your pickle. I miss and love you, turkeyhead.
from theways :
hope you get better soon girl! i'll be sending good thoughts your way :)
from delicatehand :
sounds like you have malaria
from sunshine---- :
Awwwh, poor girl. I hope you feel better, honey. I love you!
from sunshine---- :
Hmmmm well I'm not exploring my sexuality, I still like boys... soooooooooooooooooo Idk. =D
from halfway-out :
hang in there.
from delicatehand :
what color are you dying your hair
from supertuesday :
from anjo-caido :
exactly. I thought he was supposed to leave last month anyway? Who knows. I'll tell you about it though.
from supertuesday :
thank you for that. i love you very much, tia. i want to see you as much as possible these next two weeks! i've missed you! =]
from thisistia :
It did make me happy to see that someone updated. I love you Tia! And I miss you, very much. I will be glad to see you on Wednesday and Friday.
from theways :
scrubs is awesomeness
from thisistia :
Yes ma'am, you do. I love you too. =] So much.
from theways :
"it's already the last day of June?!"....hell, i know.
from anjo-caido :
beat him with a stick. or a baseball bat. whichever is closer.
from theways :
if you get a new diary, be sure to tell me :) oh.. and dead cab are so great. i went to see them 2 weeks ago, and it was outside and there was this breeze and it looked like it would rain all day long, but it didn't... it was great.
from theways :
ahhh i want to go to the zoo toooo!
from theways :
thanks :) yep. she was. she had a sweet soul.
from arizonastars :
i believe in you! =]
from raven72d :
Red hair is hot...
from neeeeek :
Mjam, a red head still lacks in my collection : - )
from neeeeek :
Ah, doesn't matter. Your daughter gonna colour her hair red certainly. *lal�lal�* here comes the fire squad. That's so adorable! Men go for it
from theways :
oh.. and BIG YEYY to the end of school!! :) (i've been off school for a year - but i remember the feeling, so very yey.)
from theways :
"i'm practicing being optimistic." lol..... i get you.
from theways :
oh, and on the red hair thing. i died my hair red 2 years ago. i totaly love it (still). so i say do it.(people WILL treat you different. i thought it was amusing, really.)
from theways :
i'm not doing so bad.. today is looking to be a good one. thanks a lot for asking, it got me smiling :) how are you?
from neeeeek :
I love red hair
from neeeeek :
Red hair might tune in with your tan : - )
from halfway-out :
wow, I hope diaryland notes from random people don't weird you out, but I really like reading your stuff!
from raven72d :
What have you been writing?
from raven72d :
ALfredo sauce without cheese... I love fettucine, hate cheese.
from anjo-caido :
what's happened?
from arizonastars :
her name was lola, and she was a show girl. =] love you!
from thisistia :
I really don't know, Tia. You should. You are beautiful and funny and smart... those are just a few of the great things about you. I wish you were more aware of them. I love you. <3
from arizonastars :
i'm so glad you're home! ! !
from anjo-caido :
Bees aren't supposed to be able to fly either, but they do anyway and they get by just fine.
from thisistia :
if i knew what you were talking about, i would support you. you know i am always here for you. if you need something, just ask. love ya.
from arizonastars :
i love you more, sweetums. i hope tomorrow is better for you. HEY WE GET GOOD FOOD AT LEAST, hopefully...
from thisistia :
haha, shut up!
from thisistia :
dude, diaryland is seriously so ugly now. *pukes* i thought i typed in the wrong addy whenever this popped up, so i retyped it... and disappointingly enough, the same old thing was there.
from supertuesday :
sweetpea, you can't be happy all the time. you haven't changed that much, you've just grown up a little and matured. it's happened to all of us. you're still the same ole' hyper, happy, crazy tia everyone loves. and i love you a whole whole whole lot!
from thisistia :
ha! tia! he almost got sat on. i hope that part was supposed to be funny because it made me laugh. sorry if it wasn't.
from junitown :
oh, i'm so glad, i was missing your writing. and, haha.. politics do suck :)
from supertuesday :
i love you, tia. more than most. you are amazing. look at how much you have accomplished, look at all the things you are good at. seriously lady, you are good person who is amazing at so many things. parents are dumb the majority of the time, it's our jobs as kids to learn to ignore them. =] i loveeeee you!
from thisistia :
i love you tia & i don't think you're ignorant. psh, we just want to be happy & have movie night, that's all!

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